PDS Meeting
October 5, 2016
Dr. George Brown
- Updates:
- Reading Intervention Committee
- A survey was filled out that showed elementary schools varied in reading intervention.
- The committee is made up of K-12 teachers, administrators, and Dr. Welsch.
- A universal screen is now being used: Dibels
- 4-9 Reading Comprehension screener: what used to be the Scholastic Reading Inventory
- Secondary: quick phonics screener
- They are looking to create protocols for all assessments, so it is uniform across all schools.
- Next move: Finding 3-4 research based comprehension strategies to use from K-12
- SWIFT provides technical assistance
- Once we come up with our research based strategies, they will create the protocol.
- 62 teachers K-12 are trained to use Orton Gillingham. There is at least 1 in every school.
- Gradual release framework combined with UDL
- This will be talked about at the October 18th Professional Development
- Lesson Study Module
- Secondary Social Studies and Science teachers
- The first 2 cohorts finished 1st cycle
- 1A: Planned the lessons
- 1B: One teacher facilitated the lesson and the others observed
- Met after the lesson to have a debriefing
- They will repeat two more times.
- Books:
- Critical Vocabulary
- Better Learning- Fisher & Frey
- Focused instructional writing for content and language purposes
- Writing is for the students, not the teachers.
- 10 Skills for Successful School Leaders being used by Assistant Principals
- Goal: To create consistency K-12
- Elementary “I Can” statements- carry through K-12
- Students need to know what the purpose is. During walk through students will be asked what they are learning
- Dr. Brown wrote a rationale for GRUDL and why we are doing what we are doing
- New teachers looked at this.
- They took a K standard and two Common Core standards that show collaboration and found the content and language purpose.
Roles of Site Coordinators
- University supervisors will now also be liaisons. We did away with the liaison positions to provide more money for mentor training.
- Site Coordinator roles:
- Point person for the principal: The contact person
- Welcoming the interns into the building and being the go-to if they are struggling or need help
- Introduce the interns to the staff
- Sit them down and give them information on school policies and things they need to know
- Google drive: You may need to ask Intern Is for artifacts you need and maybe Intern IIs
- Recruit good mentors. They need to be tenured
- We need social studies mentors for secondary
- If there are any problems collecting/storing artifacts or if you need a google drive account- contact Mr. Eirich
Last June we held mentor training.
- Due to accreditation
- 70 teachers came
- Recommendations/Feedback:
- Break-out sessions were very good
- People in charge of sessions did very good
- Topics:
- Portfolio
- This coming spring: invite teachers who did not participate last time
- Forms were changed and new forms were used last spring
- Students should have forms in their handbooks and mentors should have a purple handbook and a link to Taskstream (forms are in the mentor section)
- Elementary:
- New this fall: mentors are no longer evaluating content mastery
- There is now an addendum for every level
- Early Childhood: Pre-K or K
- Elementary: 1-5
- Middle Grades: 6-8
- Addendum will be done based on the grade they are in during each internship
- Students and mentors will now fill out Performance Rating, Dispositions, and Addendum
- Secondary:
- Intern I is now 30 days
- Intern II is now 70 days
- No longer assessing content knowledge midway. This will only be done at the end.
Preparation of Interns
- Induction Days
- Students should be helping with things
- They were told they should not be sitting in the back of the classroom. They should be hands-on.
- Feedback:
- Interns thankful to experience the induction days
- Positive experiences with interns
- Induction days may change next year if schools start after Labor Day
- May be changed or shortened
PDS Entrance Interviews
- Restructuring
- For P-9 students after their 3-week assistantship
- Create a basic portfolio
- Meet with a team to answer questions using their portfolio
- Proposal for Restructuring
- Students are still creating a portfolio and answering questions
- It will be during the day on Friday, December 9th from 9 AM to 12 PM
- This will take place in the block rooms and classrooms
- Teams will be made of 1 faculty member and 1 site coordinator
- It will be the same question format, but questions are being revised
- Will arrange for vouchers for lunch
- Emails will be send at the beginning of November for volunteers
- Portfolio night will be the same
- Site coordinators will be asked to participate in portfolio night
Secondary Entrance Interview
- This will take place in October
- 2 faculty members will evaluate students
- Half hour time slots
- Transcript analysis
- Grades and content knowledge will be looked at
- Immediate feedback so students can create their schedules for the next semester
- Looking to add school teachers to the teams in the future