NorthUnionHigh School

Marching Wildcats

Ivan Leavitt, Director of Bands

Director’s Message:

Dear Parents and Students,

As summer break begins, I would like to welcome you to North Union Marching Wildcats. We are going to have a very exciting year full of performances and trips.

This handbook will explain everything you will need to know regarding student expectations, grading policy, material needs, performance schedule, parent involvement and permission slips.

Please take the time to review the material in this handbook. After reading over the material, fill out the forms in the back of the book, remove them and return them to school by the dates listed in this handbook.

If you have any questions regarding anything in this handbook, feel free to call or leave a message at school 740-943-3012, or email me at .

We have an outstanding band program here at North Union, but without your continued support we will not be successful. If you are available to chaperone at football games, parades, festivals or help with any band related activities, please fill out the parent involvement sheet and return it to school with your child. With your help we can do great things!

Thank you for your support.


Ivan Leavitt

Director of Bands

401 N. Franklin St. Richwood, OH 43344 (740)943-3669

This booklet is designed to help you understand how the marching band operates at North Union. However, there are so many more experiences you will have that cannot be explained. Students, it is impossible to describe the feeling you will get standing on the field at your first performance, “hitting your spot” at practice or hearing the applause of people who appreciate how much hard work went into your performance. Families, watching your student experience all these things can’t be explained here either. Hopefully, this information will simply make it a little easier to understand what we will be doing this year in marching band.


How long is Marching Season?

1. SECTIONALS (JULY) – Percussion, Brass, Woodwind – These rehearsals will be at the middle school in the cafeteria. Each group has a different schedule but they meet during the summer before band camp, to begin learning (or “remember”) marching fundamentals and to get to know one another. See the calendar on page 13 for the sectional practice times.

2. BAND CAMP(AUGUST) – Full Band – Becauseof extensive renovations being done to the high school band room this summer all band camp rehearsals will be held at the middle school in the cafeteriato begin learning our pregame show and first halftime show.

Week 1 is a fundamentals camp for all members. By the end of the week we will begin learning drill.

Week 2 will be spent putting marching drill with the music learned from the previous weeks

Week 3 will be spent learning and cleaning marching drill learned from the previous weeks.

3. FOOTBALL SEASON – The Marching Band performs for all the Friday night football games – both home and away.

4. BAND FESTIVALS/PARADES/EVENTS – This schedule is decided prior to band camp and will be publicized well in advance. The unofficial band motto is “To be early is to be on time, and to be on time is to be late.”

When is practice?

Once the school year starts, practices are Monday (2:45-4:30), Wednesday (6:00-8:15), and Friday before the game.

NOTE: The start time is when the students should be ready to begin playing/marching and should not be confused with arrival time. In order for students to begin playing/marching on-time, they should plan on arriving AT LEAST 10 minutes prior to the start time.

Where is marching practice?

The NUHS parking lot has lines painted to match the football field so the band can practice their show. The band will on occasion spend time cleaning shows on the stadium field. Parents are welcome to bring a lawn chair and come watch practices. If the weather for practice is very hot the band will minimize practice on the parking lot.

What is a “drill sheet”?

Each student is represented by his or her own unique dot on the marching drill “map.” Their dot changes places to show where the student should be on the field. When a student gets to the right place on the field, this is known as “hitting your dot.” Drill sheets are the complete map of the marching drill.

What happens after practice?

At the end of each practice, announcements are made. This is the time to find out about last minute changes or hear information that your student should have already told you.



Hats Sunglasses Sneakers & Socks Shorts T-Shirts


Hatskeepthe sun off yourstudent’s face.

Be sure


have lots of UV


To avoid blisters,

well-worn, not new sneakers,

and cotton socks are best. Sandals are not permitted.



materials work best in the sun.

White shirts

are required

for all





Bring a container for water which holds at least one quart of water and which has a large opening to make refill time faster. Be sure to write the student’s name on it, too.


Towels are recommended to sit on during warm-ups and to wipe off sweat. Sunscreen should be used to minimize the possibility of sunburn.


Skipping meals does not work. You need energy to survive practice!

Students may bring their own snacks to eat at a break time as long as it doesn’t cause the student to be late.

Students should avoid dairy and greasy foods as they can make them very sick when it’s hot.


Students are measured and assigned uniforms during the first week of band camp. Students will be inspected before each performance so it is important to keep everything together.

