Experienced manager of technical professionals with 4 years as group leader with recruiting, retention, training, performance review, and salary adjustment responsibility. Program manager for projects including system development and field test experiments for several key, high visibility national projects. Product manager for shrink-wrap motion analysis product responsible for all aspects of the product including technical development, production, marketing, sales, and customer support. Extensive field test experience in challenging conditions, including flight test. Developed company software process (SEI level 3 compliant) and have implemented on selected programs. Technical expertise in many areas of physics, mathematics and computers, including optics, surface science, statistical decision theory, numerical analysis, and image processing, resulting in 25 peer reviewed papers and conference proceedings, 5 patents, and 1 pending patent application. Fellow of the SPIE and Senior member of the OSA. Co-chair of SPIE DVE/ESXVS conference. Experience in medical imaging, defense, and basic science. Ph.D. in physics and M.B.A. in high technology and managing innovation.


The Boeing Company Albuquerque, New Mexico

Chief Technologist & Technical Fellow, Boeing Research & Technology (10/12 – present)

·  Responsible for identifying technology needs in the area of sensors and exploitation across the enterprise and developing solutions through internal and external funding to provide strategic advantage.

Technical Fellow, E-O & Image Processing (Directed Energy Systems) (1/02 – 10/12)

·  Lead for applying Electro-Optic capabilities across Boeing. Includes Acquisition, Tracking, & Pointing, Automatic Target Recognition, passive, active, and hyper-spectral imaging. Work closely with essentially all major Boeing business units and programs, leading teams distributed across the company both geographically and organizationally.

·  Program manager for Enhanced Vision System “transparent cockpit”, Passive Obstacle Detection System for line detection and avoidance, high fidelity ladar system simulation, test range instrumentation development efforts, development of tracking systems, 6DOF station keeping, and various Automatic Target Recognition efforts.

·  Visual Fusion product manager. Developed international network of sales representatives resulting in sales in Brazil, Egypt, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, China, UK, as well as U.S. (In Jan 2010 this product transitioned to myself and I now sell it directly)

Group Leader, Algorithms & Analysis Group (Directed Energy Systems) (7/00 – 12/01)

·  Grew the Algorithms & Analysis Group to 13 professionals in two sections. Responsible for selection, training, and supervision of the two first level managers (section heads). The analysis section is responsible for production, non real-time software development, data analysis tool development, database applications, GUI development, and web tools. The algorithm development section specialized in image processing, tracking, and hyper-spectral analysis techniques.

·  Technical Lead for a multi-target, multi-sensor, real-time tracking system for an airborne missile phenomenology data collection platform. This task involved upgrading the Visual Fusion multi-target tracking algorithm to include multi-sensor capability and to run in real-time.

SVS, Inc. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Group Leader, Algorithms & Analysis Group (9/96 - 7/00)

·  Functional Management: Recruited and lead the Algorithms & Analysis Group consisting of 3 Ph.D.s, and 4 M.S. professionals. Group focuses on feature extraction and understanding of image sequences and hyper-spectral imagery for defense, inspection, and remote sensing applications. Responsibilities include personnel recruiting, retention, salary & performance review, career development, and training, as well defining overall technical scope and responsibility for the group and ensuring coverage of all critical skills. Achieved 100% staff retention.

·  Product Responsibility: Product manager for Visual Fusion motion analysis system. Wrote the business plan, performed all technical development of motion analysis algorithms and operational implementation, developed marketing program, strategic partnerships, and world-wide sales force. Customers are in the automotive crash test industry, biological motion studies, defense applications, and jet engine testing. This application represents the commercialization of work performed while at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. This product was jointly owned by SVS/Boeing and myself until Jan 2010 when it transitioned to my own independent company.

·  Engineering Process: Developed software engineering process for SEI level 3 compliance. Have implemented on selected programs with company wide implementation on-going. Utilized an inclusive, consensus building approach to obtain buy-in and support from both engineering staff and management. Implemented on-line documentation, back-up, metric reporting, and version control protocols. This process is being adapted not only for software engineering, but for all engineering programs within the company.

·  Program Management: Led several successful development efforts with responsibility for overall technical direction, budget, schedule, and customer interface. These efforts typically involved personnel from multiple functional groups in the company.

