Ref / If you need help with this form please contact the Dream Team on
or telephone 01872 324146 /
- It’s for all young people aged 13 – 19
- All applications must be young people but can have adult support if needed
- The money is for young people to do things that benefit them and others
- You should apply straightaway as the money won’t be around forever
Children, Schools and Families
Youth Opportunity Fund /Youth Capital Fund in Cornwall
What’s Your Dream?
Application Form*Please read our grant guidelines before completing this form*
Your details and how we can contact you
Name of your group:
Please state the title of your group’s project:
Your name (young person): / Date of Birth
Telephone: / Evening: / Mobile:
E-mail :
Your address:
Postal Code:
Where do most of the young people from your group live?
Are any of your group disabled or have special needs?
If yes, how many? / □YES______□NO
Are any of your group from a black or minority ethnic background? If yes, how many? / □YES______□NO
Is there an adult supporting you? If yes, please provide their contact details:
Do You Agree?
I/ we submit this application as a member of the group / as an individual and certify that the information I / we give is correct. By signing this application form, the group / I acknowledge that the guidelines have been read and agree to provide monitoring and financial information as requested (including receipts). The group give permission for Cornwall Council to keep and record the information in this form.
1st Young person’s signature 1______Print:______Date ______
2nd Young person’s signature 2______Print:______Date ______
Return your completed application form to:
The “Dream Team” ● Room 447, New County Hall ● Treyew Road ● TRURO ● TR1 3AY
Or if you’re emailing your application to the Dream Team
Tell us about your project
Briefly say what you like to do with the money:
(Please use separate sheet if necessary) /
Please explain what your group will be doing, how it’ll happen and who’ll be involved
How many young people (13 - 19) do you think will benefit directly from the project?
When will you spend the money? It must all be spent by 28th February 2010
Start:______When do you expect to spend it all by:______
Will the project benefit young people not in your group? If yes, how many?
Will it benefit anyone under 13 or over 19? If yes, how many?
What do you want to buy and how much will it cost?
Thing or activity / Cost £
You can attach extra information such as quotes or pictures if you want.
Total cost of the project:
How much money would you like from the fund?
All applications of all amounts will be considered depending on funds remaining
Have you applied and been successful through OMYD before? If yes, please state how much and when:
What other money do you already have for this project?
Where has it come from? / Amount (£)
This might be fundraising you’ve done, other grants you’ve had or money donated
Some other questions
Are you a new or existing group? Tell us about yourself:
How did you find out about Our Money Your Dream?
How many young people will be involved in running or managing the project and how will they do this?
How will your group judge the success of your project/activity?
What evidence do you have to prove that the project is needed?
What prevents you from accessing this type of project / activity currently?
When is the latest you need to have a decision by?
Is there anything else you would like to let the panel know?
Thank you for your application and good luck!