JICANet Update
Vol XIV, #43
December 12, 2013
Prior Updates can be found on our website at
Items in this Update:
- JICA December Meeting Minutes -
- JICA AnnualDues - Jan 1, 2014
- JIA Merchandise Sale - Dec 14, 2013
JICA December Monthly Meeting Minutes - Monday, Dec 2
Association president Stan Jennings called the meeting to order at 2 PM at the Jekyll Island Presbyterian Church. Board members present were Beverly Hopkins, Rick Hoffman, Jim Reed, Bob Lelli, Joe Malbasa, Don Kronenberger and Gene Jarrett. There were 13 other persons in attendance.
There were some timely announcements:
-An e-mail from executive director Jones Hooks tells that Representative Jack Kingston is sponsoring a public discussion of federal flood insurance at 2 PM December 3 in the conference center of the Coastal College. This insurance may have an effect on island residents.
-There is a change in information about the JICA annual meeting on January 6, 2014. The reception will include “heavy hors d’oeuvres, a carving station and beverages.”
The minutes of the regular meeting on November 4 as e-mailed to board members and published on JICAnet were approved.
Bill Felker’s treasurer’s report showed a bank balance of $22,524.21 as of November 30, 2013. The report was accepted without question.
Records of membership chairman Megan Jefferies show the JICA now has 262 voting members , 56 individuals and 105 family units.
Program chairman Joe Malbasa introduced our afternoon speaker. He is Cliff Gawron, JIA superintendent of landscaping. His topic was “The Care and Feeding of Trees.” According to Mr. Gawron, it is very important to plant a tree correctly. A young tree ought to be in a hole twice the diameter of the root ball and set one inch above the soil line. Half of the soil from the hole goes back in, the other half spread around the perimeter of the hole to help contain water. The rest of the hole is to be filled with a mixture of planting soil, milorganite, chips, worm castings, etc. The tree should be watered regularly for a year. To transplant an older tee, trim off the roots for several months and do not compact the soil in the new location.
We were warned to beware of foreign invaders, both insects and plants. In 2002, certain beetles from the Orient arrived here in wood from Jacksonville and Port Wentworth and killed hundreds of red bay trees. Those trees are still dying and being replaced with volunteer inferior varieties. Our pine forests are also threatened by pine beetles. Trees struck by lightning are vulnerable. “Onyx” is a good treatment.
Some plants are not ideal for Jekyll Island such as corkscrew, pindo and jelly palms, Chinese tallow, and lantana. Mr. Gawron is interested in restoring some plants to the island, like sweet grass. Call him for advice on things to grow.
In other matters, there was a lively discussion about the advisability of the Association hiring a lobbyist or supporting the efforts of one to promote our conservation positions on two legislative items that are to arise in the term beginning January. One is a proposed change in the Shoreline Protection Act and the other is the determined acreage allowed for development on Jekyll Island. A motion was proposed, but it was finally decided to wait on a vote to be taken at the annual meeting. This will give more time for citizens to ponder these issues.
The meeting was over at 3:40 PM.
Submitted by JICA secretary, Gene Jarrett
(JICANet Editor Note - A special JICANet on the issue ofhiring a lobbyist and new Board MemberNominees will be issued next week.)
JICA Annual Membership Renewal - Jan 1, 2014
JICA Annual Membership renewal is due at the end of this month. This change was made two years ago. All memberships now are to be renewed at the end of the year and are valid until Dec. 31, 2014.
Please go to our website at jekyllcitizens.org, print the membership form and mail along with your dues to the P.O. Box listed on the form. Dues remain the same as $40 for family and $25 for individuals. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated.
JIA Merchandise Sale - Saturday, Dec. 14
The JIA is reducing the price ofall merchandise at the Golf Shop, Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Museum and Guest Information Center on sale this Saturday. All merchandise will be reduced 20% off ticket price. Here is a great chance to get that last minute Christmas item.
--- and that's the news from Jekyll Island where history lives, nature abounds and have a merry Christmas and holiday season!!!!!! Jim Reed - JICANet Editor
JICANet Updates are distributed periodically by the Jekyll Island Citizens Association to its members and interested parties. To subscribe or unsubscribe send an email