Cadet Guide
James Bowie High School
August 2012
Cadet Name: ______Flight: ______
MEMORANDUM FOR: All Bowie AFJROTC Cadets23 Aug 2011
FROM: Aerospace Science Instructors
SUBJECT: Welcome to TX-958
1. Congratulations! You have just made the first step in planning your future. You're off to a great start, and we're proud that you have joined the TX-958 Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. In the past, this unit obtained an Outstanding Unit rating (Top 25% of all AFJROTC units in the nation) under the leadership of an outstanding cadet staff. We have every confidence that this year’s cadet staff as well as all participating cadets will make this year even better.
2. But as we mentioned, you've only just begun. Since you have chosen to become a part of such a reputable organization, you now become a valued asset who will be challenged to the utmost in achieving our goals for the year. As we strive for these goals you will learn teamwork, leadership, responsibility, discipline, honor, pride, and a great deal about yourself. All this may sound like we expect a lot from you, but all of these qualities are within your grasp. These few words are often used to describe the cadets in our unit, and after you become involved in the many activities we have planned for this year you will see why.
3. What you are going to experience this year may be the toughest challenge you will ever face. You must be ready to conform to standards, take orders, and learn new ways of doing things. Everything you do is designed to make you the best you can be. Being the best often means giving 250% effort for 100% achievement. But remember, you are not alone! There are about 130 other cadets going through the same thing you are. Keep in mind that the officers and upperclassmen are here to help. So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask any of them.
4. By following the guidelines in this handbook you can help prepare yourself for a more rewarding future in the TX-958 cadet squadron. This handbook was designed to give you a better understanding of what will be expected of you as a cadet. Please use it throughout the year, for it will answer most of the questions you will have about the JROTC program here at Bowie.
5. If you are ready to accept the challenges that lie before you, then TX-958 welcomes you with open arms. We have a lot to offer, and hope that you will do your best to help us obtain our goals. Again, we welcome you.
Lt Col (Ret) Robert K. Downey, USAF
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor
MSgt (Ret) David Loyd, USAF
Aerospace Science Instructor
(Print Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) (Flight)
- UNDERSTANDING: Belonging to the cadet corps is a privilege and not a right. The staff reserves the right to remove anyone from the program if they are not meeting the minimum standards spelled out in this contract.
- OBLIGATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS: PARTICIPATION IN AFJROTC DOES NOT COMMIT OR OBLIGATE ANY STUDENT TO MILITARY SERVICE. It does not guarantee special consideration if a student chooses to enter any service. However, a cadet who completes two to three years of AFJROTC may qualify for advanced rank upon enlistment in the military. Additionally, students who complete two years of AFJROTC and are enrolled in their senior year are eligible to compete for AFJROTC scholarships and any possible TX-958 AFJROTC scholarships.
- APPLICATION: I, the above named cadet, hereby apply for enrollment in the TX-958 Air Force JROTC Program (Bowie High School).
- AGREEMENT: (Aerospace Science Instructors) Upon acceptance of this application and the fulfillment of the conditions on the part of the cadet, the Senior Aerospace Science instructor (SASI) and the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) agree to: (1) Instruct the students about the aerospace age. (2) Help develop informed citizens. (3) Strengthen and develop character. (4) Help students understand their roles in a democratic republic. (5) Familiarize the students with the U. S. Air Force and the scholarship and career opportunities that it offers to qualified graduates.
- AGREEMENT: (Cadet) In order to maintain the high standards of courtesy, personal conduct, and appearance required by the Air Force and TX-958 as a cadet, I understand and agree to:
- Meet the standards of behavior, attitude, and courtesy established and taught by the instructors. I understand and agree that indifference to training or discipline problems such as dishonesty, failure to follow directions of those in authority, initiating a fight, or suspension from school for misbehavior may result in non-selection for future enrollment in AFJROTC in future semesters.
B. I will wear the regulation Air Force uniform on those occasions prescribed by the SASI. Refusal to wear the uniform weekly or improper use of the uniform will result in my removal from AFJROTC. Removal from the program will result in an “F” in the course. Uniform Day is normally every Tuesday.
- I will maintain the uniform in a clean, properly fitted, and repaired manner. I will turn in the complete uniform upon demand. I am responsible for the cost of cleaning and loss, theft, or damage of uniform items. All uniforms must be returned dry-cleaned and in cellophane bags with receipts attached.
