Thursday, January 23, 2014 @ 8:30 am
1. Miriam Link-Mullison
2. Kathy Renfro
3. Michelle McLernon
4. Lisa Nation
5. Heather Troester
6. Cyndi Cansler
7. BJ Newbury
8. Angie Bailey
9. Toni Kay Wright
10. Jill Titsworth
11. Mary Jarvis
12. Sabrina Steels
13. Ginny Donney
14. Sarah Miller
15. Nora Gonzalez
16. Mary Pat DeJarnette
Minutes: Donna King, SIH, Community Benefits Department
Guest Speaker: Kristin Priehs, JCHD: Worksite Wellness – We Choose Health
WCH is a 5 year grant with one component being Worksite Wellness –The goal of Worksite Wellness is sustaining a worksite wellness plan that addresses the physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and occupational health through access to care, genetics, environment, and personal health.
-Consideration of direct and indirect costs regarding medical, health care, workers compensation, absenteeism, and employee dissatisfaction is addressed as well as the return on investment.
- There are 5 steps for worksites in developing a sustainable worksite wellness plan: 1) Build a foundation 2) Assess the worksite 3) Plan programming 4) Implement programming 5) Evaluate programming
-Support and resources are available for worksites: WCH staff work with worksites; WCH 365 is an online tool; toolkits for employers and assistance with implementation; recognition for implementation through Worksite Designation; Leaders Forum in February
Action Team Updates:
Access to Care: Miriam Link-Mullison
Enrollment access team (sub-group) is promoting enrollment for the ACA Marketplace by March 31st. Please pass the information on. 2000 people enrolled so far, but many still need to be reached.
- FWHD/ Christopher Rural Health; call in and get questions answered
- Enrollment is working better and so is the Market Place website.
Sexual Health:
-Meetings are the 1st Weds. In Feb. 5th @ 3:00
Behavior Health: Miriam Link-Mullison
Second meeting is Jan. 29th at 2 p.m. at the Jackson County Health Department.
- Focus of concern is on access to care for depression and anxiety and non-medical prescription drugs.
Healthy Living: Angie Bailey
Working on the 5 year plan related to CVD, Diabetes, and Obesity
-Identifying resources in the community and creating a list
-Selecting and finalizing programming to be addressed
-Next meeting is Monday, Feb. 3rd from 1-3 (All are Welcome!)
Diabetes Resource Team: Angie Bailey
-Meeting is Thursday, Feb. 13th from 11-1 @ JCHD (All are Welcome)
-Resource Guide is being updated and is available online at SIH and JCHD (final updates will be complete by Feb.)
-Diabetes Alert Day is in March
- Bethel AME is a new Project Power Church and is scheduled to complete “O-Taste and See”, the first module of “Project Power”.
- Successful Grocery Store Tour was in November at Kroger
Positive Youth Development Team: Diana Brawley-Sussman
-Family Vacation Nights have been preplanned eliminating the process of monthly planning and everyone is relieved with the simplicity; so far it is running smoothly. Events are scheduled February 3rd, March 3rd, April 7th, May 5th, and June 2nd. Contact Diana at Carbondale Public Library for more information.
Cancer: Kristin Priehs
-First Meeting to begin work on 5 year plan and look at resources will be Feb. 4th at 1:00 @ JCHD
· Illinois Children’s Mental Health has a group @ the H-Group and has had up to 15 participants. The funding runs through March 15th, but will continue to meet after that date. They provide child care and a meal. It is evidence based. They are looking for child care help in March and any other ways to contribute. As of now it is the 3rd Monday of the month, but may change. Contact Carla Smith
· Carbondale Park District will have a new pool and splash park in the spring.
· All species puppet creation is Tuesday, April 22nd – Earth Day. Participants will make and then walk puppets from Life Center to Turley Park.
· Polar Bear Plunge this weekend from 2:00 to midnight as well as a family carnival at the Rec. Center.
· SIU has a new Non-Smoking Policy!
· SIH Community Benefits is hosting the Prairie Power Check at /SIH The Place Feb. 22nd from 8:00 am to Noon.--Feb. 22nd, May 31, Aug. 30, and Nov. 22nd pre-registration required.
· Training for Homebound Spiritual Visitors—Feb 20th, Revisiting home visiting.
· School Health family fun night at Unity Point (Kohl’s) Feb 21st from 6:00-7:30.
· Thomas School has an upcoming Family Fun Night.
· School Health Rocks is April 25th from 8:30-12:00 in F119 (ISBE).
· Teen Conference Feb. 22nd at JALC for girls in 7th-12th grade.
· Summit of Hope- Health Fair for returning citizens on Feb. 4th, March, May, June. There will be HIV testing, as well as other resources and vendors.
· State Health Improvement Plan- Looking at creating a video also looking for volunteers to speak. There is a $1500 prize for a participating coalition. They are hoping to get a student group to perhaps produce video in exchange for prize money.
· Head Start is working on a community assessment.
· SIH is moving to Baby-Friendly and educating parents about the benefits of breast feeding. Support groups are being held monthly, and other programming/training/support is available.
· Leaders Forum Feb. 26th addressing Worksite Wellness and Leaders Breakfast the 27th to address Built Environments. Registration is open.
Next Meeting Date/Location:
March 27th, 2014 @ 8:30 am
Agency Presentation, Raised Bed Gardening and Local Foods (Kathy Renfro, Carbondale Park District- Farmers Market