
E-Content in India is a word used meagerly, which meant mostly the presence of content on the World Wide Web. E-Learning has been defined as a" pedagogy empowered by Digital technology". E-Learning is an ideal mode of delivery for lifelong learners. It provides the access and flexibility that they need. It also allows for experienced students to share and apply their knowledge. The main objective of my study is to Study and compare the attitude of High School students towards Grammar ‘Sentence Patterns’ with respect to E-Content Development. A sample study was conducted at Stanes Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. The sample consists of seven students of various capabilities. The present study has clearly demonstrated that effectiveness of E-Content module to teach ‘Sentence Patterns’ to High School Students provides an effective mode for promoting Grammar teaching to High School Students.


E-Learning is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon. Like many compounds, the two elements have worked together to create a new hybrid. E-learning is a type of technology supported education where the medium of instruction is computer technology, particularly involving digital technologies. E-Learning has been defined as a" pedagogy empowered by Digital technology". In some instance, no face to face interaction takes place. E-Learning is used interchangeably in a wide variety of context. E-Learning is a relatively new world in the world of computer delivered training and education. E-Learning encompasses any type of learning content that is delivered electronically. E-Learning is a reconceptualization of learning that makes use of not only instructor-led pedagogy but all the flexibility that asynchronous, multi party contribution can bring.


E-Content in India is a word used meagerly, which meant mostly the presence of content on the World Wide Web. In fact, website and Internet have been the most effective motivational medium for publishing content, and successfully so, it has attracted the whole new generation to use web as a medium of information dissemination, and global reach, not only in English but also in other major Indian languages. The current state of e-content in India can be divided into various medium, such as Television, Radio, Web, Movable like CD, DVD and other memory sticks, Movies, Mobile, Email, Information Kiosks, Physical Meetings, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops with "e", e-Discussions, e-Publishing, Magazines with e-supplements.


E-Learning is an ideal mode of delivery for lifelong learners. It provides the access and flexibility that they need. It also allows for experienced students to share and apply their knowledge. For instance, though previous attempts to use earlier technologies as a replacement for classroom teaching were initiated by technology enthusiasts, they failed to be used extensively by the main core of University and College teachers. Furthermore, most applications of earlier technologies were either separated or peripheral distance education applications, or were used to enhance classroom teaching, without changing the basic method of classroom organization and teaching.


E-Learning lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to help students perform in specific tasks. In Information based content, there is only little specific skill to be learned. In Performance based skill in which the student is expected to increase proficiency. The goals of e-learning practice are relatively clear: producing and evaluating interventions using technology that lead to student learning outcomes in particular applications. E-learning research on the other hand has four more general goals: producing theories that explain phenomena with e-learning, producing tools or software for e-learning; producing activities, materials, curricula and other non-technical elements of the e-learning environment that may be reused; and finally, producing design models that permit construction of improved e-learning interventions.


E-Learning is an environment in which the lessons, and lectures notes are deployed on CDs or Web servers. It is any learning that utilizes a network (LAN, WAN and Internet) for delivery, interaction and facilitation. E-Learning facilitates ‘Anytime, Anywhere learning’. It is user friendly and flexible. It is learner-centered and learner controlled. It promotes individual and many too many learning. E-Learning gives the choice of how quickly and slowly to learn. The characteristics of a successful e-learner are self-confidence, motivation, a positive attitude, being a good communicator and collaborator and a competent user of ICT.


  • Multi-sensory learning experience
  • Digital convergence
  • Principle of ‘chunking’
  • Accessibility
  • Reusability
  • Interoperability


Pouloudi and Poulymenakou (2002) mentioned that e-learning evolved around information technology to enhance the learning performance and efficiency. Other limitations of e-learning provide 24 hours and 7 days of unlimited access. E-learning viewed by Schank(2002), Roffe(2002), Sambrook(2003) and Tsai & Machado(2002) refer to e-learning as “communication ad learning activities through computers and networks”. Dringus(2003) said “being 24/7 is a good marketing scheme, but online learners and professors burn-out-easily”.


Statement of the problem:

It is unfortunate that is there is no empirical evidence to ascertain the effectiveness of e-content development in Sentence Patterns. Hence the present study entitled “A study on the e-content module to enhance sentence pattern learning among high school students”.

