Vice-President of Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of RussiaMakukhin V.Y.
______/ President of Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation Vasiliev N.A.

IVCombat Ju-Jutsu World Championship

April26-28th, 2013

Suzdal, Russia

Organized by СJJIF & CJJFR

Information: /

Vyacheslav Makukhin (Russia) +7 (495) 925 34 15 / (russian)

VladyslavShypinskyi (CJJIF) + 38-063-233-05-31/ (english)

- SectionCombat Ju-Jutsu Full-ContactTournamentfor mans, women (up 18th).

- Section Combat Ju-Jutsu Full-ContactTournament for juniors and cadets, m/w (14-15th & 16-17th).

- SectionCombat Ju-JutsuSelf – DefenseTournamentfor mans, women (up 18th) and mans veteran (up 40th)..

- SectionCombat Ju-JutsuSelf – DefenseTournament for juniors and cadets, m/w (14-17th).

- Section UniversalCombatamong athletes,involved and in the "Full Contact" section, and in the "Self-Defense" section.Winner and prize is determined among the results in all weight
categories in "Full Contact" section and the results in the "Self-Defense"section
by summing up the credits by in the each categories!With equal points awarded to the priority
party., who scored the most points in the "Self-Defense".
- International Combat Ju-Jitsu Seminar for members “COMBAT JU-JUTSU INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION”.

• Competition will be held April27-28 2013 inSuzdal, Vladimirskaya oblast. Russia.
IndoorThe Air Hall of Hotel Complex “Nikolaevsky Pasad”, 138 Lenina str. Suzdal, Russia

+7(49231) 235- 85.

• Combat Ju-JutsuMaster-class Seminar, Credentials Committee and Referee Seminarwill be keptApril 26th 2013 inThe sports halls of Hotel Complex “Nikolaevsky Pasad”, 138 Lenina str. Suzdal, Russia.


Thursday 25.04.2013

10-00 - 19-30 Free Time, Reception of delegations, registration, resettlement, Suzdal city-tours.

Friday 26.04.2013

10-00 - 17-00 Free Time, Reception of delegations, registration, resettlement, Suzdal city-tours.

17.00-19.00 Seminar of Combat Ju-Jitsu - Technical training is 2.5 hours - Theme "Combat Ju-Jitsu – real fight"
19.00-20.00 Mandatory and medical commission, weighing and registration of participants/ team under the guidance of judges of the International Category CJJIF, Vodyanykh V.N. (5 Dan. Voronezh, Russia)
20.00 -21-00 Referee seminar under the guidance of the Chief Justice of the competition, the judges of the International category CJJIF Vasiliev N.A. (9 Dan. G. RF) .

Saturday27.04.2013 I Competition day

08.00- Gathering of participants, the JudgesMeeting, preparing for the Grand Opening and conduct of duels;

08.30 - Drawing participants under the guidance of Judge CJJIF category Referee Shypinskiy V.S., (5 Dan, Kiev, Ukraine);

09.30-16.30-Preliminary fights in the "Full Contact"section to the Semi-Finals in all weight categories

17.00-17.30 -Grand Opening Ceremony.
17.30-21.00-Section "Full Contact"Semi-Finals,Finals and fights for 3rd place;

Saturday 28.04.2013

11.00-12.30- Section"Self-Defence” (full);

12.40-13.30- Section "Universal Combat" ! According to the rules section "Self-defense" among the participants of the all weight categories in the "Full Contact"

14-00 - 16-30 Closing of competition. Awarding!

16-30 - 17-30 Meeting of jury, summing up the competition

18-00 Banquet


Participants are invited to the Championship a central location & visas support in Suzdal.

IndoorTheHotel Complex “Nikolaevsky Pasad”, 138 Lenina str. Suzdal, Vladimir region, Russia. +7(49231) 235- 85. // +7 (495) 748-31-50


Types of roomsin USD:
2-room standard(breakfast)–108 $ per room / 54$ per person
3-room standard(breakfast)– 117 $ per room / 39$ per person
Economy (4-6-8-12 persons in one roomwithoutbreakfast)–22$.

Moscow-Suzdal- April 26,2013.PaveletzkijStation(Moscow) to theArtHotel "NikolaevPosad"(Suzdal).Our busat 9.00.
Suzdal-Moscow- April 28,2013.of Art-hotel"NikolaevPosad"(Suzdal)to Paveletskystation (Moscow).Our busat 21.00.

