Daphne projects: 2001-202 2003-126
University of Oulu: AWARE II “Increasing Teacher Trainees’ Awareness of Sexualised and Gendered Violence” 2003-2004
Duration: 1.10.2003 – 31.10.2004
Beneficiaries: Women / Young People / Children
The aim of the project was to raise awareness of sexualised and gendered violence, to change attitudes and to look for ways to prevent violence in educational environments and ultimately in the whole society. The core of the project consisted of an international on-line course that was constructed and implemented within the project. Learning material for the course was written and revised in an international co-operation during the project. The main themes discussed were 1) different forms of violence in school context based on gender, sexuality, sexual orientation; 2) sexualised and gendered name-calling; 3) the victim’s point of view; 4) sexualised and gendered violence in sex/gender systems, organisations and media; and 5) the gender sensitive pedagogy of non-violence. The project had partners from ten countries including Finland. In total 25 texts were written or revised by 21 writers. The publication produced within the previous Aware –project was used as one of the learning materials. The previous project’s website was revised for the project. The Discendum Optima virtual learning environment served as the communication medium between the students and mentors in the course. The course was organised in two countries, one in Finland and one in Germany. The project team in Finland included Eija Alaraasakka, Anu Kangas, Niina Kuorikoski and Vappu Sunnari from the University of Oulu, and the team in Germany included Miriam Futterlieb and Ilse Hilliger from Therapeutische-Frauenberatung Göttingen. According to the evaluation feedback collected from the partners and participants, the course was seen as interesting and important. The course had raised awareness and given ideas on prevention of violence. The use of the virtual learning environment promoted the information society development by improving the participants’ IT skills: the writers gained experience in writing for web, the course teams in constructing and implementing a virtual course, and the students in studying in a virtual environment. The project also benefited professionally young female researchers who participated in the project. The results of the project include also an implementation of Russian version of the course in Petrozavodsk in November 2004.
The project was funded by EU Daphne Programme, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland and the Nordic Gender and Violence Programme administered by NorFA.
Project’s website:
Further information:
Project leader Vappu Sunnari, DEd,
Women’s Studies
Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education
P.O.Box 2000
FIN-90014 University of Oulu
tel. +358-8-553 3720
fax +358-8-553 3744
Coordinator: University of Oulu
Partner organisations:
- Leeds Animation Workshop / GB
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Health / FI
- Genathlon – Center for the Interdisciplinary Approach of Human and Natural Systems / GR
- Cooperativa Sociale Macramé / IT
- Therapeutische-Frauenberatung Göttingen / DE
- Association de Interregionale de Guidance et de Santé / BE
- Gender Studies Centre at the VilniusUniversity / LT
Neil Duncan
Tatjana Dyachenko
John Guiney Yallop
Hannele Harjunen
Mervi Heikkinen
Tuija Huuki
Jenny Kangasvuo
Niina Kuorikoski
Merja Laitinen
Jukka Lehtonen
Sari Manninen
Sari Nyman
Suvi Pihkala
Vappu Sunnari
Additional partner organisations:
KarelianState Pedagogical University (Russia)
Ministry of Education and Youth of the Republic of Karelia (Russia)
MurmanskState Pedagogical University, Barents Laboratory (Russia)
Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College (Russia)
Petrozavodsk Social Pedagogical College (Russia)
Ensi- ja turvakotien liitto
The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters is Finnish organisation that works through its 26 member organisations. The Federation aims to protect children's rights to grow in safe environment, to support parenting and family and prevent domestic violence.
Naisten Linja
Women's Line is a national telephone help-line that started operation in Spring 2002. Women's Line provides help, advice and support to girls and women who have experienced violence or threat of violence.
Kiusattujen Tuki ry
Kiusattujen Tuki was established 1993 to support those who are the targets of school violence and their families. The founders members' personal experiences of school violence and the response of the school and other authorities in bullying situations led to the establishment of the association. The operation is based on fairness and on respect for victims human rights.
Raiskauskriisikeskus Tukinainen
Tukinainen, the crisis centre for women who have been sexually assaulted, is a national resource centre that provides support and guidance for women and girls who have been sexually assaulted and/ or abused, as well as providing guidance for their families; influences the professional and legal procedures, as well as the authorities and public opinion to decrease and prevent sexual assaults on women and girls; provides co-operation, consultation and training for professionals, authorities, organisations and educational institutions in a variety of fields and supplements the social and health services as well as the official systems in its own special field.
Väestöliiton seksuaaliterveysklinikka
The Sexual Health Web Clinic provides advice considering sexual health. The web based clinic makes it possible to provide advice nationwide. The clinic has been especially developed to meet the needs of young people and men.
Lyömätön linja
Lyömätön linja - "The Way without Violence" - helps men who want to get rid of violent behaviour. The services are free and confidential. Lyömätön linja has been working since 1993.
Miessakit ry
Miessakit ry. - "A Group of Men" - is a non-governmental organisation that promotes men's culture and supports men's mental, social and personal growth. The organisation works with other crisis organisations and prevents domestic violence.
Väkivaltaa kokeneiden auttaminen - Opas ammattilaisille
Helping the victims of violence - guide for medical and social workers.
Porunet is a place for peer support and information for young people, who have experienced something difficult and traumatic and seek help. The site has information about different problems and crisises common to many young people. The visitors can use Poruchat for peer support or discuss confidentially with the workers of
Pro-tukipiste offers support services to everybody who has or is involved in selling sexual services. This help can also be extended to the relatives and friend of those involved. The purpose of association is to promote sexworkers health, well-being, safety and cooperation between the members. The promotion is also to try and reduce, and as well as prevent disadvantages and problems which are caused by the activities. This also applies to sexworkers, their relatives and the whole society.
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