Type of Meeting: Business
Date: January 12, 2016
Place: Middle-High School Cafeteria
Members Present: President, William Peoples, Jr., Trustees Michelle Terwilliger, Derek Burrell, Brian Crane, Michael Knapp, James Mitchell and Brian Herrington.
Others: Superintendent Joseph DioGuardi, District Clerk Mary Berkan, High School Principal Jennifer Crane, Middle School Principal Kris Benton, Elementary Principal Debbie Flint, Supervisor of Special Education Tanya Loomis, Director of Curriculum & Instruction William Howe and Business Administrator Ken Forrester.
Guests: Eartha Onyiriuka, Robyn Hand, Daniel Moltion, Cindi Benjamin, Michael Benjamin, Mike Benjamin, Corrine Crooker
President Peoples called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the group
in the Pledge of Allegiance after explaining the emergency procedure.
A motion was made to approve the agenda by Trustee Crane and seconded
by Trustee Terwilliger. President Peoples asked that the agenda be amended to
include an Executive Session after the Public Hearing to discuss one particular
personnel matter with no action to be taken. The agenda was approved as amended.
President Peoples asked the Superintendent to proceed with the recognitions for
the evening. He then asked Mrs. Flint to explain the student recognitions for Kandra
Corwin and Michael Benjamin for their art work being chosen in the National Calendar
for Mainfreight sponsored by Duffy Books in Homes USA. President Peoples
congratulated each student and presented them with a recognition certificate.
During the Superintendent’s report, he introduced high school teachers Dan
Moltion and Robyn Hand who gave a presentation regarding the new STEM Lab/3D
Printing program and showed some finished product pieces. The Board thanked them
for their interesting presentation.
At this time Superintendent DioGuardi introduced Eartha Onyiriuka who works
with the Career Development Council. She explained that their mission is to prepare
students for transition to employment by connecting the education and business sectors
to deliver career development services that will promote career awareness, exploration
and choices. She distributed to the Board some interesting information/statistics
regarding the different event categories that the students can participate in and learn
about the educational requirements necessary for each of the careers. She also handed
out the Annual Report for 2014-2015 which gave an overview of the what programs the
students participated in and their thoughts of the program.
To Order
Report – STEM
3D Printing
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Page 2
Mr. DioGuardi then reported to the Board that a “soft opening” for the new gym was being planned on January 27th at the basketball game, home vs. J-T. He also said the teams could start playing in the gym January 22nd. He told the Board that there
would be a big grand opening ribbon cutting celebration when the Event Lobby is done which should be next month sometime.
He then asked Construction Manager Barry Church to give a brief update on the
project. He said the bleachers were being worked on and expected to be completed
very soon. The lockers are 99% done; contractors are working on the punch list at
Tuscarora and things are on schedule.
Motion by Trustee Herrington and seconded by Trustee Mitchell. The Board of
Education of the Addison Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does accept the following Consensus items in accordance
with the rules and regulations of the Board: Minutes of March 24, 2015, December
8, 2016; Budget Status and Revenue Status Reports for December, 2015; Central Treasurer’s Report for December, 2015, CSE Minutes for December 8, 11, 22, 2015 and January 5, 2016; CPSE Minutes, January 6, 2016.
Motion carried
Motion by Trustee Knapp and seconded by Trustee Herrington. The Board of Education of the Addison Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does approve the following Personnel items .
Deborah Finamore-Flint
21 Maple Street
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Elementary School Principal
Reason: Retirement Resignation (32 years)
Effective Date: June 30, 2016
Debra Bills
6564 County Route 100
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Account Clerk
Reason: Retirement Resignation (10 years)
Effective Date: January 4, 2016
Project Update
Consensus Items
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Tammie Schoup
5527 Thomas Road
Woodhull, NY 14898
Assignment: Library Aide
Reason: Personal
Effective Date: January 4, 2016
Eugene Clark, Jr.
6012 Hubbard Road
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Cleaner
Reason: Resignation to accept another position within ACSD
Effective Date: January 4, 2016
Logan Knapp
64 Main Street, Apt. 201
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: School Lunch Driver
Reason: Personal
Effective Date: January 4, 2016
Leah Fry
2145 Alvord Hill Road
Greenwood, NY 14839
Assignment: Mathematics Teacher (Grade 8)
Justification: Resignation of Andrea Scott
Effective Date: September 1, 2015
Tenure Area: Mathematics
Corrected Tenure Date: September 1, 2019
Original Tenure Date: December 15, 2018
Resignations (Cont’d)
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Page 4
Lori Dart
4290 Bald Hill Road
Cameron Mills, NY 14820
Assignment: Cleaner
Justification: Resignation of Eugene Clark, Jr.