- I will meet and maintain the personal grooming standards established by the Air Force. I will take particular attention to military hair cut standards, facial hair, body piercing, tattoos, and body jewelry, as described in the AFJROTC Cadet Guide and AFROTCI 36-2001.
- I must maintain an acceptable standard of academic performance in all classes. I will complete all assignments given to me by my instructor. I will be active in classroom work and the co-curricular activities of AFJROTC. (Cadets should participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible. Service Award credit is earned in this way.) I must earn a final grade of “B” or better in AFJROTC and a “C” or better overall Grade Point Average to be eligible for AFJROTC the next year without a waiver from the SASI. I understand that a final grade of “F” in AFJROTC will result in my not being allowed to re-enroll in AFJROTC.
- I will respond positively to other cadets who have been appointed to leadership positions in the Cadet Group. Rendering proper military courtesies to instructors and other cadets with senior rank is a necessity. I will express courtesy and respect to administrators, teachers, coaches, and other adults with whom I come into contact. I will conduct myself properly when I am entrusted with a position of leadership.
- I will meet the objectives of the Cadet Squadron which are to: (1) Encourage a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, and leadership, (2) Promote patriotism, (3) Develop habits of orderliness and precision, (4) Develop a respect for constituted authority, and (5) Develop the ability to perform basic military skills associated with drill.
- I will strive to develop self-discipline and accept personal responsibility for my actions.
- I will take proper care of textbook materials provided by the Air Force and return them when requested to do so. I will make payment to the AFJROTC office for any books damaged or lost.
- I will read, understand, and comply with the requirements and information provided to me in the TX-958 Cadet Guide.
7. PARENTAL / GUARDIAN APPROVAL: I hereby give my permission for my daughter/son to enroll in the AFJROTC Program and will encourage her/his participation. My child has read this contract, with particular attention to Paragraph Number FIVE, and understands the requirements of this program. I understand there is no commitment for military service associated with participation in AFJROTC. I will help my daughter/son maintain the high standards expected of an AFJROTC cadet in TX-958.
Phone Number: ______Email: ______
10. SASI / ASI SIGNATURE: ______DATE______
1. There is no military service obligation for participating in AFJROTC.
2. AFJROTC cadets have an opportunity to earn scholarships.
3. AFJROTC cadets have an advantage when competing for appointments to the U.S. Air Force Academy and the other service academies.
4. Cadets who complete 2 – 3 years of AFJROTC and enlist in the military qualify for higher pay.
5. Membership in the AFJROTC unit is open to most high school students, but cadets must maintain a “C” average in AFJROTC to stay in the program.
6. AFJROTC courses carry the same credit as other elective subjects and fulfill the requirement for back-to-back electives.
7. Completion of an Aerospace Science course earns either an elective or physical fitness credit.
8. Cadets earn medals, ribbons, trophies, plaques and other awards based on scholarship, military bearing and appearance, and community service.
9. Air Force uniforms, insignia, medals, ribbons and textbooks are provided at no cost (provided they are returned in good condition).
10. Members of the extracurricular teams travel to compete against other units.
12. Each Summer outstanding cadets participate in summer leadership schools.
13. Each semester cadets go on field trips to Air Force bases and other points of interest.
14. Each Spring cadets may attend the formal city-wide Military Ball.
15. Cadets gain leadership experience and self-confidence by working in management positions in the Cadet Corps.
Flight Commander
SASI: Lt Col Downey484.883-6194
ASI: MSgt Loyd512.994-7061
Note: If you are calling an instructor after hours, you should be absolutely sure it is a valid emergency. Asking what the uniform of the day is will NOT be considered a valid emergency.
Ask yourself, would I want to receive this phone call in the middle of the night?!?
Subject Page #
Title Page1
Welcome Letter2
Cadet Contract3
Did You Know5
Contact Information6
Mission Statement, Objectives, and Core Values8
The Cadet Honor Code10
Cadet Conduct11
Classroom Procedures, Conduct, and Rules13
Disciplinary System16
Admission Standards19
Military Courtesy20
Saluting 21
Tattoos, Brands, and Body Piercing23
Cadet Promotion Guide24
Requirements for Promotion26
General Knowledge28
JROTC Grading Policy29
Chain of Command30
Curriculum-in-Action (Field Trips)34
Benefits of Participation35
Flag Detail36
Flight Competition36
AFJROTC Clubs & Activities37
Proper Wear of the Uniform37
How to Tie a Tie43
Accompanying Document(s): Uniform and Awards Guide
Course Syllabus
Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.