Objective of the study:

To Study and compare the attitude of High School students towards Grammar ‘Sentence Patterns’ with respect to E-Content Development.


There will be significant difference in the mean scores of the attitude of High School students towards Grammar ‘Sentence Patterns’ with respect to E-Content Development.


A sample study was conducted at Stanes Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. The sample consists of seven students of various capabilities. The students were introduced to the position of ‘Sentence Patterns in English Grammar’. A Pre-test was conducted; the questionnaire was planned and sent to the peer committee for the validity. After suggesting the necessary changes as advised by the peer committee the questionnaire was prepared. This was passed to the students considered as the sample. On completing the pre-test, the students were introduced to the E-Content Development Module. The module was played twice on request from a few students. Few would grasp at the first stage but the majority needs it to be repeated. E-Content helps in educating students who represent different groups. A post-test questionnaire was planned and sent to the peer committee for approval. The suggestions were carried out in the questionnaire. This questionnaire was used to find out the result how far the e-content module has worked out in enhancing their Knowledge level on ‘Sentence Patterns’.

The present module on e-content development was developed from the Educational Technology Department, Bharathidasan University. This module was tested and practiced by different levels of student community and it is validated and reviewed by various learners, Educators and Administrators. For the present e-content development, the investigator has taken the existing and validated module for the study of ‘Sentence Patterns’ to train students at Stanes higher secondary school, Coimbatore.

Tools used in the present study

  • Sentence patterns Questionnaire
  • Achievement test Questionnaire
  • Reaction scale for students


  • Short Learning Objects
  • Modules


For an effective and optimum development of both textual and visual e-content material certain guidelines need to be followed. These guidelines have several components. All are integral to e-content design:

  • Objectives
  • Module
  • Assignment
  • References
  • Glossary
  • Summary
  • Quiz
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Discussion
  • Case study
  • Feedback
Tests / t- valve / df / Sig (2 tailed) / Mean dif
Pre test / 17.428 / 6 / 0.00 / 6.42
Post test / 19.747 / 6 / 0.00 / 10.42

From the above table it is evident that the t – value for the pre test is 17.428 and for the post test is 19.747, therefore the difference is 2.319. The value of two tailed significance is less than 0.05 (p < 0.05), as such the difference between means is significant. The output indicates that there is significant difference in learning sentence pattern using e-content module.

Tests / mean / SD / Std error mean / t-value / df / Sig (2 tailed)
Pre & post test / 4.000 / 0.0816 / 0.30861 / 12.961 / 6 / 0.00

From the table given above, it is shown that the two tail significance is less than 0.05 (p<0.05) as such the difference between means is significant. The –value for the pre and post test is 12.961 with the df= 6/7 which is significant of 0.00 level. Therefore it is evident that E-Content Module is effective in enhancing Sentence pattern Knowledge level.


From the Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of various types of data obtained from the research tools, classroom observation with the teachers and students and expert opinions the following conclusion emerged. The present study has clearly demonstrated that effectiveness of E-Content module to teach ‘Sentence Patterns’ to High School Students provides an effective mode for promoting Grammar teaching to High School Students.


  • Alan Clarke (2004), ‘E-learning skills’.
  • Beck.U. (1992) Risk society: Towards a new Modernity. London, Sage.
  • Bourne and Campell, J.O (2006) ‘Asynchronous learning networks; an information technology based infrastructure for Engineering Education.
  • Karapaga Kumaravel.R (2002) ‘Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning’ Volume-I
  • P.P.Singh and Sandhir Sharma (2005) ‘E-Learning new trends and Innovations’
  • Richard Haythornthwaite (2007) ‘The sage Handbook of E-Learning Research’
  • Consortium of Education communication ‘Development of E-content on Higher Education’
  • Salmon.G (2005) ‘Flying not Flapping; a strategic framework of E-learning and pedagogical innovations in Higher Education Institutions’ALT-J. 13(3):201-18
  • Somekh.B and Haldance.M (2006) ‘How can interactive whiteboards contribute to pedagogic change? Learning from case studies in English primary schools’. Papers given at FIPWG 3.1/3.3/3.5 Conference, Alesund, June.