SchoolLibraryMediaCenter Program
The school library media center (LMC) is the hub of a school-wide culture of learning that is strong, stimulating and vital to student achievement. The school library media program is a key administrative unit charged with unique responsibilities within the school. The library media program supports the mission, goals, objectives and continuous improvement of the school. Comprehensive and collaborative long-range strategic planning is essential to the effectiveness of the library media program.
Library programs receive ongoing assessment by various measures as well as several forms of annual review. See Appendices A-D for sample evaluation/assessment forms.
Hours of Operation
The LMC is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30am until 3:30pm. The LMC is open on Tuesday from 8am until 9pm.
Grades K-5 has fixed scheduling with each class scheduled for one thirty minute time block every other week. Teachers may also schedule additional time in the library as needed during open/flexible time blocks. All flexible scheduling requests are subject to approval by the library media specialist.
Grades 6-12 operate on a flexible schedule. Teachers are encouraged to use the LMC as often as necessary. There will be a weekly schedule located behind the circulation desk for LMC sign up (See Appendix E). Scheduling will be done on a first come first serve basis, so it is recommended to schedule the LMC as soon as possible and no later than one week prior. When scheduling, please fill out the Class Visit Planning Form (See Appendix F) and return to the school library media specialist (SLMS) as soon as possible.
Library Staff
1—Library Media Specialist
2—Library Assistants (one elementary, one secondary)
16—Student Aides (two per grade, 4th-12th)
Parent Volunteers (numbers vary)
SchoolLibraryMediaCenter Services
Virtual Resources
Many resources are offered uniquely online through the library website at
General listings of these resources are listed below:
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)
- Library class and events calendar
- Reference topic pathfinders
- Class project WebQuests
- Virtual field trip listings
- Teacher resource website links
- Educational game links
- Student book reviews and recommendations
- Student work samples
- Librarian’s tips and tools blog
Access to Online Databases
- BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. : Provides curriculum and standards based resources, including over 600 videos, for seven subject areas: Science, Math, English, Social Studies, Health, Arts & Music, and Technology.
- Grolier Online: A multimedia encyclopedia with web and multimedia links.
- NetTrekker database: A searchable database arranged by subject. All search results will be appropriate for students.
- NOVEL Databases (statewide access to Electronic Information from the NYS Library) Full listing in Appendix G.
- Gale Group, Inc. databases including:
- Health and WellnessResourceCenter: a source for both medical care professionals and consumers concerning important current health information
- Business & CompanyResourcesCenter: wide variety of global business information including company profiles, as well as business magazines and newspapers
- Informe!: specifically designed to meet the research needs of Spanish-speaking users.Contains Spanish-language and bilingual magazine articles, reports and maps
- InfoTrac Junior: designed for middle and high school students. Includes 147 full-text titles, road maps, and full-text newspaper articles chosen by SLMS’
- InfoTrac Custom Newspapers: 150+ full-text newspapers,including the New York Times from 1995 to the present
- National Newspaper Index: Provides indexing (1977-present) of America’s top 5 newspapers; the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post
- Twayne’s Author Series: literary critical interpretation and discussion for readers (high school and above)
- Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL): contains 18 searchable online reference titles focusing on business, health, and history
- EBSCO: General Science Collection, ScienceReferenceCenter, MasterFILESelect (full text 750+ journals), Primary Search via Searchasaurus and TOPICsearch
- Opposing ViewpointsResourceCenter: Contains position articles on numerous current affairs topics and controversies.
- ReadingA-Z.com: Online reading resource center tailored to elementary reading levels
- SIRS database: A database of journal articles on social issues. Includes up to a 5 year collection on subjects such as drugs, crime, religion, alcohol, etc.
- Wilson Web: A database featuring critiques of artwork and biographies or artists.
- World Book Online: An elementary geared encyclopedia that includes the most recent version of the print set as well as exclusive web resources.
Audio Visual Equipment
The A/V equipment is located in the LMC. The following are available for check out:
- Digital Cameras
- Digital Video Cameras
- Tripods
- Projectors
- Smart Board
- Promethean Board
- Cart with twenty-five laptops (class set)
- External speakers
- Flash drives
- TVs with VCR/DVD combo
- Various cords and attachments
The following are available for in-library use only:
- Two color printers
- Two photocopiers
- Six desktop computers
- Cart with twenty-five laptops (library set)
- Scanner
- Laminator
Interlibrary Loan access
The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system is available to staff and students.
- Requests for books from other school libraries are made by library staff through the Cattaraugus County School Library Cooperative Network (CCSLCN) system. Public library requests are made online through the Cattaraugus County ILL System.
- All ILL requests must be made through the online request from on the West Valley Central School Library website:
- Both school and public requests must be made two weeks in advance. All requests are subject to availability. Late returns will be charged a late fee of $0.10 per day.
Library Orientations and Instruction
- Overview of relevant media center policies and procedures
- Circulation policies
- Parts and layout of books
- Proper book care
- Overview of library layout and organization
- Difference between fiction and non-fiction
- Fiction genres
- Use of alphabetical organization
- Introduction to and use of Dewey Decimal System
- Using OPAC
- Introduction to the Internet use and safety
- Understanding of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy
- Database access and navigation
- General reference and readers advisory
- Review use of OPAC
- Review database access and navigation
- Website evaluation
- Intro to LC Classification System
- Study Skills
- Proper Citation
Meeting Area
The library classroom is available for faculty and recognized student groups (See Appendix H). It is only available before or after school hours with proper faculty supervision. It is scheduled by the SLMS on a first come first serve basis. There is enough seating for 35 people.
There are many areas where the SLMS seeks to include instruction in all curricular topics and skills in conjunction with classroom teachers. Sample collaborations include:
All Levels
- Author of genre studies extended between the library and the classroom
- Media literacy
- Sharing literature related to classroom curriculum topics
- Book talks
- Using library resources in conjunction with content areas
- Curriculum mapping
- Integration of technology into curriculum
- Ethical use of information found on the Internet
- Project assessment
- Address, reinforce, and/ or develop information literacy skills
- Support and advisement regarding intellectual freedom and materials selection
- Planning media or technology-related staff development activities
- Design Web-based instruction
- Create Web pages, bibliographies, online instructional units, WebQuests
- Finding information resources for teachers (lesson plans etc.)
- Term papers: research, writing, citation
- Plagiarism workshops
Special Community Programs
The LMC is proud to offer many exciting programs to our community. The following are programs the LMC is currently running (See Appendix I):
All Levels
- Annual author/illustrator visit
- Fall and spring book fair
- Community Reads speaker/event
- Top Pix Book Club
- Family Reads Night
- Storytellers Guild
- WestValley Readers
- That’s News to WestValley
- Peer Tutors
- Senior Volunteers
Special Needs
WestValleyCentralSchool District is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which guarantee equal access to students and staff with special needs.
Examples of accommodations are as follows:
- Wheelchair accessible entrance/exit
- Software for the visually and hearing impaired
- Adapted keyboard
- Speech recognition system
Adapted from:
American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational
Communications and Technology. Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning.Chicago: American Library Association and Association for Educational Communication and Technology, 1998.
Bishop, Kay. The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts, Practices, and Information Sources. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007
DeFilippo, Abbey, Jill Hughes, and Ranette Schaertl. GenevaHigh School: Policy and Procedures Manual. Buffalo, NY: Nov. 2005.
Valenza, Joyce Kasman. Power Tools Recharged.Chicago: American Library Association, 2004.