The regular meeting of the Boyle County Fiscal Court was held on the 28th day of July, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Members present at the meeting were:

Patty Burke

Jack Hendricks

John Caywood

Dickie Mayes

Phil Sammons

Donnie Coffman

Judge Harold McKinney

Others present at the meeting.were: County Attorney Richard Campbell, County Clerk Trille Bottom, County Treasurer Mary Conley, EMA Director Mike Wilder, EMS Deputy Director Malcolm Miller, Jailer Barry Harmon, EMS Director Brad Ellis, Sheriff Marty Elliott, Deputy Casey McCoy, Deputy Derek Robbins, Deputy Dustin Clem, Human Resources Shannon Greene, Jacob Pankey, Public Works Director Duane Campbell, Solid Waste Director Donna Fechner, Building Inspector Rusty Cox, Valery McMann, Kim Rider, Todd Kleffman, John Bradshaw, Louise S. Allen, Gary Chidester, J.P. Brantley and Kate Dauer.

Judge McKinney called the meeting to order. Magistrate Coffman gave the invocation.

John Bradshaw, Electronic Warfare Officer led the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance. Judge McKinney made the motion to bestow the title of Honorary Magistrate upon Mr. Bradshaw. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all voting in favor.

Judge McKinney presented the minutes from the May 21st and May 26th meetings. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to approve the minutes from the previous meetings. Magistrate Sammons questioned the validity of the May 26th minutes. He disputed the fact that Magistrate Burke had seconded the motion concerning the rent increase at Constitution Square. Judge McKinney requested to listen to the digital recording of the minutes for validation before approving the May 26th minutes. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The May 21st minutes stand as approved.

Kim Rider, Boyle County EMS paramedic, announced that a blood drive will be held on Friday, July 31st at the Boyle County EMS building. Last year 19 pints were donated at this particular drive. She encouraged all Court members to participate.

Magistrate Caywood on behalf of the Sheriff’s Committee acknowledged an incident in which Deputy McCoy and Deputy Robbins were detrimental in saving the lives of two citizens during a kidnapping in Boyle County. The car chase continued into Mercer County where the driver was taken into custody.

Gary Chidester informed the Court of the upcoming Hope Over Heroin crusade. The crusade will be held August 21-22 at the Boyle County High School football field. He asked for emotional support and prayers for the crusade.

Valery McMann gave the Court a health insurance update. There is the possibility of office visit co-pays increasing by $5.00. The prescription drug program could receive a fourth tier. The possibility of a flexible spending account for preventive screening is also being considered. If the employee does preventative screening, then $50.00 will be deposited into the account. Wellness program incentives are all being considered to encourage participation in the program. Non smokers save $600.00 per year on their premiums. One change is a separate vision plan at a cost of $4.00 per month. New insurance cards will be available at the end of August with an effective date of 9/1/2015.

Building Inspector Rusty Cox gave the Court a FEMA reimbursement update report. The total amount that could be claimed for snow removal is $57,753.43. The reimbursement is under review by FEMA.

Solid Waste Coordinator Donna Fechner discussed the proposal to purchase recycled materials. She requested that the Court approve the Agreement with Central Kentucky Fiber Resources, LLC. Central Kentucky Fiber has no marketing fees which is a savings to the County of $7.00 per ton. Ms. Fechter advised that approximately 28 trailers are sent out per year with a cost of $22.00 per ton under the current contract. The new contract will save the County around $4,300.00 per year in marketing expenses. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the contract with Central Kentucky Fiber Resources, LLC. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Agreement will be on file in the County Judge Executive’s Office.

Kate Dauer, with Livability Magazine, requested the Court’s participation in the magazine with the cost split with the City of Danville. The County has participated for the past 16 years. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve participation in the Livability Magazine contingent with the City paying one-half the cost. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

EMS Deputy Director Malcolm Miller presented the Zoll Preventative Maintenance contracts to the Court for approval. The heart monitor contract is renewable at a cost of $1,785.00 for seven (7) monitors. The auto pulse machines contract is renewable at $2,125.00 for 5 machines. The contracts will expire on June 30, 2016. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to approve the two (2) Zoll Preventative Maintenance Contracts. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

EMS Deputy Director Malcolm Miller presented the Stryker preventative maintenance contract to the Court for approval. The contract covers four (4) stair chairs and two (2) ambulance stretchers. The contract renewal is in the amount of $1,396.80 and will expire June 30, 2016. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the Stryker Contract. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Contract will be on file in the County Judge Executive’s Office.

EMS Director Brad Ellis presented recommendations for a paramedic position. He recommended Debbie Wagner be hired as a fulltime paramedic at a rate of $10.81 per hour. She has been employed part time since 2004. Magistrate Sammons made the motion to hire Debbie Wagner with July 28, 2015 as the effective date of employment. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

EMS Director Brad Ellis recommended that Anthony Godbey be hired as a part time paramedic to replace Debbie Wagner’s position. His rate of pay will be $11.00 per hour and July 28, 2015 is the effective date of employment. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to hire Anthony Godbey. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

County Treasurer Mary Conley informed the Court concerning the Teston Tract land acquisition grant agreement. The total cost of the land purchase is $165,202.00 with $77,510.00 paid by the grant. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the Teston Tract Grant Application. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

The Boyle County Sheriff’s second quarter report was submitted to the Court. The Court acknowledged receipt of the report.

Public Works Director Duane Campbell gave an update on current projects. The second HVAC system has been delivered. The electricians are installing programmable lights at the Courthouse. All projects are currently on schedule.

The compensatory time agreement for County Clerk employee, Sadie Gambrel was presented to the Court for approval. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the compensatory time agreement. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

The June 2015 financial reports were submitted to the Court. The Court acknowledged the reports.

Magistrate Hendricks presented the Parks and Recreation Committee report to the Court. A new finish mower has been purchased and restroom venting issues are being addressed. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the report. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Magistrate Burke presented the Insurance Committee Report to the Court. Magistrate Burke made the motion to approve the report. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

There was no EMS Committee report. The next meeting is August 11, 2015.

Magistrate Caywood presented the Sheriff’s Committee Report to the Court. The Courthouse security issues are being addressed and there is a need for two more security personnel. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the report. Magistrate Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

County Treasurer Mary Conley discussed the need for an IT Director. She would like to advertise the position. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to advertise for the full time position of an IT Director. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Magistrate Caywood discussed paying expenses for Court appointed committee members if training is required. He explained that if committee members are being appointed by the Court; they may be more willing to attend training if they were compensated for some of the expenses. Magistrate Caywood also recommended that a list of all the committee and board appointed members be compiled.

Magistrate Sammons discussed the idea of the Court considering an ordinance regarding vicious dogs being housed within the County. Judge McKinney will talk with the County Attorney about the issue.

Magistrate Coffman made the motion to approve the bills, make the transfers and adjourn. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.


Harold W. McKinney

County Judge Executive