January 11, 2011 – Minutes of the Board of Friends of the Paul Sawyier Library

Members present: Ev Claffy, Donna Gibson, Stacy Klink, Mary Lynn Collins, Janet Meyer, Cloyd Stratton, Carol Baughman, Donna Jones, Judy Stratton, Cindy Shemwell, Ann Howard, Christina Evans, Arba Kenner, Russ Wright and Reba Pierce.

The meeting was called to order by President Russ Wright. The minutes were approved with a few minor corrections.

Treasurer Christina Evans reported today’s balances: checking: 36,443.43, savings: 44,170.12 with a total of 80,613.55. Cloyd Stratton also gave a report of the bookstore finances for the year, including 45,368.08, which represents book sales only; 2523.58 in Internet sales and a grand total, including special gifts, book sales, etc. of 54,034.55. The Book Babies Project still has a balance of 1611.80, which will remain in the checking account.

Reports of Standing Committees

Bookstore: The bookstore is now having a media sale with all items reduced 30%, or 40% for Friends members. Securing the donation bin is still a work in progress. Everything is paid for except the light, which is expected to cost approximately $400.

Project Proposal Committee: The committee, consisting of members Ev Claffy, Mimi Gosney, Stacy Klink, Cloyd Stratton and Russ Wright (Ex-Officio) selected Cloyd Stratton as Chair. Their next meeting was set for March 1, with the time to be determined.

Library News: Donna referred the group to the online newsletter for a listing of library activities. There are also hard copies available in the library. There is a full schedule of children’s activities for children of all ages. There is a new film discussion group, with the first selection being Grapes of Wrath. The e-books collection as well as the downloadable equipment has expanded. Computer classes continue on a rotating schedule. Donna and her staff continue to work on the authors’ visit . The Friends group will once again fund the summer reading program, although the expenditure should go through the Project Proposal Committee.

Friends Flyer Committee: The committee consisting of Mary Lynn Collins, Janet Meyer and Cloyd Stratton have been working on a flyer for the Friends group to place in public places or to take to events outside the library . Printing prices from Design Print Café ranged from 250 flyers for $102 to 2500 copies at $238. Work will continue on this project.

Friends Facebook Page: Gina Hagan has agreed to develop a Facebook page for Friends. It is reportedly up and running. Discussion continued on content, monitoring, etc.. The group was encouraged to email their suggestions to Gina.

Winter Book Sale: Feb. 9, 10 &11. Hope Hagar has agreed to head up the next book sale, but she won’t be doing it any longer. Discussion centered around the possibility of a book sale committee. Others felt there needed to one person designated to lead the effort. All seemed to agree the sorting is the most onerous task. Ultimately Carol Baughman agreed to meet with Lynn Russell and her friend Keith who have been involved in sorting and determine how it’s done. Staci Klink also volunteered to meet with Hope to learn how to do sorting.

KY Library Day: Mary Lynn Collins asked everyone come to the event in the Capitol Rotunda from noon to 1pm February 9. The Advocacy Committee will be in Room 113 of the Capitol Annex. All are encouraged to wear yellow.

A brief discussion was held about the Frankfort Climate Action Network’s initiative Lighten Up! Frankfort and whether a group could be formed from the Friends Board. More discussion is planned at the next Friends meeting.

The next meeting was set for February 14, 5pm.