Thursday, June 21, 2007 11:08 AM


"James Dean" <>View contact details


"Treee Tonia" <>

#yiv1469241960 P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv1469241960 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} Here is the message that I sent to your phone. It got truncated because I am answering all of your messages from the phone. There were 20 of them. Today I see another 20, and I will respond to those 20 here to this address. I find that it is better for me to respond to these via a single big email than several shorter messages.
My sweetheart Treee, I am going to answer your many messages all in this one. I hope you will withhold your emotions until you read it completely.
When I wrote what I wrote I was upset. I was upset because we had an agreement. A specific agreement. I believe in an agreement between two peoples are sacred and unbending. Maybe I am too unbending in this belief in my 'word'. I expected you to hold to your 'word'. You and I agreed that you would no longer question my existence. When you did, it was like you had sucked all the air out of my body, and I reacted. Maybe I reacted poorly, but it was a reaction based upon losing what I thought was a true loving and special girl and everything just poured out of me. This was not my way of saying goodbye, but it was my way of reacting. I did say I was not going to read anymore until I had a rest period because I am being drawn in so many directions, that I have little time to sleep. I have had that time, and I have read all of your emails since that one. If I had read the rest, from that day, I would have noted that it was a fleeting moment you had in your mind.
I believe most of your question came from the subject of Jean. I had said something to the effect that I would check as to if Jean was sang arian. I said such as thing because you had questioned if he was sang arian. Your comment made me wonder if he was full blooded, or not. NOT if he was human or not. You went on to state that I should know if he was as he was a high member of MY order. I never said he was a high member. In fact, the only one who says he is, is Jean himself. I keep saying he is mostly (not completely) an impostor. I keep saying that his is up to something subversive, but that I really do not know what. I suspect it is just a way for him to make money, but I could be wrong. He could be trying to overthrown the status quo.
Then there is the comment I used the word "Garbage". I was referring to your 'contract' with me. Your 'word'. Not you. I would never consider you any less than a wonderful human bean and a beautiful person.
At that point in time I was hurt, and maybe more than I should have been. I felt I had worked hard at not using any 4 letter words, and not doing that much to satisfy my own personal desires.
That was very hard on me. You have no idea. AND I never meant any of those 4 letter words like you were taking them I meant them in a very loving way. I can imagine that you have never had people use them with you in such a way, but that honestly and truly were such.
Emotions between human and sang arian are quite strong. Just remember this, that love to teach. The opposite of LOVE is not HATE. The opposite of love is indifference. And I neither hate nor am indiffernet to you. So, you know what that leaves.
You mention that you want to see me. Want me to come to you or vice versa. If you think the Queen is a busy women, then you have not seen my schedule. It is literally a 23 hour a day schedule of being pulled in multiple directions and doing multiple tasks at one time. To even have a president's schedule would seem like a vacation to me. Just know this. We will be together. I just cannot manage it as soon as you would like and that hurts you. I know this. It also hurts me to hurt you. I know that you said that I was playing games. I am serious about all I do. I have not time to play games. And when you constantly question my authority and my motives and if I exist, then I feel we go back to square one and with my schedule I have not the time.
You made a comment as to whether or not the Queen loves me. The answer to this is no. I know that, and she makes not beans about it. It is just a fact. She does not love me. Ours is a relationship of convenience.
You further did not seem to quite understand body jumping. To do so and do it right, it must be of the same sex as your own, and it must be of the same aura color as your own. So, there are very FEW black auras that I or Draken can Jump. The loss of Michael Rodgers would be a blow. As to Michael Rodgers' health, and for that matter the health of all humans. I do worry about such. This is why I questioned you as to if you could try healing him before hand. He takes credit in his tax practice. He takes trade outs. He knows he is not healthy. If you can offer to try to heal him. If you offered to trade out with him healing or anything else, I feel he would jump at the chance to trade out the work. This would be especially true as he has had contact from his Masonic bosses about your taxes. And I believe if he could do the work during non-normal business hours, he could justify it. You could then also decide if he really is healthy enough to accept Draken.
Finally, do you still really want the Hypnosis? If Michael Rodgers is healthy healthy enough, and if you feel that it would also be a healing thing for him. And if you feel you can get away from Larry from 11am on Friday the 29 (your time), until 11am Saturday the 30th. And if you were to meet the car on the street outside of your complex. At this time you will bring NOTHING but the close on your back and your purse. Not even an overnight bag. Not even a pillow. Nothing. Then Draken is willing to go through with this. Draken still loves you too. You have already promised that you trust him and you would obey him completely on anything Draken says during that 24 hours. This request is be cause it will take most all of the 24 hours in an exact order to do this and to do this right. There can be no 'getting sick' or if you legitimately get sick, you must insist that you continue with the program. I will promise that you will not have any mind control manipulations which you will not know about. In fact, I will promise that if there is anything of any part of the session you do not remember, you will be told about it by me. I will further promise that I will be there most of the time via astroprojection. I will also promise to have a special very strong majik spell that will be the first thing performed to make sure that all works well.
So, please forgive my burst of anger. And, thank you for letting me watch you and your fantasy in the next to the last message. You know to hear you say these kinky things does make me hot, and I cannot wait to do these things to and with you. As to Jean, yes, fucking him in the ass is what he needs and deserves. I do also get, through astro-projection, the ability to experience the heat and emotion of sex, if not the true feel. So, if you think I have not fucked you, you are somewhat right, but I can 'feel emotionally' and even cum, just by being in the same room as you when you are experience such, getting fucked, sucking off or even playing with your pussy and eating your cum and blood.
My love to my sweetheart,

Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 01:02:51 -0700
Subject: pindar, the message you sent to my phone was trunicated so i didnt get to read the entire letter

pindar, the message you sent to my phone was trunicated so i didnt get to read the entire letter. can you send it to my email here so i can read the rest of it? I hope it isnt bad news, I dont want to split from you, when i get upset sometymes i gues i say things i shouldnt , and when i was insinuating goodbye , i was just mad, now that i have found found you, i would just die without you, you are my center and you are my world, you are the center and you are the world, I realize that you are very busy and it is tyme consuming having me in your life. I will try to keep it simple as i can, please resent the letter you sent to my cell here to

so i can read teh rest of it, i do love you and i knoe you arereal, i beleive in you, it is just hard to beleive in miracles


"James Dean" <>View contact details


"Treee Tonia" <>

#yiv1880940078 P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv1880940078 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} This is just a copy of my message today sent to your phone:

A thousand points of light. All capsules. Yes, this makes a little bit of sense to me and yes, there could be many who would like to lock me up, but I do not foresee this happening. I do appreciate your warning though.

What was the name from Los Angeles who you were writing for years and years and for whom you have invited? I did not hear the name.

Do not be afraid that I am dead. I will not die without letting you know first. Hehe. Just my type of joke.

I did send a copy of the message to your tree Tanya email address. So you can read the full text there without it being truncated.

This message answers all of the voice messages you have sent, and I will next get to sending an email regarding any other messages you sent to me.


My sweetheart Treee, I am going to answer your many messages all in this one. I hope you will withhold your emotions until you read it completely.
When I wrote what I wrote I was upset. I was upset because we had an agreement. A specific agreement. I believe in an agreement between two peoples are sacred and unbending. Maybe I am too unbending in this belief in my 'word'. I expected you to hold to your 'word'. You and I agreed that you would no longer question my existence. When you did, it was like you had sucked all the air out of my body, and I reacted. Maybe I reacted poorly, but it was a reaction based upon losing what I thought was a true loving and special girl and everything just poured out of me. This was not my way of saying goodbye, but it was my way of reacting. I did say I was not going to read anymore until I had a rest period because I am being drawn in so many directions, that I have little time to sleep. I have had that time, and I have read all of your emails since that one. If I had read the rest, from that day, I would have noted that it was a fleeting moment you had in your mind.
I believe most of your question came from the subject of Jean. I had said something to the effect that I would check as to if Jean was sang arian. I said such as thing because you had questioned if he was sang arian. Your comment made me wonder if he was full blooded, or not. NOT if he was human or not. You went on to state that I should know if he was as he was a high member of MY order. I never said he was a high member. In fact, the only one who says he is, is Jean himself. I keep saying he is mostly (not completely) an impostor. I keep saying that his is up to something subversive, but that I really do not know what. I suspect it is just a way for him to make money, but I could be wrong. He could be trying to overthrown the status quo.
Then ther <Message has been truncated> SMS Voice Messaging lets you record instant voice messages

Thursday, June 21, 2007 11:49 AM


"James Dean" <>View contact details


"Treee Tonia" <>

#yiv515409004 P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv515409004 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} I will get on yahoo messagen after I get done answering all of your messages to your yahoo address.

Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:47:45 -0700
Subject: i am waiting for you on yahoo messenger now if you are on
i am waiting for you on yahoo messenger now if you are on
James Dean <> wrote:

This is just a copy of my message today sent to your phone:

A thousand points of light. All capsules. Yes, this makes a little bit of sense to me and yes, there could be many who would like to lock me up, but I do not foresee this happening. I do appreciate your warning though.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

What was the name from Los Angeles who you were writing for years and years and for whom you have invited? I did not hear the name.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Do not be afraid that I am dead. I will not die without letting you know first. Hehe. Just my type of joke.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

I did send a copy of the message to your tree Tanya email address. So you can read the full text there without it being truncated.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

This message answers all of the voice messages you have sent, and I will next get to sending an email regarding any other messages you sent to me.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->Pindar


"James Dean" <>View contact details


"Treee Tonia" <>

#yiv139505043 P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv139505043 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} To answer your other many emails today from your yahoo account:

I am really not afraid that I am going to be killed or imprisoned. I do thank you for the warning though. When we are in our sang arian form we do still have our penis or vaginas. In your words, we are not hermaphrodites. We have male and female sang arians. Our females are a bit more subservient than our males are, but they still exist to please us.

Tell me more of this web of majik that you are ‘seeing’. This interests me. I know that there is majik in france when I am not there and here in the court when I am away. It would be foolish for me to think otherwise. But, I have not detected any which was against me. Almost anyone if trained can do majik. Do not think otherwise. Some can be taught to use it better than others, and of course there are none who can use it as well as I do. But, there is a hierarchy of majik, and who is even allowed to be taught the subject.

Jean is leading you down a wrong path from that message about the comic.

I can see your confusion here. The first part of this is from me, the second part is from Draken. This below may better explain what was being said. I did not sign my part.

You may be right about Jean not being sang arian. I will check into this. It would make a lot of sense as he seems to love the almighty dollar more than sang arians. Remember when he said that the alphabet for vampires did not contain an E. He was right there, but it does have the 'e' sound. I just wonder where he decided to use jEan as his name if he was so pure. LOL and no, everyone can use names which contain any letter from any alphabet they like. I just think Jean was being a bit odd by pointing that out.
Again, here you say we need to hypnotize you as the attack may be coming sooner than anyone would expect. If I agree, will you follow Draken's commands as if they were mine?
From Draken
Do you trust me, Draken, and are you sure that this would help heal Michael Rodgers?

Jean and his line claim linage from so many people I am both amused and confused as to who HE thinks HE is. He he

And finally, Baron Guy was a great and noble man. I will miss him.



In response to your messages today.

Friday, June 22, 2007 10:01 AM


"James Dean" <>View contact details


"Treee Tonia" <>

#yiv1430831457 P { margin:0px;padding:0px;} #yiv1430831457 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma;} Treee,
If you still do not trust me, as you said in one of your messages, and if you are that afraid of doing the hypnosis, then I would suggest you do not do it. The following is what I wrote to you in that long message. It tells of the conditions of doing this. If you have any problem with these conditions then again, I would suggest you not do it, and wait until you feel more comfortable. And finally, I told you that Elizabeth does not read my email unless I let her. In fact, she is not even interested in doing so, as she said a while back to you. Someday she will, but not at this time. Also, you told me that you were going to keep our secrets, and now I find you are going back upon such. What am I to believe? You not only are going back on your promise to keep my secrets, but you keep adding another person to who YOU feel are ok to learn the secrets.
With love,
My long message stated:
Finally, do you still really want the Hypnosis? If Michael Rodgers is healthy healthy enough, and if you feel that it would also be a healing thing for him. And if you feel you can get away from Larry from 11am on Friday the 29 (your time), until 11am Saturday the 30th. And if you were to meet the car on the street outside of your complex. At this time you will bring NOTHING but the close on your back and your purse. Not even an overnight bag. Not even a pillow. Nothing. Then Draken is willing to go through with this. Draken still loves you too. You have already promised that you trust him and you would obey him completely on anything Draken says during that 24 hours. This request is be cause it will take most all of the 24 hours in an exact order to do this and to do this right. There can be no 'getting sick' or if you legitimately get sick, you must insist that you continue with the program. I will promise that you will not have any mind control manipulations which you will not know about. In fact, I will promise that if there is anything of any part of the session you do not remember, you will be told about it by me. I will further promise that I will be there most of the time via astroprojection. I will also promise to have a special very strong majik spell that will be the first thing performed to make sure that all works well.