JBPE Submission Template & Authors' Instructions

JBPE Submission Template & Authors' Instructions

Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering 1:1 (2007) 1-3

ISSN: 1793-4532

All Rights Reserved


The paper title should be in 16-point boldface Times New Roman font and no more than 120 characters

A.B. Author1, C.D. Author2, in 11-point Times New Roman font2

1School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2Affliations of authors in Times New Roman, 11-point font, italic

Corresponding Author: A.B. Author; Mailing Address: Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798; Tel: +65- 1256 1852; Fax: +65-8523 1654; Email:


The abstract should state in a single paragraph the background to the work, methods used, principal numerical results and main conclusions of the article in not more than 200 words. It should be in Times New Roman, 10-point font.

Keywords: no more than five keywords

Received 12 January 2007; revised and accepted 3 February 2007


© 2007 Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering Cluster, Nanyang Technological University 1

Running Title



This document is the template for manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication to the Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to the established specifications. Failure to follow them may result in your paper being delayed. Authors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission, and to check the manuscript for compliance with these notes before submitting it for publication.

The margins set for this Microsoft WORD file are: Page setup-0.9˝; Orientation-Portrait; Paper size-A4, width-8.27˝, Height-11.69˝. Margins for the column are as follows: 2 columns; width-3.13˝, spacing-0.2˝, equal column width. Do not change the margin settings, font sizes or line spacing. Use italics for emphasis; do not underline. The start and end of each page should be in line. Section titles should be typed in capital letters, bold, Times New Roman 11-point font.

The introduction section will provide the background and motivations involved in the work submitted.

The Reference list at the end of the manuscript should be in numerical order as they appear in the manuscript. Please quote only the respective reference number in square brackets, e.g. [1], [1, 3], [9-11], etc.



Sub-section titles in italics, Times New Roman 10-point font. Note that there is a tab space after the section as well as sub-section titles.

Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are recommended to seek the advice of a native English speaker before submitting. Manuscripts need to be concise and presented in a clear and logical format.

2.2Main text

The main text should typically consist of an Introduction; Material and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; and Acknowledgements (if applicable). All non-standard abbreviations should be written in full when they first appear in the manuscript. Thereafter, only these abbreviations are to be used.


The length of equations appearing in the main text should not exceed the width of the column when 10-point New Times Roman font size is used. Longer equations must be broken up to fit the width of the column.


Each table must have a caption that makes the data in the table self-explanatory without reference to the text. Table titles should be placed above the tables. New Times Roman 10-point font must be used within the tables. No horizontal and vertical lines separating the data should be used. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. SI units are strongly encouraged.

Table 1: The heading for the table
Sample / Volume (ml) / Temperature
(0C) / Time
(s) / Mass
A / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003
B / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003
C / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003
D / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003
E / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003
F / 10 / 25 / 3 / 0.003


All figures should have a suitable caption at the bottom of each figure. Digital figures provided should be scanned in 600dpi resolution. Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Figures and tables should be submitted in black and white format with high contrast and sharpness. Large figures and tables may span both columns. Do not put borders around the outside of the figure.

Figure 1: Mass loss as a function of time.


Authors are requested to submit their manuscript in electronic form as an email attached file, preferably as a single Microsoft WORD document to the editorial. Each submission has a file size limit of 10Mbytes. Do take note that the journal makes no page charges.

When the manuscript is first received, it is given a reference number. This number will subsequently be used on all future correspondences for that submission. Enquiries about the status of the submission can be made via email. In this case, please quote the reference number and the name of the first author.


Designate one author as the corresponding author. The complete contact information of this author including the telephone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses should be provided. This is the author to whom proofs of the accepted paper will be sent. Proofs are sent to the corresponding author only.


A copyright form will be provided to the corresponding author prior to the publication of an accepted paper. It is the author’s responsibility to have taken the necessary actions to obtain permission for using any materials that may be protected by copyright. The submitting author is responsible for obtaining the agreement of all coauthors and sponsors before making a submission. A manuscript accepted for publication in the journal implies the transfer of copyright to the Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering or its successor.


The Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering publishes reviews, research articles, communication notes, and letters to the editor. A manuscript submitted to this journal is with an understanding that no similar version has not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. A violation of this condition is considered fraud, and will be addressed by appropriate sanctions. In particular, two manuscripts are considered similar if they are of same hypothesis, objectives, using the same methods or essentially similar data.

It is mandatory that contributors must conform to standards of responsible authorship at least in the following ways: (I) all the authors must accept responsibility and read for the entire content of submitted manuscript, (II) authorship is restricted to those who have made significant contributions to the work as described in the manuscript. “Honorary” authorship is strongly discouraged. The cover letter with each submission shows how each author has contributed significantly, and (III) the authors must describe safeguards to meet standards of ethical conduct of research (e.g., approval of research protocols by institutional committees). Where applicable, authors must confirm in writing that they have complied with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki regarding ethical conduct of research involving human subjects and/or animals.

In this journal, reviews will be restricted to ten printed pages, research articles will be restricted to eight printed pages, communication notes will be restricted to five printed pages, and letters to the editor will be restricted to two printed pages. Each full page of printed text corresponds to approximately 900 words. Please allow sufficient space for tables and illustrations within the page limit. The text of the manuscript must be carefully checked for grammatical and typing errors to avoid correction in the proof. All tables and calculations should also be carefully checked. However, it is up to the decision of editor in publishing articles above the allowed page limit.


For every submission that falls within the scope of the journal, two independent experts in the field of the submission will be selected to act as reviewers. This journal adopts a single-blind peer review process where the identity of the reviewers will remain anonymous. The appropriate editor will assess the recommendation report from both reviewers as to whether the article should be accepted, revised or rejected. The report will be based on the content of the submission, its quality and presentation. If the reviewers give conflicting advice, the editor will act as an adjudicator. The decision made by the editor will be final. On acceptance for publication, papers may be subject to editorial amendment. It is worth noting that undecipherable English is a valid reason for rejection.


Any acknowledgement should be placed here. The names of all funding organizations should also be spelled out in full.


Standard abbreviations of the journal names are to be used. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the clarity and correctness of the references cited. All references should be listed numerically as follows:

For journals

[1] Zhang YS, Zale S and Bernstein H. Effects of metal salts on poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolide) polymer hydrolysis. J Biomed Mater Res 1997; 34: 531-538

For Books:

[2] Zhou QF and Wang XJ. "Liquid Crystalline Polymers", 1st Edition, Science Press, Beijing, 1994, pg 88-90

For Patents:

[3] Furukawa J, Kobayashi EE and Takahire K, 1974, US Patent 3,817,968


© 2007 Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering Cluster, Nanyang Technological University 1