January 8, 2015 Vendor Meeting

All staff-related records require a Staff Snapshot record to be provided. Staff-related templates include: Staff Assignment, Staff Evaluation Rating, Staff Student Course, and Staff Tenure.

Although the new fields in Staff Snapshot for 2014-15 are not yet required, if a value is supplied, the edits will be applied. The fields will be required with the April release of Level 0.

Race and Ethnicity fields in Staff Snapshot (fields 21, 69, 78, 79, 80, and 81) for 2014-15, LEAs will need the capability to provide this data, but it should not be required in order to generate a record. If at least one race or ethnicity is supplied, both must be provided.

Staff Snapshot and Staff Tenure records are not purged and reloaded, like other templates. To delete a Staff Snapshot or Staff Tenure record, the record must be re-sent with a “D” in the appropriate field. For Staff Snapshot, this is field #41 (ACTIVE/INACTIVE INDICATOR). For Staff Tenure, this is field #6 (TENURE STATUS CODE).

Staff Assignment codes are divided into two categories: those used for PMF/APPR and those used for the Engage NY Portal (ENYP) access.

Staff Tenure – a new Tenure Status Code has been added. “D” was added to allow Staff Tenure records that were erroneously added to be deleted. Erroneous records include records for staff that would never be subject to tenure and those for whom the tenure area is incorrect. Staff Tenure records should be sent for all tenured or tenure-eligible probationary staff employed by the LEA. Because Staff Tenure records are not physically deleted, once a complete set of records has been provided, future updates can include just the records that have changed or a complete new file.

Staff Tenure – beginning in 2015-16, teacher tenure can be reported by tenure area. This will allow for more than one teacher tenure area record to be loaded for an individual staff member. See the list of codes for tenure areas available pursuant to Commissioners Regulations.

See the add/delete document for new for 2014-15

-country of origin code

-course codes

-program services codes - Higher Ed

See the add/delete document for new for 2015-16

-course codes

-measure codes

-tenure area codes

Also coming in 2015-16:

-Teacher Attendance