Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited is inviting applications for scholarships for undergraduate studies from eligible candidates.
1. Eligibility for Scholarship
The scholarship is aimed at citizens of the Republic of Mauritius (including Rodrigues).
a)Candidates need to have:
- Excellent HSC results;
- Secureda seat in a local fully accredited and on campus academic undergraduate full-time programme of not less than one academic/full year of study. The local academic institution has to be registered with the Tertiary Education Commission;
b)Candidates should be less than 22 years old on submission date and by closing date of application;
c)Candidates should not be beneficiary of any other grant or scholarship;
d)Candidates should not be in employment;
e)The monthly household income of candidates, including any social benefits, should not presently exceed Rs 10,000 or any other threshold in upcoming years, as determined by Government;
2. Undertaking to complete the course
The selected candidate will have to sign an Undertaking with Barclays Mauritius to follow the course regularly and complete it within the agreed minimum duration, failing which the scholarship will be stopped forthwith.
Candidates/awardees will be eligible to follow only one course under this scheme.
The Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited reserves the right to contact the participants for further information.
Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited reserves the right to cancel this scholarship any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise beyond its control.
Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited will not pass on your personal details to another organisation unless prior consent has been given.
The below completedapplication form must besubmitted to Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited in hard copyon4th floor, Barclays House, Ebene latest by 30 November 2016. This application form must be accompanied bycertified photocopiesofthe following documents:
1.Copy of Birth certificateof applicant;
2.National Identity Card;
3.Educational Certificates (SC/GCE ‘O’/HSC/GCE Advanced Level);
4.Evidenceofenrolmentofoffer of a seatincludingdetailsofenrolment fees, tuition fees andany other associatedcosts inalocal fullyaccreditedandoncampusacademicundergraduatefull-timeprogrammeofnotlessthanoneacademic/fullyearofstudy. The local academic institution has to be registered withtheTertiaryEducationCommission(TEC).
IMPORTANT:Incomplete,inaccurate,inadequatefillingoftheformornon-submissionofdocumentsrequestedwilllead to disqualification.
- Surname ofApplicant (inblockletters)
Other Names(in block letters)
Maiden Name(if applicable)(in block letters)
2.Gender: Male Female
3. Marital Status: Single MarriedOthers (please specify):______
4. Date of Birth5.Age: ______years
(By closing dateof application)
6.National ID Number:
7.Country ofbirth: ______
8.Nationality: Mauritian Other Please specify: ______
Ifnaturalised (certificate ofnaturalisationtobe annexed)
Date ofNaturalisation: ______
9.Place of Permanent Residence:Mauritius
10.Residential Address______in Mauritius:
11.Residential Address: ______
Islands (if applicable) ______
12.Telephone No (Residence): ______Mobile Phone No: ______
13. Email Address: ______
14.Present Occupation of applicant : Student/Unemployed/Employed/(OtherSpecify): ______
15.Name ofFather:______Occupation:______Name of Mother: ______Occupation:______Name of Guardian(if applicable):______Occupation: ______
Monthly Household Income: ______
16.Educational Records:-
School Certificate/G.C.E ‘O’ Level Results
Year: ______Examination CentreNo : ______Index No :______School:______
Cambridge Higher SchoolCertificate Results
Year: ______Examination CentreNo : ______Index No :______School: ______
Subjects / Subject GradeAdvanced Level
………………………………………………………. / ______
Advanced SubsidiaryLevel
………………………………………………………. / ______
17. OtherScholarship/Sponsorship/FinancialAssistance
Yes No
If “Yes” please provide thefollowingdetailsasappropriate:
Name: ______PhoneNo:______
Address: ______
- Please share your ambitions in life and how this scholarship will help you attain these ambitions (1500 words)
- FalseInformation
- Declaration
I declare that,to thebest ofmyknowledgeand belief, theparticulars givenon thisformaretrueandcorrectand that no informationwhich might affect thedecisionofBarclays Bank Mauritius Limited hasbeenwithheld.IherebyagreetoabidebytheconditionsattachedtotheScholarshipofferedbyBarclays Bank Mauritius Limited.
Name: ______
Date: ______