Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are unique set up in the spectrum of the school education in India. It is a leading co-education and residential institutes spread over 591 districts across the country to provide a progressive and forward looking school system in the rural areas
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Patna Region is divided into 8 clusters. Howrah is under Burdwan Cluster of Patna Region.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya started functioning in Howrah District of West Bengal from November 2006. It initially started with class – VI total having 26 students from the district and with energetic 06 staff under the able guidance of Smt. Bijaya Naik as Principal. The school started functioning in the temporary site at Ananda Niketan of Bagnan. The first and second batch of the school were shifted to JNV, Nadia and North 24 Parganas after completion of class-X due to lack of infra-structure. The third batch students got the opportunity to complete their schooling upto class-XII from Howrah. On 2nd December 2012 JNV, Howrah was shifted from Ananda Niketan Bagnan to Gangadharpur, B.Ed. College’s premises at a temporary site till date. On 1st June 2015 Smt. Mausumi Nag, Principal took over the charge on transfer from JNV, North 24 Parganas. This new place is an educational hub providing various kinds of professional and vocational courses. This temporary site in situated near by the scheduled permanent site of 10.01 acers (approx.). At present school is having classes upto Xth. From July 2015 class-XI & XII have been shifted to nearby districts’ JNVs due to lack of infra-structure. The total strength of students for academic session 2016-17 is 147 and strength of staff is 19 including teaching & non-teaching.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are unique educational institutions in India, imparting quality education to students mainly from rural background. This system, unlike others, aims at producing future citizens, with a sound moral character and updated knowledge for the service of the society in a global learning environment. Almost all the states of India is having Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas running to a national total of 544. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are financed by the Central Government under Human Resources Development (HRD) Department of Education directly and function under Navodaya Vidhlaya Simiti with its head Quarter at New Delhi,There are nine regional office.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Howrah is situated at Gangadharpur B.Ed. College by the side of N. H. -6 from Dhulagarh 05 Kms and railway Station side from Sankarail Station about 08 Kms at a distance of 20 Kms from the Distt. HQ. The location is conveniently connected to road & railways.The Surrounding of Gangadharpur B.Ed. College is full of beautiful nurseries which not only cater to Kolkata but also many parts of the country. At present the Vidyalaya is running at the Permanent site inside Gangadharpur, B.Ed. College. The Hon’ble District Magistrate has allotted 11acres of land near Sankrail Rly Station for permanent site which is only 20kms away from Howrah Rly Station.
Introduction of Samiti:-
Navodaya Vidyalaya Simiti is an autonomous organization which has been set up to establish and manage co-educational, residential School covering VI to XII known as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas with the following aims.
To provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family’s socio-economic condition.
To ensure that all students of JNV’s attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the three language formulae.
To serve, in each District, as focal point for improvements in quality of school education in general through sharing experience andfacilities.
The National policy on education 1986 envisaged establishment of Navodaya Vidyalaya in each district of the country. The first two schools were started in 1985-86 on experimental basis One at Amaravati (Maharastra) and other at Jhajjar (Hariyana) . The numbers of schools have now grown to 551 spread over 34 union states and Union territories (except Tamilnadu). Navodaya Vidyalayas are fully residential and co-educational schools covering class VI to XII. Education in these Vidyalayas are free for all enrolled students including Lodging, Boarding, Textbooks, uniforms etc. The Vidyalayas seek to promote and develop talented, bright and gifted children predominantly from rural areas who may otherwise be denied of good educational opportunities.
These Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) function under the ministry of HRD Dept.of Education Govt. of India and affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary
Education (CBSE). Admission to Vidyalayas is done at the class VI level through an open test conducted at District level by the CBSE. About 80 students are admitted in each JNV which ensure all-round development of the personality of children by providing good academic guidance apart from input in other non-scholastic areas by providing good facilities for sports, NCC, Scouts & Guides adventure activities, Computer education etc.
One of the salient features of the Navodaya Vidyalayas is migration under which 30% of children studying in class IX from Navodaya Vidyalaya in a Hindi belt gets shifted for studies in a JNV of Non-Hindi area and vice-versa and thus helps to promote National integration.