General H&S

September 16, 2016

Jaime Thompson, President: Call to Order


-Introduce yourself…

Administrative Report: Mrs. O’Neil, 537 students

-420 families that make up Beebe

- Class sizes are good; 2nd grade is close to assistance

-Assessment: sent home with students, teachers will see in October

-Cogat and Performance Series results will be home later in Sept/early Oct

-Gaga pit: vandalized, bolts removed, plastic on top of structure removed- repaired

-talk about the importance of taking care items- with students, etc

-Christine J and Missy F working with Administration: SEL, (SIP -differentiation, attention, and SEL), support

-parent initiative: to work with all students, engage-

-test it out

-Mrs. Page Poehnelt, Vice Principal: Talk 203, Trish H is our H&S lead to getting items published.

- send a concise description, what event, and how it benefits…

-Wish List follow up:

-Chimes: Mrs. Beach… video… really a great addition for all students

-Sign: Successful install and electricity will follow

Jaime T, President:

-Motion to approve May minutes :Trish H. and Jackie M.

-Policies from General H&S

-$3113.74 classroom books, obligation from two years ago…

VOTE to give the monies to the school

-Question: none

-Motion to move the monies to ($3113.74 to the beebe allied fund)Toya O& Kim S

-Next month's meeting oct 14 1pm, November 10th 7-8pm…

-Survey Focus on changing school Oct-4th to 18th...INPUT needed, survey will be attached

Treasurer Report: Andrea K

-Deposit slips: in her mail box

- feel free to email the detailed reports (pdf of the budget)

-Quick money in money out for the month

-Petty cash: email Andrea for

-left with Jean unless we are at the event,

-sign for the $

-Separate deposit for the cash given

-Checks should not leave building

VOTE: on the financials: vote to approve Toya O and Melissa N

Teacher Liaison: none

Restaurant Night: Molly B and Laura S

-Chipotle night 4-8, flyer…

-October 19th MOD Pizza: all day 10:30-10 20%

Communications: Trish H

-Great opportunity to get out every other week

-email every other week to get things ideas, DATES, email, volunteer

Toy Sale: October 1st (Jill T and Robin C)

-45 sellers so far

-40 volunteers, give 2 hours get to pre shop -Watch Dogs? possibly

*day after SAVERS pick up truck comes monday morning… Sunday pick up toys, checks, SAVERS drop off (they pay by lb) Sending home a garbage bag… to send donation… pay more for hard goods than last year.

-Advertising: distribute flyers…

Beebe Garden: Lucy N.

-410lbs, to loaves and fishes!

-Eagle Scouts: 4 projects, Mike Alma expanded 6 feet south to sun; Sam Troy trellis and spider; Matt Gutsfason human sundial

-tasting october 14th, carrots, watermelon and kale

-money left in NEF grant; hose wheel, hose, and some new garden beds

Book Fair: (Jaime and Tara reviewed)

-October 6/7th…

-Thursday after school…

Family events: Christine J. & Missy F

-Oct 7th: Play time at Open Field Time at the Naperville Yard (online waiver)

-Oct Mayneland Farm_pumpkin picking, drive the tractor (oct 16/23, 23/30)