The objective of TX-958 is to prepare better, more productive citizens by educating and training high schools cadets in citizenship; promoting community service; instilling responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and, providing instruction in Aerospace Science and Leadership Education.
The success of our program depends on the application of the USAF Core Values:
INTEGRITYFIRSTis essential. It is the inner voice, the source of self-control, and the basis for the trust that is imperative in today’s society. It’s doing the right thing when nobody is looking.
SERVICE BEFORE SELF means that professional duties take precedence over personal desires. Military service is not just another job. Every military member realizes from day one, that his or her individual needs will be second to the needs of the nation. A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals cannot convince other unit members to do so. While personal goals often coincide with Air Force goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the institution or the American people.
EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO directs us to develop a sustained passion for continuous improvement that will propel you into an upward spiral of goal accomplishment and performance.
The present times call for values that serve as a beacon toward the right path. They set the standard for our behavior, our service to country, and our treatment of one another. The core values; Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do, are the foundation upon which a quality Air Force and United States citizen is built.
The Honor Code is specific and clear in what it demands. A cadet is expected to have complete integrity in both word and deed, avoid evasive statements, do individual work in class; yet be willing to assist others in a sense of cooperation and reaching common group goals.
The Code belongs to the Cadets.
Maintaining the code’s high standards of trustworthiness is the responsibility of each cadet. This requires self control and conscious effort at all times. Eventually it becomes an ingrained habit and part of the cadet’s total ethical code and lifestyle.
The Honor Code, by stressing that there can be no toleration of lying, cheating, or stealing, emphasizes that HONOR is a common standard of the Cadet Corps.
Each cadet is expected to commit this code to memory and to live by it.
On my word of honor, I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do. I will obey the orders of those appointed over me, and abide by all cadet and school regulations. I will perform my assigned duties to the best of my ability.
1. General: You represent a select group and should always conduct yourself in a manner that is favorable to your school, TX-958 and the United States AFJROTC.
2. Addressing Other Cadets: A cadet officer is addressed by cadets of lower rank by their rank followed by last name. (Example: C/Captain Smith) OR, addressed as "Sir" or "Ma'am". NEVER address a cadet officer in uniform by their first name.
3. Active Duty, Reserve, and Retired Military Personnel: Military personnel are addressed by the rank, followed by their last name.
4. Saluting: A salute is a formal greeting. Salute all cadet officers and the SASI. All officers must render a salute to officers of a higher rank. Remember you only salute OUTSIDE the building unless you are reporting. The key to saluting is recognition.
5. Walking With Cadets and Military Personnel of a Higher Rank: When walking with a person of higher rank, always walk to their left and in step. When passing through a doorway, the person of lower rank holds the door and allows the person of higher rank to proceed through the doorway first. When boarding and leaving a vehicle, the person of lower rank gets in first and gets out last.
6. Treatment of Cadets: Hazing is not tolerated in the Cadet Corps. No cadet is to be embarrassed or degraded in any manner. This includes public reprimands, public punishment, or joking about difference in rank. Abuse of authority in the Cadet Corps will not be tolerated.
7. Calling Rooms To Attention: When the United States flag, SASI, ASI, Principal, distinguished visitor, Squadron Commander, or military officer enters the room, the room is called to attention. The occupants of the room remain at attention until ordered otherwise.
8. Courtesies Rendered To Adults: Adults are addressed as "Mr."/"Ms." (last name). In conversation they are answered "Yes Sir/Ma'am".
9. Public Display of Affection: Public display of affection is not tolerated. At no time, while in uniform OR during the conduct of the class, will cadets do the following:
- Hold hands with girlfriend/boyfriend/anyone
- Kiss
- Sit on laps
- Engage in any PDA which may reflect unfavorably on the AFJROTC program
The reasons for this policy are as follows:
- The good order and discipline of the corps
- Detracts from the image we are trying to establish and maintain
- Potential undermining of superior to subordinate roles/relationships
- Changes relationships from professional to personal
- Gives rise to perceptions of favoritism within the corps
- Quibbling: When a cadet officer or NCO gives an order, it can be considered to be an order from the Commander. This means that orders should be followed. You have the right to disagree and present your ideas, but all lawful orders should be followed. Cadets who feel they are not being treated fairly should see their flight commander, and if necessary take it up the chain of command.