Effective Date: January 13, 2016
Probationary Period: July 13, 2016
Salary/Budget Code: Cleaner $9.98/hr. A1620-160-00-00-00
Experience: Substitute Cleaner, Addison Central School, Addison, NY (May 2015 – January 2016); Cleaner, United States Post Office, Cameron Mills, NY (April 2000 – January 2016).
Kelly Maricle
5845 State Route 417
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Records Clerk (Part Time)
Justification: Retirement of William Sanford
Effective Date: January 4, 2016
Probationary Period: July 4, 2016
Salary/Budge Code: Records Clerk (Part Time) $10.67/hr. A1460-160-00-00-00
Experience: Bus Driver, Addison Central School, Addison, NY (August 2010 – January 2016); Cashier, W&W Grocery, Addison, NY (April 2008 – August 2010); Machine Operator, Metamora Products, Elkland, PA (December 1996 – April 2008).
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Page 5
Kristopher L. Davis
4239 Upper Swale Road
Cameron, NY 14819
Assignment: Substitute Uncertified Teacher, Substitute Teaching Assistant, Substitute Teacher Aide, Substitute School Monitor, Substitute Latchkey Monitor
Justification: Additional substitutes needed
Effective Date: January 13, 2016
Salary/Budget Code: Uncertified Teacher $10.72/hr. or $75/day A2110-140-00-00-00
Teaching Assistant $9.64/hr. or $67.50/day
Teacher Aide $9.00/hr. A2110-160-00-30-02
School Monitor $9.00/hr.
Latchkey Monitor $9.00/hr. FLCHKEY-8060-160-00
Experience: Cashier/Food Service, Cameron Mills Market, Cameron Mills, NY (May 2015 – December 2015); MCS Representative, Corning Credit Union, Corning, NY (May 2015 – December 2015); Teacher Aide Relief, Erwin Child & Family Center, Painted Post, NY (March 2014 – May 2015); Baker, Peoples Bakery, Addison, NY (August 2011 – December 2015).
Jenna Mellinger
966 Brennan Road
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Substitute Teaching Assistant, Substitute Latchkey Monitor
Justification: Additional substitutes needed
Effective Date: January 13, 2016
Salary/Budget Code: Teaching Assistant $9.64/hr. or $67.50/day
Latchkey Monitor $9.00/hr. FLCHKEY-8060-160-00
Experience: Substitute Bus Attendant, Addison Central School, Addison, NY (October 2015 – December 2015); Substitute Food Service Helper, Substitute School Monitor (cafeteria), Addison Central School, Addison, NY (July 2015 – December 2015).
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Page 6
Sarah Cunningham
98 South Street
Addison, NY 14801
Assignment: Substitute Teaching Assistant, Substitute Teacher Aide, Tutor
Justification: Additional substitutes and Tutors needed
Effective Date: January 13, 2016
Salary/Budget: Teaching Assistant $9.64/hr. or $67.50/day
Teacher Aide $9.00/hr. A2110-160-00-30-02
Tutor $15.00/hr. A2110-140-00-00-00
Experience: Substitute Uncertified Teacher, Addison Central School, Addison, NY (May 2015 – December 2015); Tutor, Substitute Teaching Assistant, Substitute Teacher Aide, Addison Central School, Addison, NY (May 2015 – June 30, 2015).
Motion carried.
5 In Favor – 2 Opposed (Trustee Burrell & Trustee Crane)
Motion by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Terwilliger. The Board of Education of the Addison Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does accept the Local, State & Federal Grants totaling $1,725,320.00 for the 2015-2016 school year in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board.
Motion carried.
Motion by Trustee Crane, seconded by Trustee Mitchell. The Board of Education of the Addison Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does approve the 2016-2017 Cost Allocation Methodology for Shared Services for the Greater Southern Tier BOCES, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board.
Motion carried.
Acceptance of Local, State and Federal Grants for 2015-2016
Cost Methodology for
BOCES Shared
Business Meeting
January 12, 2016
Page 7
Motion by Trustee Knapp, seconded by Trustee Crane. The Board of Education of the Addison Central School District, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does approve the request for the seniors travel to the Poconos, Pa June 5-6, 2016 and continue the fundraising efforts for this opportunity, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board.
Motion carried.
Motion by Trustee Terwilliger, seconded by Trustee Knapp, to go to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing particular personnel at 7:30 P.M.
A motion was made by Trustee Crane and seconded by Trustee Terwilliger to return to regular session at 7:45 p.m. Motion Carried.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Trustee Crane and seconded by Trustee Knapp to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary L. Berkan, Clerk
Senior Class
Trip Approved
Motion to go to
Motion to Return
to Regular