May 15, 2018
Day 3
Jazz Ensemble will meet today after school until 3:30.
Yearbook club will meet today in room 120.
Reminder that the Agenda Book Cover Contest deadline is Monday, May 21st. All entries should follow the guidelines and be given to Mrs. Anderson in room 140.
The high school is selling athletic slides in white, black and royal blue with the Warren Hills logo on the top. A picture will be posted on the high school website. Cost is $30. The form and money should be sent to Mrs. Weisenstein at the high school no later than May 16 for delivery the first week of June.
Tickets for the 8th Grade Farewell can be ordered until May 21st. The theme is A Farewell Masquerade. The event will be held Friday, June 1st. Forms are available in homerooms. You must return your ticket form, money and permission slip to your homeroom teacher by May 21st. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Silvis BEFORE that date.
There will be a short meeting for any 8th grade student interested in joining the high schoolvolleyball team on Thursday, May 17th in the cafeteria at 2:10.
Any 8th Grade student interested in playing freshman football, there will be a sign-up session today May 15th at 2:30 in the cafeteria. All interested should attend.
There will be a shortmeeting for any 8th grade student interested in joining the high school bowling team today May 15th in room 118 at 2:10.
All eighth grade students are invited to participate in the promotion ceremony speech competition. One speech will be selected for presentation at this year’s promotion ceremony on June 13th. Information forms can be picked up at the main office or by contacting Mr. Perruso. All speeches are due by Wednesday, May 23rd.
And Remember… Let’s just be nice to each other today!