Gaddesby Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meetingheld at Ashby and Barsby ParishHall
on Monday,9th March 2015, commencing at 6.52 pm.
Councillors Present
Mr Gordon Bigam - Chair Mrs Jenny Hurst
Mrs Pat Walton Mr Howard Bakewell
Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council
Apologies – Apologies were received from Vice-Chair, Councillor Mr Neil Shorrock,Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson and County Councillor Mr J T Orson.
Parishioner/Public Time
There were no parishioners present.
Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2014/2015 54-58, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.
Matters Arising
- Church Lane, Barsby –Nothing to report. The Clerk was asked to email Mr Sheldrake again to ask him if Church Lane, Barsby would be included in the LCC 2015 programme for repairs/re-surfacing.
- Gaddesby Children’s Play Area -
Repairs to Multi-Play House –Councillor Bakewell reported that, hopefully, Mr Nathan Myring would carry out the necessary repairs to the multi-play house during the month of March.
Perimeter Hedge – The Clerk was pleased to report that Dalby Tree Care had cut back the overgrown trees and shrubs at the Gaddesby Children’s Play Area on Thursday, 26th February 2015 (see ‘Accounts for Payment’). The Clerk was asked to write to Mr and Mrs Lockwood to advise them that the cutting back of the trees and shrubs had been carried out and to send them an invoice from GPC for the re-charge of the work. The Clerk was asked to email a copy of the letter to Mr Raman Selvon, Waste Management and Environmental Services, MBC, Mr Andrew Dudley, Enforcement Officer, MBC, Mrs Verena Wenham, Legal Department, MBC and Borough Councillor Simpson.
- Overgrown Footway between North Lodge, Ashby Folville and the Old School House, Barsby – Nothing to report.
- Street Light Replacement Programme – The Clerk had yet to meet with Mr Rob Hodgekinson, of E.ON, but would endeavour to do so before the next meeting.
- Muddy footpath gateway, Barsby/Ashby Folville –Nothing to report.
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ClerkCouncillor Hurst & Clerk
All Councillors
Matters Arising Cont.
- Blocked Gulley : Ashby Road/Nether End, Gaddesby – The Clerk reported that LCC had been seen in Gaddesby cleaning out the gullies and drains. It was, therefore, hoped that the gulley situated on Ashby Road/Nether End had been cleaned out.
- Public Footpath 189b / War Memorial, Gaddesby – The Clerk had emailed Mr Mike Sheldrake of LCC, Highways Department to report that the patching work carried out to the public footpath 189b from Main Street to Church Lane, Gaddesby was of an unsatisfactory standard and that the grass area around the War Memorial had been left in a poor state of repair. Mr Sheldrake had informed GPC that he would discuss the matter with his colleagues and if necessary would visit the site. The Clerk was asked to follow up the matter with Mr Sheldrake.
- New Bus Shelter, Barsby –A quotation had been received from George Walker Ltd for the supply and erection of a new bus shelter and concrete base in Barsby, the total cost being £2700.00 plus VAT. Councillor Hurst agreed to contact Mr Ben Dutton at LCC to ask if he or one of his colleagues would come out and meet with GPC to discuss the way forward.
1. MBC, Parish Council Liaison Meeting – Notification had been received from MBC to advise that the next Parish Council Liaison Meeting would be held on Monday, 22nd June 2015 at 7pm at the Council Offices, Parkside.
In order to prepare an agenda for the meeting, an agenda setting meeting would be held on Wednesday, 3rd June 2015 at 6.30pm at the Council Offices, Parkside.
Councillors noted the dates and times of the meetings.
2. MBC, Development Control : Village Envelopes –An email had been received from Mr Jim Worley, Head of Regulatory Services at MBC regarding guidance in relation to Village Envelopes; the email stated that further formal guidance would be circulated in a few weeks time. A copy of the email was circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The information stated that ‘whether inside or just outside a village envelope does not in itself define if a site is sustainable. It will be based on its location, a series of site characteristics and the content of the application’.
Additionally, an email had been forwarded from County Councillor Orson regarding ‘Neighbourhood Planning’. The email provided Councillors with a link to the ‘My Community’ website which provided information on the grants and support available when considering developing a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for your Parish.
Councillors discussed the possibility of putting together a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ but felt that further advice should be obtained before any more in depth discussions could take place. Councillors resolved to seek advice from County Councillor Orson and Borough Councillor Simpson before discussing and considering the options available.
3. Leicestershire and Rutland Playing Fields Association : Playground Inspection Training Course – Notification had been received that a Playground Inspection Training Course would be held at Glen Parva War Memorial Hall on Tuesday, 28th April 2015 from 6pm to approximately 9pm. Councillors noted details of the Course but did not wish to attend.
Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.
Planning Matters
a. The Cheney Arms Public House, 2 Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – Applications submitted by Everards Brewery Limited for listed building consent and full planning consent for a proposed extension to the existing single storey side porch/store. Councillors resolved to support the application.
b. 12 Pasture Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr K Taylor for proposed alterations and extension to the existing bungalow. Following consideration of the plans received, Councillors had concerns that the size and proportion of the extension was too large, particularly in relation to the neighbouring property and when taking into account that both properties are semi-detached. Councillors felt that the extension would impact the semi-detached bungalow which adjoins no. 12 Pasture Lane. The Clerk was asked to write to MBC with these comments.
‘For Information Only’
c. The Hall, 2 Main Street, Gaddesby – Applications submitted by Mr D Jinks for listed building consent and full planning consent for the proposed erection of two single storey dwellings (plots A and B) and one single storey dwelling (plot C). It had been noted on the MBC website that they had received 13 public comments and 3 consultee comments in relation to the application, which included a report from English Heritage, an Ecology report, which stated that a Great Crested Newt survey must be carried out and a report from the LCC Highways Inspector, which recommended that the application be refused due to vehicular access safety.
‘For Information Only’
d. Land at Holme Farm, Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr W M Ross-Wilson for outline planning consent for the proposed demolition of the existing agricultural buildings and to replace with a new courtyard development of 10 private dwellings and an additional four detached dwellings. It had been noted on the MBC website that they had received 35 public comments and 4 consultee comments in relation to the application. These included a report from the LCC Highways Inspector, an Archaeology report and an Ecology report, which advised a holding objection pending the results of a further ecological survey.
Planning Decisions
a. Pine House, 4 Rearsby Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mrs Milward for the proposed removal of the branches and to balance the crown of one Pine tree, to balance the crown of a further Pine tree and to fell one field Maple tree, has been granted consent to work on trees by MBC.
Representative Reports
1. Ashby and Barsby Parish Hall – It was understood that a Parish Hall committee meeting would be held on Thursday, 12th March 2015 at 7.30pm.
2. Barsby Village Hall Green – Councillor Hurst reported that a committee meeting had taken place on Monday, 9th February 2015 to discuss and plan ahead for ‘Music at the Mill’ which would be held on Saturday, 4th July 2015.
3. Gaddesby Village Hall – Councillor Bakewell reported that Gaddesby Village Hall continued to be busy with lettings and was pleased to report that the floor had been re-surfaced.
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Accounts paid since the last meeting:
E.ON UK Plc – Street light repairs to PL2 and PL3, Rearsby Lane/Nether End, Gaddesby, £70.00 plus 20% VAT £14.00, total £84.00.
Accounts for payment:
Ashby and Barsby Village Hall – Hire of Hall, 6 meetings @ £15.00 each, total £90.00.
Gaddesby Village Hall – Hire of Hall, 5 meetings @ £16.00 each, total £80.00.
St. Mary’s Ashby Folville PCC, Churchyard maintenance grant, total £75.00.
St. Luke’s Gaddesby PCC, Churchyard maintenance grant, total £75.00.
Barsby Village Hall Green – Green maintenance grant, total £75.00.
Dalby Tree Care – To cut back the overhanging trees and shrubs at the Gaddesby Children’s Play Area, (as quoted), total £480.00.
Payments Received:
08.12.2014 – Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account – Interest from 08.09.2014 to 07.12.2014, total £2.07.
Estimated Balances:
Barclays Bank Business Reserve Account £17,497.23.
Barclays Bank Community Account £2,074.51.
The latest bank statements were made available for Councillors.
Other Business
1. Chimney Stack : ‘Three Bows’, 12 Baggrave End, Barsby – It had been bought to the attention of GPC that the chimney stack of ‘Three Bows’, 12 Baggrave End, Barsby was in poor condition and could be unsafe. It was of particular concern to the residents of ‘The Old Bakehouse’, 14 Baggrave End, as the two properties join each other. The Clerk was asked to initially contact Mr Richard Spooner, the Conservation Officer at MBC, to enquire which department would deal with such matters and to then report the matter to the appropriate department.
2. Dog Fouling : Main Street, Gaddesby – It had been bought to the attention of GPC that dog fouling had become a problem on Main Street, Gaddesby; from Cross Street down to the Cheney Arms Public House. The Clerk was asked to contact the MBC, Environmental Health Department to ask for their advice and to ask if they would be able to install a CCTV monitoring system in the area.
Arrangements for the next meeting:
Monday, 13th April2015, at Gaddesby VillageHall, commencing at 6.45 pm.
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.