Get a band back pack and keep it packed and ready to go! This will save you time – no last minute going home to get forgotten items.

Get extras of everything because things tend to disappear in the band room.

Label everythingwith your student’s name.

No large jewelry while in uniform. Rings, bracelets, and necklaces are not to be visible at anytime while in uniform. Only small post earrings are permitted. No other piercing is allowed to be visible while in uniform.

No hair sticking out of Shakos (hats).

No facial hair on guys other than side burns that don’t go below the ears.

What goes in the back pack?

1. NUMB Band Shirt – These can be purchased at Pat’s Print Shop.

2. Black Gym Shorts - Worn underneath uniform

3. Black Socks – Buy lots of these as they “disappear.”

4. Band Shoes– These can be purchased during band camp for about $23-$30/pair. It is best to pack a gallon size Ziploc bag for dirty Band shoes after the game.

5. Black Band Gloves – Buy at least 2 pairs during band camp because they “disappear”, too. Gloves are about $2.50/pair. NOTE: Gloves should not be dried in the dryer because they shrink.

What do I pack if it rains on the day of an outdoor performance?

Pair of blue jeans (or wear jeans to school)

Sneakers (white is preferred)

Summer uniform (NUMB shirt and black shorts)

The director will decide if uniforms will be worn when it rains and sometimes the decisions are last minute. In the event of rain, NUMB raincoats will be distributed to students but should be returned to the raincoat rack after use. We do everything possible to prevent our students from getting sick during marching season!

Are there special requirements for the color guard?

The color guard usually practices separately from the band and then joins them at the end to do a final run-through. They have different uniforms since they are usually there to add color to the show. They wear their hair a specific way so they will also need to purchase hair accessories that are requested by the director or advisor. Their hair is pulled back and tight to the head.


Due to the extremely public nature of the band program, students should work to look their best prior to every performance. Students are responsible for the following:

1. Equipment clean and in good working order

2. Clean and un-wrinkled uniform WITH ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS

3. Hair off collar and pulled back and tight when necessary (marching band only)

4. Appropriate music and supplies for each instrument (i.e. extra reeds, lyre)


The band uniform is purchased by the band boosters and loaned to you. After each performance, the uniform must be hung up properly and carefully. At no time should denim be worn under the uniform. It will damage the fabric.


The cost of each part of the uniform is listed below. If any part is damaged, lost, or stolen, you will be held financially responsible.

The replacement cost of the uniform is:

Coat $200.00

Pants $125.00

Shako (hat) $ 85.00

Plume $ 25.00

Baldric $ 80.00

Hanger w/pant bar $ 5.00

Hat Box $ 15.00

Raincoat $75.00

Band members will be expected to purchase the following:

Black Band Shoes $23.00 or $30.00

Band Shirt (purchased at Pat’s Print Shop) $15.00 (approximate)

Gloves $2.00 or $2.50

Back pack $3.00

Please make all checks payable to the North Union Band Boosters and send to school no later than Monday August 11th.

Each high school band student will pay a class fee of $15.00. This is payable to the school with all other fees. Middle school students should have the uniform dry cleaned as needed.


All percussionists are expected to provide their own sticks and mallets. Students are expected to own one pair of marching sticks or mallets, and a pair of approved concert snare drum sticks. Students are required to keep all equipment in good working order and have it secured at the end of each rehearsal.

Where do parents sit?

At football games, parents usually sit together with the band and sit at one end of the bleachers. At the band festivals, we sit together wherever we can find a space – other band parents are just as fanatical as NUMB parents.

What is there for parents to do?

There are so many ways that you can help the band program. There is always something to do and it’s up to you to be a part of what is going on. It takes many individuals to run such a large organization.

Band Booster meetings are the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00, from August to May. This is where you can really stock up on information, and sign up to get involved. See a band booster officer for more information about how you can become involved.

You know you’re a band parent when….

  • When you e-mail band members more than you do your family.
  • You carry spare gloves, socks, and duct tape in your purse, car, and fanny-pack.
  • You prominently display a band calendar in the kitchen, have band dates marked on the calendar in your purse, and/or have the Band Phone Number on your speed dial.
  • If your idea of Friday night dinner is a cold hot dog and a warm soda.
  • When you take an extra pair of socks and gloves everywhere you go.
  • When you leave home on an errand and end up in the school parking lot.
  • You know you’ll be wearing orange, black, and white every Friday night, and you’re very proud to be wearing it!
  • There's no such thing as a prior commitment.
  • When you know all the band booster officers' home and work phone numbers.
  • When you have a key to the band room.
  • When all of your friends have kids in the band.

