January General PTC Meeting 1/10/18
Opening Prayer read at 7:10pm
Mission Statement Read
Roll Call- All Board members present: Michelle Bloom, Vicki Treglowne, Steve Carpenter, Tammy Carpenter, Sarah Ackerman, and Charlotte Wilson. Rachel Damuth, Principal present too.
Treasurer Report presented by Steve Carpenter and it was approved.
Feather Party made approximately $1,100
Santa Shop grossed around $4,500 but after expenses made $2,200. Cookies and milk night had record sales of $1,000.
Catalog Fundraiser made roughly $2,000
Principal’s Report
Catholic School’s Week(CSW)
Annual PTC Pancake Breakfast to kick off the week on Sunday with all school mass to follow.
PTC’s student appreciation gift is Bricks 4 Kids which are like Lego’s. Some are motorized and will provide 2 days of activities for kids from J/K to 8th grade.
7th and 8th grades to go to nursing home for Christian service projects
Tuesday is our open house from 5-7pm.
Divine Child’s band and choir to come to school to perform for us.
Parable project assembly on Wednesday morning in the church.
Praise and worship sing a long in church on Thursday.
All classes will have seminarians to pray for during the week.
Academic Fair finishes off CSW from 1-3pm All are welcome.
Archdiocese wants to have strategic planning for every catholic school. We will need a team of 11 people to attend. Need 5 immediately, please see Rachel for information.
Mrs. Katrina Wagner is having a fine arts camp for 4 days this summer in June. Information to come home in VIP folders.
End of Principals report
*Nominations for new PTC board for next school year will go home in the VIP folders the second week of February. Please consider nominating yourself or if you know someone that would like to be on the board. Return forms to the office by February 28th.
Old Business
Feather party had a lower attendance this year. Need to have better planning and more advertisement for it.
Parent asked what’s fun about the feather party. Why would it be something for her family to attend. Was told it was family fun bingo that the kids love. Glow Bingo was suggested.
Santa Shop had record sales this year and a lot of stock was cleared out. Will need new inventory and will need white elephant donations. Any gifts you may not have liked that you got for Christmas, please consider donating for the white elephant tree.
Cookies and milk was good this year too. Crafts were good and Santa had record sales as well. Maybe less glitter?
Thank you to all the volunteers for the week of Santa Shop. We appreciate all your hard work and dedication.
Catalog Fundraiser did amazing for just one short week. Next year will start end of September.
New Business
Jr. High Dance on 1/19/18 ONLY 7th and 8th grade students allowed at dance. No high school kids nor alumni are allowed at dances.
CSW Pancake Breakfast 1/28/18
Fish Frys begin 2/23/18 please consider volunteering.
Dads please consider attending Men’s Club Meetings
Superbowl Party February 3rd.
Trivia Night is April 14th. Possibly including beer with price of table and appetizers for sale and bring your own liquor or wine.
Possible Dodgeball Games
Possible mom or parents night out.
Coin wars coming, still locating a restaurant for it and a theme for the wars.
Student Council to sell suckers for Valentine’s Day again.
Possible Facebook page to set up for families to get information on upcoming events at the school.
Next meeting is 3/7/18
Closing prayer read at 8:10pm.