Welcome back after what we hope was a restful and enjoyable Christmas break. We had a wonderful and busy last term with all our children settling into their new environment and making lots of new friends. We would like to thank you for all your continued support with the learning and development of your child.
I would firstly like to take the time to celebrate the success of our school Nativity. The Nursery children did a fantastic job and I hope you all enjoyed seeing your children in the performance. Thank you for all your support with their costumes.

Paws and Claws

Our topic this half term is Paws and Claws. We will be sharing many exciting books about animals and will be working with our children to bring these stories to life through drama and dance. We will be using the computer to find out more about animals we are interested in and will be looking at lots of non-fiction books. We will be talking a lot about size and comparing ‘big’ and ‘small’ animals. As a class, we will continue to work on our independence in the classroom. We will also continue to plan around our children’s interests.

School trip to the Horniman Museum

This term we will be going on a school trip to the Horniman Museum to look at the animals they have on display. We would love your support with this trip. Further details will be following shortly.

Sound of the week

This half term we will be introducing the sound of the week at Nursery. We hope that this will help your child tune into sounds and begin to make links in sounds round them. Home learning will be sent home in order for you to support your children with their learning.

Daily Routine

The morning or afternoon routines start at 8:30 am / 12.30pm. The gate will close at 8.35 am / 12.35pm, at which point any later arrivals will have to report to the main school office. At the end of the day we will open the nursery gate at11.20 am / 3.20 pm. The gate will close at 11.30 am / 3.30 pm. Please ensure that you are on time to collect your child.

Uniform and spare clothes

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled to ensure that clothing does not get misplaced. We encourage all children to come to school with a spare set of clothes in case your child needs changing during the day. These can be kept on your child’s peg.

Reading Books

Reading books will continue to be changed on Thursday. Please do remember to bring in reading books and place them in the reading box located by the classroom door so that they can be changed.

WOW cards

We would love to hear about all the fantastic learning that is taking place at home! Please complete as many WOW cards as you would like and bring these into school so that we can celebrate your children’s successes. WOW cards are availble in our cloak room or please ask a member of the Nursery Team.

I am sure we will have many wonderful experiences and opportunities to learn and play as a class in the months ahead. We look forward to working together with you and I would encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Miss Lewis and Miss Rhoden