Terms of Reference – Patient Participation Group(PPG)

The terms outlined here are intended as a guide to which the group can refer in meetings and all other discussions, as well as in the production of documents. For further information on the Group’s Aims, please see the Patient Participation Group leaflet.

Purpose of the PPG

  • The Group was established in line with the principles of the National Association for Patient Participation
  • To provide a voice for all patients of Bingley Medical Practice
  • To provide a patient perspective on the Practice and to act as a ‘critical friend’
  • To collaborate with and support the Practice, for the mutual benefit of the Practice and its patients

Membership of the PPG

  • Is open to all registered patients of the Bingley Medical Practice
  • The Patient Group (PPG) will consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary and up to 16 ordinary members to provide an opportunity for feedback, communication from patientsand to give support when necessary to the Executive Committee. The officer’s posts will be held for a term of three years, while the ordinary members will be due for election each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May – This group will hold bi-monthly meetings. Members will normally be able to stand as an officer after being on the general Patient Group no less than 12 months or six bi-monthly meetings.
  • From the above group an Executive Committee will be re-elected at the AGM 2017 consisting of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and up to three ordinary members - this group will meet monthly or more frequently when necessary.
  • The practice will be represented by a Partner, a senior administrator and other staff as nominated by the practice at each bi-monthlyPPGmeeting. However, they will not be eligible to vote and can be asked to leave during a meeting in certain circumstances.
  • Virtual associate membership of the PPG is encouraged, and contribution to ongoing and topical discussions will be welcomed.
  • If any member of the above Groups(excluding virtual members) fails to attend three consecutive meetings without offering due reason or notice they will cease being a member..

Responsibilities of the PPG

  • To contribute to Practice decision-making, and to act as a conduit for consultation on ongoing improvements to services offered by the Practice
  • To provide the Practice with feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests
  • To assist with patient-related surveys and analysis of the annual Practice Satisfaction surveys
  • To communicate healthcare information, in particular information on self-care, to the wider community in partnership with the practice.
  • The group is not a forum for discussing individual patient complaints or issues

Meetings of the PPG

  • There will be a AGM in May each year.
  • No less than two months’ notice shall be given for the AGM, and the agenda and supporting papers will be made available no less than four weeks before the meeting date
  • Notices of meetings, reports on meetings and other relevant information will be displayed on the Practice notice boards and website, and will also be circulated via email
  • Meetings will be held at the Practice premises

Organisation of the PPG

  • Items for the agenda may be raised by the PPG members, the Chairperson and the Practice Manager, following ongoing topics and responding to specific patient concerns
  • The preferred method of communication will be via email, though this should not be exclusive
  • The Executive Committee should ensure that each of their members is copied into all related correspondence, and that they report back to the whole Group at the bi-monthly meeting, in order to ensure maximum efficiency in communication
  • The PPG Chairperson will liaise with the Practice Manager prior to undertaking any proposed communications with third party organisations
  • All conflicts of interest, either direct or indirect, must be declared at the start of each meeting


  • The PPGwill reflect on the relevance and value of its work, and review its Terms of Reference, annually preceding its AGM

Confidentiality and Data Protection

  • Information concerning patients or staff is strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to unauthorised persons. This obligation shall continue in perpetuity
  • Disclosures of confidential information or disclosures of any data of a personal nature may result in prosecution for an offence under the Data Protection Act 1998 or an action for civil damages under the same Act in addition to any disciplinary action taken by the Practice
  • Any breach of confidencewill be taken seriously and, following necessary investigation, may result in a request that the member(s) responsibleresignfrom the Group

March 2016