IWHC Management Committee meeting – Tuesday, 07 July 2015 held at the Hare & Hounds, Downend, Newport at 19.00 hours


Harry Kirby (Chair), Alison Austin (Secretary), Aly Townend, JaimieUnsworth, Leeya Roovis, Simon Butler, John Pearson

The meeting had been specially convened for those who were able to attend to discuss the purchase of the new club shirts and the forthcoming Club Day (Phil Selby Memorial Trophy, 18 July).

1Club Shirts

It had been noted that the preferred style of shirt as discussed at the previous committee meeting (Ref Minutes, 18 June 2015) was being discontinued. There had been some subsequent email exchanges and as a result HK called the meeting to pull the various strands together and make a decision re style and supplier. The Treasurer had intimated that the maximum price per shirt (to include logo and sponsor) was to be set at £30.

Silver FX: AA had brought samples from the current club suppliers The cost would be £22 per shirt to include logo and number, to add the Deep Design sponsor details would add a further £9 to the cost (via King Textiles). An order placed by 24 July would ensure delivery by 06 September. The quality of the shirts appeared to be reasonable, although there was some discussion about the Silver FX service and the quality of some of the products, and it was noted that members were not particularly enamoured. AA had also brought an ‘Adidas’ shirt for comparison, but as the price for the shirt alone was £30, this was ruled out.

Kukri: JU reported that she had had dealings with this company, and the costs were very reasonable (£12 per shirt) Other kit could also be sourced from the company (shorts, skorts, socks) with the advantage that members could order on a ‘one off’ basis’ rather than wait for a set number. This was discussed and it was agreed that AA should contact the company and ask for samples. (Following further post meeting investigation it was discovered that the shirts were in fact training style t-shirts and not recommended for ‘contact sports’.)

Further post meeting suggestions included ‘Game, Set and Match’ , a company based in Chichester and used by several local clubs, and ‘Samurai’ (based in Norwich).

It was agreed that any samples received would be considered at the club day on 18 July when committee members present would make a final decision with the Section Captains as arbiters.*

*Post-meeting note: If available samples do not identify a suitable shirt, then the decision will be postponed to a later date to be agreed in consultation with the Chair

2Phil Selby Memorial Trophy (18 July)

It had been agreed in consultation with Phil’s family that the club day would be dedicated to Phil’s memory and become an annual event. Teams of 6 would be put together on the day. Medals were being purchased for the winners. With regard to the trophy, JP agreed to contact Ann Selby and ask her if she would be willing to source a suitable trophy herself. It was agreed that the club would fund the purchase, but that Ann should be given the option to donate if she wished. It was noted that Ann had been invited to attend, but due to a prior engagement would be unable to accept. However, she would ask her son (Mark) and daughter (Rachel) if they could attend (and potentially play) and make the presentation. The trophy would be engraved by the club and retained, to be presented at the event each year. It was also agreed to name a club award (to be given at the annual dinner) in Phil’s memory. JP would contact Ann and ask her to consider which particular award would appropriately commemorate Phil’s outstanding service to the club. JP proposed that Ann Selby be invited to become a Vice President of the club. It was agreed that this was a good idea and would be formally put to the full committee at the next meeting for ratification, rather than wait until next year’s AGM.


It was proposed by HK and seconded by SB that John Pearson (undertaking the role of Minutes Secretary) be formally co-opted as a member of the Management Committee. This was agreed by those present.

4Hockey Tournament

HK had received information regarding a, ‘Island’ hockey tournament held as a post-script to the recent Island Games in Jersey. The tournament would be held in September in Jersey, with the next event in two years time on the Isle of Man. This would be a highly competitive event and almost certainly expensive,and as such had not found favour when the initial invitation had been received. However, it was felt that a club tour was desirable and worthy of consideration and exploration by the Section Captains and the Social Committee. This could either be a social event (similar to Sonning) or a pre-season training camp. This would be discussed further at the next committee meeting.


SB outlined the new sponsorship deal with Deep Design and the changes that were envisaged for the website. The download section would be streamlined so that documents could be uploaded to specific sections (eg Minutes, Policy Documents, Membership Forms), rather than just being part of a long list of unconnected items. It was also felt that a specific ‘Members Area’should be incorporated so that, eg financial papers, could be only accessed by members via a password.

6Date and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday, 24 August at 7.00 pm at the Hare and Hounds, Downend, Newport

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm
