PPS 8.10 Form 1A
I. Academic/Professional Background
A. Name: Verna J. Henson, PhD Title: Director, Texas Success Initiative Program; Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice
B. Educational Background
Degree / Year / University / Major / Thesis/DissertationPhD / 1997 / University of Missouri-Columbia / Sociology / From Ideology to Organization: A Sociological Analysis of Two Homeless Shelters
M.A. / 1990 / University of Missouri-Columbia / Sociology / Trends in Female Crime and Poverty: 1975-1985
B.S. / 1987 / University of Houston-Downtown / Criminal Justice
C. University Experience
Position / University / DatesLecturer-Department of Social Science / University of Houston-Downtown / Spring, 1994
Lecturer-Department of Criminal Justice / Texas State Unversity - San Marcos / 1994-1995
Instructor-Department of Criminal Justice / Texas State Unversity - San Marcos / 1995-1997
Assistant Professor / Texas State Unversity - San Marcos / 1997-present
Director-Texas Success Initiative Program / Texas State Unversity - San Marcos / 2000-2011
D. Relevant Professional Experience
Position / Entity / DatesManager / AT&T / 1983-1985
Manager / Southwestern Bell Telephone Company / 1977-1983
A. Teaching Honors and Awards:
2001-2002: School of Applied Arts Teaching Award
1999-2000: Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Association Favorite Professor Award
1998-1999: School of Applied Arts Service Award for Teaching and Mentoring
1997-1998: Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Favorite Professor Award
1996-1997: Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of Alpha Chi National Honor Society Teaching Award
1996-1997: Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Favorite Professor Award
B. Courses Taught: Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Criminal Justice; Crime in America; Juvenile Justice; Women and Criminal Justice; Penology; Capstone
Graduate Courses: History and Philosophy of Justice; Current Issues in Criminal Justice
C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):
Jessica Oglesby-Member
Michelle Quinones-Member
Veronica Casey- Member
Julie Vieyra-Member
Damon Dippel- Member
Angela Webber-Chair
Danna Kinkaid-Chair
Alero Walker- Member
Cory Todd-Member
Annette Esproceda-Chair
Lisa Foeh-Chair
D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:
E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
I. Other:
A. Works in Print
1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)
a. Scholarly Monographs:
b. Textbooks:
c. Edited Books:
d. Chapters in Books:
Woodard, MD and V.J. Henson. 2007. “Employment and Income.” In The African American Almanac, 10th ed., edited by Brigham Narins, 641-61. Detroit: The Gale Group
Woodard, M.D. and V. J. Henson. 2003. “Employment and Income.” In The African American Almanac, 9th ed., edited by Jeffrey Lehman, 619-40. Detroit: The Gale Group
e. Creative Books:
2. Articles
a. Refereed Journal Articles:
Henson, V. and W. Stone. 1999. “Campus Crime: A Victimization Survey.” Journal of Criminal Justice 27, No. 4 (July, August): 295-307.
Stone. W, V. Henson and J. McLaren. 2006. “Law Enforcement Perceptions of Sexual Assault Nurses in Texas.” The Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice 3. No. 2: 103-26.
McLaren, J, V. Henson and W. Stone. 2009. Prosecutors and Nurses: The Role of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and the Successful Sexual Assault Prosecution. Women and Criminal Justice 19, No. 2 (April). 137-152.
Henson, V, J. McLaren and W. Stone. 2009.Texas Hospital Administrators’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners. International Journal of Sociological Research 2, No. 1-2 9 (January-December), 101-115.
b. Non-refereed Articles:
3. Abstracts:
4. Reports:
Henson, V. 2000. Review of Selected Texas Commission on Law Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) Training Programs. The Texas Institute of Public Problem Solving (TIPPS). 61pp.
5. Book Reviews:
Chesney-Lind, Meda and Randall Sheldon. 2000. Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice. Wadsworth.
Fagin, James. 2003. Criminal Justice. Allyn and Bacon.
Inciardi, James. 1995. Criminal Justice. Harcourt Brace Jovanich.
Krisberg, Barry. 2003. Redeeming Our Children: The Quest for the Juvenile Court Ideal. Sage Publications.
Senna, Joseph and Larry Seigel. 2004. Essentials of Criminal Justice, (4 Th. edition). Wadsworth.
6. Other:
Henson, V. 2007. Juvenile Intervention Programs in the United States. Paper published in a Vologda State University (Russia) lexicon.
Henson, V. 2007. Adult and Juvenile Community Supervision Programs in the United States. Paper published in a Vologda State University lexicon.
B. Works not in Print
1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:
Twenty Years after 1984: A Continuation of the National Identification Card Debate. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, March, 2006.
Is it Time for a National Identification Card? Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting in Chicago, March, 2005.
Driving While Mexican: A New Negro in the Criminal Justice System? At the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. October 4, 2003.
Texas Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program Evaluation. At the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice Annual Meeting, Houston, TX., October, 2002.
A Review of Three TCLEOSE Training Programs at the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice Annual Meeting, El Paso, TX, October 6, 2000
Sexual Assault on College Campuses” at the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX., October, 2, 1999
“ The Homeless Shelter as Halfway House” at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 11, 1998
“Minority Over-Representation” at the Southwest Association of Criminal Justice Educators, San Antonio, TX October 2, 1998
“The Criminalization of Homeless Women" at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, March, 1997
“The Economics of Female Crime and Imprisonment" at the Southwest Association of Criminal Justice Educators Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Oct, 1995
2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:
How just is the Criminal Justice System? At the Wimberley Lecture Series, Wimberley, May 11, 2004.
The Implementation of an After-School Program for At-Risk Students at the Tex-Linc Networking Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station, June 13, 2002
Important African-Americans in American History, San Marcos Independent School District, Goodnight Middle School, San Marcos, February 27, 2001
Panelist, The Execution of Women in Texas, Texas State Unversity - San Marcos, March, 1998
Moderator, Discussant, Minorities and Women in Community Policing, UT-Austin (TIPPS), October, 1998
3. Consultancies:
4. Workshops:
5. Other:
COPS in Schools Facilitator-Pennsylvania Regional Community Policing Institute
C. Grants and Contracts
1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:
2002-2003 Texas Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program Evaluation, William Stone and John McLaren, Principal Investigators; Verna Henson, Research Associate. Texas Office of the Attorney General. (Funded)
2001-2002 After-school Mentoring Program. Verna Henson and Dave Williams, Principal Investigators. Kellogg Mini-grant. (Funded)
2000-2001 Universities Linking to Save Youth by Saving Trees. Dave Williams and Verna Henson, Principal Investigators. Kellogg Foundation. (Funded)
2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:
1999-2000 Sexual Assault Reporting Procedures among Institutions of Higher Education. Verna Henson and William Stone, Principal Investigators. National Institute of Justice. Unfunded)
3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:
4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:
D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:
A. University:
2010-2011 Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, University PACE Council
Member, Emerging Stars committee
Member, University Retirement Programs Committee
Faculty Mentor, University and Athletic mentoring programs
2009-2010 Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, Emerging Stars committee
Member, University Retirement Programs Committee
Member, University PACE council
Faculty Mentor, University and Athletic mentoring programs
Member, Council for Interdisciplinary Research and Grants
Member, Coalition of Black faculty and Staff Executive Board
Member, Search committee for academic Adviser II, University College
Member, Search committee for Director of Athletic Academic Center
Member, Interview Board for University Police Department
2008-2009 Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, Emerging Stars committee
Member, Honors Program committee
Faculty Mentor, University and Athletic mentoring programs
Member, Council for Interdisciplinary Research and Grants
Member, Coalition of Black faculty and Staff Executive Board
Member, Search committee for academic Adviser II, University College
Member, Search committee for Director of Athletic Academic Center
Member, Interview Board for University Police Department
Member, Selection Committee for Applied Arts and Fine Arts and
Communications Commencement Speaker, spring 2009
2007-2008 Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, Emerging Stars committee