- TO PASS THIS COURSE, YOU MUST CORRECTLY WEAR THE UNIFORM WHEN DIRECTED TO DO SO. Normally this will be once a week. However, there may be times when we will be called upon to wear it more often.
- If you are late for class, you must produce a valid excusal slip to gain entry to the class. You will not be allowed into class without this documentation.
- No food, drinks, or candy will be tolerated in the classroom unless authorized by the SASI/ASI. Bottled water will be allowed at the discretion of the instructor. Chewing gum is NOT permitted while in military uniform in the AFJROTC classroom or offices.
- No sleeping will be permitted in class. If necessary, quietly get up, move to the rear of the classroom, and stand at “parade rest” to stay awake. You will not lay your head on the desk.
- START OF CLASS PROCEDURES: Prior to the ringing of the class start bell, cadets will be seated quietly in their assigned seats. Just prior to the final bell ringing, the Flight Commander will direct the flight to Standby” at which point the cadets will cease all activity and come quietly to their feet. When the final bell rings to start the period, the Flight Commander will call the room to “Attention” and direct the flight to “Parade Rest.”The Flight Sergeant will call the roll. When their name is called each cadet will come to attention and report “Here Sir/Ma’am” and then go back to the position of parade rest. When roll call is complete, the Flight Sergeant will then turn the flight over to the Flight Commander by reporting, “All present or accounted for, Sir/Ma’am.” The Flight Sergeant will hand the absentee list to the Flight Commander. The Flight Commander can put the flight “At ease” until the SASI/ASI enters the room. When the SASI/ASI enters the room, the Flight Commander will order the flight to “Attention”, report “All present or accounted for Sir/Ma’am,” and hand the roll book to the SASI/ASI. The Flight Commander, at the direction of the SASI/ASI, may lead the flight in a round of KNOCKOUT/DRILLDOWN by directing the flight to “Fallout”. Upon returning the cadets to the classroom and/or no knockout/drilldown is performed, cadets will assume the position of Attention beside their assigned seat until the SASI/ASI directs, “Seats.”
- Cadets will display proper courtesy and manners toward the instructors and other cadets at all times. Interrupting or talking at inappropriate times is a sign of disrespect.
- Profanity, vulgar language, or disruptive comments will not be tolerated.
- “Dissing” or making fun of fellow cadets will not be tolerated. Hazing in any form, physical or emotional harassment will result in immediate disciplinary action.
- Stay in your seats during class unless given permission by the SASI/ASI. Sharpen pencils before class. Hold all trash until dismissed at the end of class.
- Cadets will be dismissed at the sound of the period end bell. Do not load book bags, put on coats, etc. until the flight is dismissed.
- The flight commander is the highest ranking cadet “in charge” anytime the SASI/ASI is not in the room. He/She is responsible for making sure all classroom rules are observed.
- Military uniform wear is addressed under the section on Grading Criteria; however on those days when the uniform is not required to be worn, all cadets must abide by the Bowie dress code requirements. Uniformity of dress and adherence to school rules are two key aspects for maintaining cohesion within a group. Any cadet entering the AFJROTC classroom in violation of the school dress code, will 1) be issued one AFJROTC detention and 2) be required to remain at the position of Parade Rest for the first 30 minutes at the back of the classroom.
- Bathroom passes will not be granted during class periods when active instruction is being given. Passes will be issued on an emergency basis only during in-class periods of non-instruction.
- Any cell phones visible or audible in class will be immediately confiscated and held until the end of the school day.
- Any electronic components (games, IPods, CD players, etc.) visible or audible in class will be immediately confiscated and held until the end of the school day.
- Any cadet that is deemed to have “cut” class will be reviewed by the Cadet Review Board for administrative action. On the occasion of the second “cut,” the cadet will be recommended for dismissal from the AFJROTC program.
- No civilian headgear may be worn in class.
- All homework and classwork assignments must be completed on time.
- You will come to the AFJROTC classroom prepared to engage in AS/LE activities. Preparation includes completed assignments, proper textbooks, notepaper, pen/pencil, and an attitude conducive to learning.
- You will not litter the classroom or leave study materials or personal items in the AFJROTC office, classroom or logistics room. You will put your trash in the trashcans and leave tables and/or chairs correctly placed. Classes will not be dismissed until the room is neat and orderly.