Jacci Vitovsky Community Service Scholarship

Application packets are due in the COLLEGE/CAREER Center, ROOM 620 by 4:00pm MARCH 30, 2018.

Jacci Vitovsky was an honor graduate in her high school class of 1973. She was a member of the German Club, 4-H, Girl Scouts, and Office Education Program during her school career. She also taught Sunday School and was a member of her church choir. She has always been a participant in her school and community.

Jacci was first elected to the Midlothian Independent School District School Board in 1996 to fill the unexpired term of Mark Larkin who had moved out of the district. In 1997, she won a full three-year term on the school board. She served on the Parent Advisory Committee before her election. Jacci always showed a keen interest in MISD and was an advocate for parent participation.

Jacci was also a tireless worker at the First Baptist Church in Midlothian. She and her husband, Ed, are credited with beginning the AWANAS program there. It remains one of the most successful ministries in the church and is credited with much of the growth of the church in recent years. Jacci was a typesetter by trade, a homemaker by choice.

Jacci Vitovsky was a spokesperson for community service. She shared her courage, leadership, and service with our community. She worked on the original marketing plan for Care-Flite Methodist Hospital. For that reason, the faculty and students of Midlothian High School wanted to remember her with this Community Service Scholarship named in her honor. This scholarship is to help two high school seniors (one male and one female) who have shown a true concern for their community and further their education. Scholarships are awarded with the stipulation that the recipients enroll in a junior college, four year college, or trade school and carry a full academic load for the semester that the scholarship is awarded.

The scholarship is granted for one year and is dependent upon the receipt of passing grades during the year. A committee will select the recipients who will be awarded $250 each. The check will be issued jointly to the student and the institution which the student plans to attend.

The recipient must be a member of the senior class and possess the following characteristics:

1.Participation in community service0 - 15 points

2.Character and Leaderships0 - 10 points

3.Participation in HS community service clubs0 - 10 points

4.Academic ability0 - 10 points

5.School Attendance0 – 5 points


The committee will consist of:

  1. A family member
  2. National Honor Society Advisor
  3. MHS faculty member
  4. High School Counselor
  5. Community Service Club sponsor

Application packets are due in the COLLEGE/CAREER Center, ROOM 620 by 4:00pm MARCH 30, 2018

Date: ______


  1. Name: ______
  1. Home Address: ______


Phone Number: ______

3.Date of Birth: ______Place of Birth: ______


4.Father’s / Guardian’s Full Name: ______

  1. Father’s / Guardian’s Address: ______


6.Mother’s / Guardian’s Full Name: ______

7.Mother’s / Guardian’s Address: ______


  1. Names and ages of siblings:




  1. List two teachers that you would like to use as a reference:





  1. What college or career school do you plan to attend?




  1. What will be your major field of study?




  1. List any special awards you have received during your High School years.




  1. List the number of years you have been involved in volunteer work: ______

List the average number of hours you volunteer each month: ______

  1. List the names of organizations for which you have volunteered most of your time




  1. Name two references who may be contacted to verify the scope of our activities:





  1. Describe your most fulfilling volunteer service(s):







  1. Describe your initiative in these activities:





  1. Describe the results of your accomplishments:





  1. Describe the impact of your service in your community and how people were affected by your actions:





  1. List clubs and organizations to which you belong:





  1. Are you active in your church? ______

List activities and awards: ______


  1. What are the limitations you see in yourself? ______


What the strengths you see in yourself? ______


ACADEMIC INFORMATION:(To be filled out by MRS OLIVER, COLLEGE/CAREER CENTER, ROOM 620 after completion of 1st semester of senior year)

  1. Attendance – In the preceding semester, the applicant was absent from school ______days out of 90.
  1. Test Scores: ACT ______SAT ______
  1. Class Rank: ______out of ______


  1. Please add any additional information that you feel the committee should know about you.
