Communications is a two way street. The Director or boosters have to give it out, but students and parents must listen or read it. Every Monday, during the marching band season, a weekly bulletin will be put out for the students. Ways that communications are given to students and parents are:

  1. The board in the band room.
  2. Other handouts (although, in the fall, they will usually be included in a weekly bulletin).
  3. We will be using the band link on the school website for some information.
  4. Verbal announcements during band rehearsals.
  5. The weekly bulletins during the fall.

We’re glad you’re here!! Please feel free to ask any NU member questions. Remember there are no dumb questions. You’re part of a very big family now, so please make yourself at home!!


A. ALL full year band students are required to participate in Marching Band as it is part of the band curriculum.

1.The Marching Band will perform at ALL football games.

2.The Marching Band will be participates in parades and contests. Please see the calendar of events.

3.Cheerleaders who are in the marching band (cheering at the game) will perform at pre-game and half-time, and may wear cheerleading uniforms at the games.

4.Football players who are not dressed in their football uniform on the sideline will be performing with the band during the games. All band members who are football players perform with the band at all performances when it is not in conflict with a football game. This includes but is not limited to the Richwood Fair, Bellefontaine Band Spectacular, Graham Band Show, North Union Festival of Bands, and Prospect Halloween Parade.

B. Marching Band Camp is MANDATORY by ALL BAND MEMBERS, AND FLAG-CORPS. Working students/athletes are to make a serious effort to attend rehearsals. This is important considering the number of band members, the size of the show, and limited rehearsal time to learn everything.

C. In Stands at Games.

1.Students are to remain seated in your assigned sections. No one is to leave their seats during the game with the exception of restroom purposes. Please ask a Director for permission if you need to leave.

2.It is not necessary to be eating in the stands during the game. Youmay only have water to drink, except after half-time. If the band gets 3rd quarter off, eating of food/drink will be restricted to the concession area. Students earn their 3rd quarter privilege by being on time and present for after school rehearsals. Everyone will be dismissed at the same time. Returning to the stands late will cancel your 3rd quarter privilege for the future.

3.Stands tunes will be called out by the director. Be ready to play. There will be a playlist used to help let everyone know what songs to have ready to play. The songs will be called out by number or a sign will be held up to show the song title.

4.Only band members will sit in the stands designated as Band Area during the games. Please sit in your assigned sections.

5.Students will remain in the stands till after the game or until being dismissed to move to the track to play the “Fight Song”. Everyone will then be instructed by the director to line up to march out of the stadium. If we win the home game we will most likely do a snake dance and if we lose we will march out in parade formation.

D. Out of Town Trips

1.School sponsored activities/trips are considered an extension of the school class; all school policies and regulations are in effect.

2.All students must follow all district bus regulation policies.

3.Only band members and assigned chaperones are allowed to ride to band events unless there is prior approval given by the director or administration. Free rides to the game for relatives, friends, boy friends, and girl friends are not allowed. DON’T ASK!

4.Individual students are responsible for their own instrument being loaded onto the truck or bus.

5.All bus rules will be enforced.

6.Food and drink are not allowed on the bus, and trash must be disposed of properly.

7.Band students shall be required to ride the assigned bus to and from each event. This also applies to all band-related trips. Should a parent choose to pick up a student prior to the end of a trip, the request should be made to the band director in writing. The parent must pick up the student in person at the end of the event.

8.Buses will always try to depart on time, and you will be given an approximate time of return. Please have your ride waiting at the school at the scheduled time of return.



(This form is included at the end of this packet)


The Section Leaders will take roll at the beginning of practice.Be punctual to rehearsals. Everyday, be seated in the band room or other designated start point ready to begin. Time is a precious commodity for us all.

If you arrive on time, you are late. To be early is to be on time.A student is not considered at rehearsal until they are in the band room in their seat, or on the field, in their spot, with all necessary equipment and ready to rehearse.

Unless told otherwise, you must have your pencil, music, drill charts and instruments with case at rehearsal every day.

Student Leaders have been chosen to instruct you. They are here to teach you how to march properly and help you learn you drill.The Section Leaders, and Squad Leaders have experience and knowledge to make you better performers and marchers. Listen to them and do what they say.