Friends of Iziko South African Museum
Postal address: P O Box 61 Cape Town 8000 South Africa
Physical address: 25 Queen Victoria Street Cape Town South Africa
Phone: 021 481 3913 Fax: 021 481 3993 Cell: 072 225 6893 E-mail:
Non-Profit Organisation No: 052-511-NPO
31 October 2016
Greetings to all members
Another year has flown by and it is now time to renew your subscription for the Friends of Iziko South African Museum. Membership of the Friends is valid for one calendar year and is therefore due for renewal by 1 January 2017. A renewal form is attached for your convenience, or one can be downloaded from the website. It is important for efficient administration that you complete this form and return it to me by e-mail, fax or post before we all get swept up in the rapidly approaching festive season.
Subscription rates have been increased for 2017 as agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 30 August 2016.
Students and Seniors / R180.00 with e-mail / R265.00 without e-mailIndividual membership / R265.00 with e-mail / R340.00 without e-mail
Family membership / R425.00 with e mail / R510.00 without e mail
With the annual challenge of gift giving coming up soon a Gift Membership form is available and can be downloaded from the above website should you wish to give a year’s membership to a friend or family member who has everything.
When making use of electronic banking it is essential that you use the reference: Subs and your name. It is important that you return the completed renewal form along with your proof of payment so that the database can be kept up to date. Banking details are printed on the renewal form. Please do not deposit cash or cheques into the Friends bank account as this will result in charges being levied to the account.
If you are not in possession of a permanent membership card do let me know as this is essential for gaining free access to the museum and to the Friends monthly lectures.
The committee is in the process of putting together an interesting and varied programme of lectures and activities for 2017 and we always appreciate your ideas in this respect.
Kind regards
Charlotte Honiball
Co-ordinator and Administrator
Friends of the South African Museum
P O Box 61 Cape Town 8000
Telephone +27 (0)21 481 3913
(Wednesdays and Fridays only)
Facsimile +27 (0)21 481 3993
Cell 072 225 6893