

I have the exciting opportunity to join the Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus and their partner choruses on a mission trip to Ukraine in 2017. These choruses from Africa, Romania and Spain, will join with some 60 singers from Ukraine..

In order for this mission trip to be possible, each individual needs to raise $2,700.00. This is where I need your help. As you are able, please complete the Pledge of Support form. I know that the Lord will guide you in your decision.

Along with your financial support, your prayers will go a long way. Things to pray for:

1.  The people will hear God’s saving love in our music.

2.  We will be safe and in good health.

3.  God’s will be done and His kingdom expanded.

One of OAMC’s missions and prayers is to include our Academy youth in this ministry. Donations above my personal goal will help make this trip possible for them as well as to support Ukrainian singers in a very difficult time. If you would like more information about OAMC or the mission trip, please call me at ______or email with your question.

Thank you very much for considering my request for continued prayers and financial support. When we return from Ukraine, we will share with you how God blessed our Mission and your participation.

Gratefully yours,

Thank you for partnering and supporting the ministry ofthe Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus

Please fill in and mail to the address below

Pledge of Support

Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus

Mission to Ukraine

q I will pray for Mission to Ukraine

q I will talk to friends and relatives about this mission

q I would like to receive information about OAMC future Missions

q I would like to receive OAMC newsletters

q I would like to become a partner with OAMC in its Missions and Ministries by my financial gifts, my prayers, talking about it and attending its concerts when possible or in any way I can.

q I am requesting OAMC to pray for me.