Regular Meeting
December 5, 2017
The regular meeting of the Macon County Board of Commissioners was held on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. with Commission Chairman George, Vice-chairman Melvin, Commissioner Davis, Commissioner Felton, Commissioner Haugabook, County Attorney Coogle, County Manager McDuffie and Deputy County Manager Starling in attendance.
Chairman George called the meeting to order and gave the opening prayer.
Commissioner Felton made the motion to add Executive Session for Legal Matters to the agenda as Item 9, seconded by Commissioner Haugabook and carried unanimously.
Vice-chairman Melvin made the motion to approve the minutes of the November 16th meeting as presented, seconded by Commissioner Davis and carried unanimously.
County Manager McDuffie presented information for clarification on the rezoning request of the Ansley property and stated she was trying to reconcile all zoning classifications with River Valley Regional Commission. Commissioner Haugabook requested the County Manager contact the Tax Assessors about putting the zoning classifications on the assessments notice that are sent out each year. County Manager McDuffie stated she would write a letter to the Tax Assessors requesting this information be included on the assessment notices.
Commissioner Haugabook made the motion to increase the Grand Jury and Traverse Jury pay from $15 per day to $20 per day as requested by the Grand Jury, seconded by Commissioner Felton and carried unanimously.
County Manager McDuffie presented an Employee Pay increase proposal for the Board’s consideration. County Manager McDuffie stated several factors were considered when establishing the increases such as steps, retention and job classifications. The total annual cost of the pay increase would be $177,153.76 annually.
The plan proposed a December 1stor January 1st implementation date. Commissioner Haugabook asked if funds were in the budget. County Manager McDuffie stated the fund balance in this year’s audit was increased by $132,000 so the funds could be appropriated from fund balance. Chairman George stated the proposal did not reflect what step each employee was currently on and that was a significant part of the pay increase consideration. County Manager McDuffie stated the scale presented was prepared four years ago so some of the adjustments were to bring the employees up to the current pay level had the scale been implemented when originally prepared. Commissioner Davis asked about the EMA Director and the County Extension Office. He inquired about the agreement with the University of Georgia. Commissioner Haugabook stated the Board needs a little more time to review the information before making a decision.
County Manager McDuffie stated she did not have a lot of information about non-transport EMS charges. She stated Marion County does not charge and Webster County only charges when out of county. County Manager McDuffie stated she would draft a Resolution with effective date, rate, etc. for the Board consideration at the next meeting.
Commissioner Davis made the motion to adopt the Resolution to move into executive session for legal matters, seconded by Commissioner Haugabook and carried unanimously.