Targeted at clients who will have retirement needs in the next 20 plus years
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Why save for your retirement?
For most people, one of the major questions around retirement is simple - how can I make my money last? In some countries the average amount of years spent in retirement is more than 251, so it’s a good question to ask.
So, while your retirement may seem like a long time away, to ensure you have enough to last - and to be able to enjoy it to its fullest, you need to start planning now. That way the amount of savings you accumulate will be enough to fulfil your plans.
Saving for a long retirement
Modern health care has extended the average life expectancy. While the average life expectancy of women in Singapore in the 1950’s was just over 60 years, today it is over 80 years2. That’s 20 years longer you need to think about funding.
How will you pay for your retirement?
In an Investor Attitudes survey3 carried out for Friends Provident International (FPI), only 17% of Singaporean respondents believe their Central Provident Fund will be sufficient to allow them to maintain their standard of living in retirement.
If you think the state cannot provide you with enough to last you in retirement then it’s crucial to make the right financial planning decisions now so you maximise your retirement income and ensure you have enough to last.
I will contact you shortly to discuss a convenient time for us to meet and review your current situation. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email me <email address> or call me <telephone number>
Yours sincerely
<adviser name>
It’s important to note that the value of an investment is not guaranteed and can go up and down depending on investment performance. You could get back less than you’ve paid in.
1 7 April 2011
2, 10 May 2012
3 Investors attitude index (Wave 3, 2011) is based on a survey carried out for FPI with 3,000 investors in Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, measuring their attitudes to investing. The reports can be found on the Friends Provident International website