·  Image Processing lead for ground processing station for power-line inspection. System performs feature extraction and defect detection on 90 Gbytes of image data per day. Algorithms utilize visible and IR imagery, differential GPS, and laser ranger data. Also responsible for real-time target acquisition and tracking algorithm development for helicopter based data acquisition platform. Effort involved leading a team of 9 image processing and computer science professionals.

·  Program manager for 120 Hz video tracker for TRW Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) program. This tracker has recently (June 2000) been used in the successful shoot-down of a live Katyusha rocket at White Sands Missile Range.

Staff Member (7/94 - 9/96)

·  Wrote the business plan for SVS Inspection Systems, resulting in $7M commercial investment,

·  Test director for AirBorne Laser (ABL) missile active illumination and tracking experiments at White Sands Missile Range. All objectives were exceeded. This key feasibility demonstration of the ABL timeline and technical tracking capability has assured SVS a leading role in every high energy laser missile defense program in the country.

·  Program manager and technical lead for Vehicle Real-time Attitude Estimation System SBIR program and various contracts with MIT Lincoln Laboratory to support Ground-based Electro-Optic Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) and missile flight analysis programs. The latter involved collecting 3 Gbytes / day (20,000+ images) and performing multi-target detection, tracking, metric, and radiometric analysis.

MIT Lincoln Laboratory Processor and Communication Technology

Technical Staff (9/89 - 6/94) Lexington, Massachusetts

· Principal investigator for electro-optic target detection algorithm and processor development. Derived and implemented maximum likelihood clutter suppression and target detection algorithms with 3 dimensional matched filters.

· Developed target detection, tracking, and signature estimation package currently in use for production data analysis.

Case Western Reserve University Chemical Engineering Department

Manager, laser laboratory (4/85 - 6/89) Cleveland, Ohio

· Developed laser light scattering spectroscopy system to determine interfacial visco-elastic properties by measuring 4 Angstrom amplitude capillary ripples. Work included optical system design, vibration and environmental control, theoretical and numerical analysis of results, and computer control of instrumentation over RS-232, GPIB, and A/D converters.

· Built and operated a light scattering system at Brookhaven National Laboratory in conjunction with a grazing incidence x-ray diffraction experiment.

Picker International Advance Development Group

Physicist (9/81 - 3/85) Cleveland, Ohio

· Developed first laser film recorder in the medical industry, for recording digital medical images on film. Work involved optical system design and microprocessor controller programming.

· Developed theory and computer model for digital dual energy chest x-ray system (described in Physics News of the Year, Physics Today, 1986).


Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

Masters of Business Administration August 1992

High Technology MBA Program top graduate.

Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio

Ph.D. in physics May 1989

Thesis: Dynamic Properties of Langmuir Films by Laser Light Scattering.

Washington State University Pullman, Washington

Master of Science in physics June 1981

John Carroll University Cleveland, Ohio

Bachelor of Science in physics May 1979

Course work included most of a chemistry major and earth science studies.

Miscellaneous: Graduate courses in Artificial Intelligence and in Pattern Recognition.

Languages: French: Limited speaking and reading; Japanese: Intermediate speaking


·  Fellow: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2016

·  Co-Chair of SPIE “Degraded Visual Environments (DVE) / Enhanced, Synthetic, and eXternal Vision Systems (ESXVS)” conference.

·  Instructor for “Image Based Motion Analysis” at MIT summer course in High Speed Videography and for SPIE.

·  Boeing “Technical Fellow” (5/01). One of 250 Boeing wide.

·  SVS technical fellow (1/01).

·  25 publications in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

·  5 Patents, 1 pending Patent application

·  Senior Member: Optical Society of America (OSA), 2010

·  Member: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

· SPIE Optical Engineering Scholarship (9/86).

· Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

· Dual Energy Digital Radiography work written up in 1986 Physics News of the year in Physics Today.

· National Science Foundation Scholarship for summer program to Colorado School of Mines (1975).

· Ohio Nominee for 1975 Exploration Scholarship.

· Eagle Scout.

·  Black Belt (4th Dan/Master), Tang Soo Do, Korean karate

·  Reviewer for "Optical Engineering" (SPIE), “IEEE Trans. On Automatic Controls", IEEE “Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum”.

John N. Sanders-Reed 4 505-450-1851