Faculty Mentor, University mentoring program
Member, Council for Interdisciplinary Research and Grants (CIRG)
Member, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff Executive Board
2006-2007 Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, Mitte Honors Program committee
Member, Emerging Stars committee
Member, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff Executive Board
2005-2006 Member, Campus Work life committee
Member, Orientation committee
Member, Academic Affairs computer priority committee
Member, Mitte Honors Program committee
Member, University Scholarship interview team
Member, Search Committee for Director of Athletic Academic Center
Member, Search committee for Director of Testing, Research Support and Evaluation Center
Member, Search Committee for Advisor, Athletic Academic Program
2004-2005 Member, University Appeals committee
Member, Computer services priority committee
Member, University Honors Program committee
Member, Orientation committee
2003-2004 Member, University General Scholarship
interview team, University College
Member, University Honors Program committee
Member, Merrick Fellowship Award
Member, Computer Services Priority Committee
Member, Orientation Committee
Member, Campus Work Life Committee
Member, Campus Lighting and Safety Committee
Member, University Suspension Appeals Committee
2002-2003 Member, University General Scholarship
interview team, University College
Member, Merrick Fellowship Award
Member, Computer Services Priority Committee
Member, Orientation Committee
Member, University Grievance Committee
2000-2001 Member, University General Scholarship
interview team, Applied Arts
Member, Merrick Fellowship Award Committee, Faculty Advancement
Faculty Mentor-University Mentoring Program
1999-2000 Member, University Scholars Awards committee
Member, Mariel M. Muir Excellence in Mentoring Award committee,
Member, Merrick Fellowship Award Committee, Faculty Advancement
Faculty Mentor, University Mentoring Program
Member, Interview Boards for University Police Department
1998-1999 Member, University Scholars Awards committee, General Studies
Faculty Mentor-University Mentoring Program
B. Departmental:
2007-2008 Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee
2006-2007 Member, Search committee for Assistant and Associate Professors of Criminal Justice
2005-2006 Member, Scholarships and awards committee
2004-2005 Member, Scholarships and awards committee
2003-2004 Member, Scholarships and Awards committee
2002-2003 Member, Scholarships and Awards committee
2001-2002 Graduate advisor
Undergraduate advisor (Summer, 2001)
Faculty sponsor, Criminal Justice Minority Student Association
2000-2001 Member, Undergraduate and semester
Credit hour generation committee
Member, Professional advancement committee
Faculty Representative, University Scholars Week-end and College Days
1999-2000 Member, Undergraduate and semester credit hour generation committee
Member, Professional Advancement committee
Faculty Sponsor, CJ Minority Student Association
1998-1999 Chair, Undergraduate committee
Member, Promotion and tenure criteria and merit committee
Member, Advisory council committee
Member, Scholarship and Awards committee
Member, Criminal Justice Chairperson Search committee
Internship Coordinator
Faculty Sponsor, CJ Minority Student Association
1997-1998 Chair, Undergraduate committee
Member, Advisory Council committee
Member, Recruiting and Retention committee
Member, Scholarships and Awards committee
Internship Coordinator
Faculty Sponsor, CJ Minority Student Association
1996-1997 Chair, Undergraduate committee
Member, Curriculum committee
Member, Advisory Council committee
Faculty Sponsor, CJ Minority Student Association
Faculty Representative, African American Leadership Conference
1995-1996 Member, Advisory Council committee
Member, Promotion and tenure criteria and merit committee
Member, Undergraduate committee
Member, Scholarship and Awards committee
Faculty Representative, Community Leaders Breakfast, Texas State Unversity - San Marcos
1994-1995 Faculty Sponsor, CJ Minority Student Association
Faculty Representative, Academic Exchange, College Days
C. Community:
2001-present Member, Executive Board, ALMS, Inc., San Marcos, TX.
2000-2001 Volunteer/Mentor, Texas Youth Commission, Giddings, TX
D. Professional:
2002-2003 President, Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice
2001-2002 First Vice President, Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice
2000-2001 Second Vice President, Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice
E. Organizations:
2001-2002 Chairperson, Executive Board, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff
2001-present Member, Executive Board, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff
1994-present Member, Coalition of Black Faculty and Staff
1. Honorary:
2. Professional:
F. Service Honors and Awards:
2002-2003 Texas State Unversity - San Marcos Office of Disability Services Outstanding Faculty Member Award
Please note: For all entries, list most recent items first.
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