VISAS SUPPORT provided by LLC “Visa Center”,Sankt-Petersburg, Dostoevskogo str., 44, corp В; Тel: +7-921-334-13-13,+7-800-333-12-42,E-mail: b:

Costs associated with the organization, holding competitions and awards attributes formed from voluntary contributions from the entrance of the competitors and sponsor organizations. Expenditure on food, travel and accommodation of participants are sending organizations.

Seminar - 30 euro /person for CJJIF members / 50 euro for non CJJIF members.
Championship participation - 25 euro/ person for CJJIF members / 40 euro for non CJJIF members.

• Chief Justice of Competitions in Combat Ju-Jutsu:
Eminov Nurdin - 6 dan ju-jitsu, 5 dan combat ju-jutsu.
• Referees:
- VodyanykhViktor 5 Dan, President of the Voronezh region. Federation of Combat Ju-Jitsu, Voronezh, Russia
- Cherkasov Dmitriy - 4 dan, Vice-President of the club Ju-Jitsu and Combat "Lotus", Gomel, Belarus
- Nechepurenko Vl. -3 dan, Dnepropetrovsk,Ukraine
- Mammadov Rasul - 5dan Azerbaijan
- Sommer Andrey 3dan Germany
• Chief Secretary of the competitions:
Shypinskyi Vladyslav5dan, CJJIF Secretary General
• Chief Physician of the competition:
- emergency medicalteam

• Other officials: the Head Area, the Judge Timekeeper, Technical Secretary, Competition Commandant.

Participants in the championship:
- Allowed to the competitions for men & women (participants aged over 18, cadets 14-15 years and juniors 16-17 years) teams of national teamsof Combat Ju-Jutsu (not less than 1 and not more than 3 participants in the 1 st weight category).
Weight categories:
• Section Full-Contact

Adults (men 18 years and older) - to 62 kg, to 69 kg, to 76 kg, to 84 kg, to 92 kg, over 92 kg.

Women18 and older-50 kg-56 kg-62 kg-68 kg-74 kg -80 kgOver 80 kg
Juniors(Men16-17years)-55 kg-60 kg-65 kg-70 kg-75 kg -80 kg- Over 80 kg
Juniors(Women 16-17 years)-47 kg-53 kg-59 kg-65 kg-71 kg -77 kg- over 77 kg
Cadets(Men14-15 years)-50 kg-55 kg-60 kg-65 kg-70 kg -75 kg- Over 75 kg
Cadets(women14-15 years)-42 kg-47 kg-53 kg-58 kg-64 kg-70 kg -Over 70 kg
The preliminary application for participation in competitions and bookings of hotels must be filed by no later than 20March2013. Teams having not submitted within the prescribed periods, the application shall not be covered in some places. Competition allowed the team that contributed to the credentials committee competitions application in the prescribed form (required visa physician and money. "Institutions) as well as athletes, participating personally and have contributed money. certificate, a qualification ticket, passport or birth certificate and a certificate with a photograph attested by a Notary.
Judges Uniforms: black pants or suit, yellow shirt.
Referee: yellow shirt, black suit, maroon butterfly)
Side Judge: yellowshirt, black pants, black bow-tie
Trainers: just in sportswear, dock sides.
Representatives - casually clothes.
Conditions of Registration.
Each participant must submit to the credentials committee the following documents that confirm his identity:
• Passport (military ID) or birth certificate;
• Budo-passport or original / xerox machine-copy of the current appraisal certificate
• Applications for participation in the competitions of a standard form with a tolerance of a physician;
• The insurance policy of voluntary insurance;
Each participant must be in the next fit and have protectors:
• White, blue or black with the emblem of CJJIF pure Gi, the school party and the country's flag on the left shoulder;
• Color belts must meet the qualifying level;
• protectors: a helmet, protectors of the groin, breasts (for men and women), protectors on the shins with the protection of the feet are used in the competitions among individual categories of secular parties in accordance with rules approved.

• Tournaments for Combat Ju-Jutsuare conducted according the official full rules of the Combat Ju-JutsuInternational Federation (CJJIF) ( - English version)
( - Russian version)

- Section Full-Contact

- Section Self-Defense


This notation is an official invitation to participate to the Championship.

Appendix № 1.

regulations, rulesand conditions of theIVWorldCombatJu-JutsuChampionship in heldApril 26-28,2013.have read, agree andundertake tocomply with them.I believe thatI am physicallyand technicallyprepared forperformancesin this competition.In the case ofmyvarious injuriesand even death, neither Inor any of myrelatives, and mytrusteesclaims againstthe organizers,judges and otherpersons relatedtothe competitionhavenot.
Passport number:______

Appendix № 2.