HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council - Agenda
Clerk: Michaela Frost Rear of Village Hall
The Green
Horsted Keynes
Tel: 01825 791919 West Sussex
e-mail: RH17 7AP
8 November 2017
Members of Horsted Keynes Parish Council are summoned to a Parish Council meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 7.30pm.
Michaela Frost
Parish Clerk
Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. The first ten minutes of the meeting will be available for the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda. The public and press are also welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.
2. APOLOGIES – to receive apologies for absence.
Members are invited to make any declaration of personal or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on the agenda and are reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is to be considered.
4.1. To resolve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10 October 2017 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
4.2. Matters outstanding from these minutes (not listed as separate agenda items).
5.1. To authorise schedule of payments and note receipts and year to date expenditure (attached).
6.1. To receive a report from County Councillor.
6.2. To receive a report from District Councillors.
6.3. To receive and consider reports from Parish Councillors.
7.1 To consider and discuss the District Plan modifications
7.2 To consider the Westhall House planning application which has been recommended for approval by Mid Sussex District Council and to agree whether a representative from the Parish Council and up to two supporters should attend and address the Mid Sussex Planning Committee (see document attached)
7.3 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan
7.4 To agree the formal submission of Horsted Keynes Neighbourhood Plan
to Mid Sussex District Council. (The Updated documents are on the website)
8. NOTICE OF MOTION (Submitted by Helena Griffiths, Local Resident) regarding Play Area Refurbishment/Replacement.
Helena Griffiths has submitted the following motion under Standing Order 9 (a) to (h) for consideration by the Parish Council:
I have been having some conversations with a variety ofdifferent people across the village who have almost unanimously expressed concern as to the funding model being proposed for the playground. In the last couple of weeks there have been a couple of informal petitions being circulated (at the church, the shop and online) asking for agreement, or not, as to if the PC should be allowed to increase the precept, and none of these actually state it is the PC conducting the surveys/petitions. This in itself is misleading to parishioners.
Prior to this latest round of consultations (which includes the freighter day), none of the engagements talked about costs so this isnew information in the public domain. Peopleare shocked by the amount, and the fact that this amount will put the parish in to debt for many years.
The PC of Horsted Keynes as never taken a loan out - they have always lived 'within their means' and raised money from the parish through fund raising events or through grants etc - all taking up a lot of time and effort. This was the method used for the last playground update.
I strongly believe the PC should seriously consider formally consulting the electorate to gauge if they are in agreement with the spend, and that the money should be raised by a loan repayable over 10 years.
The last time a formal consolation took place in the village on a spending matter was to ask the parish if they wanted to donate £500 to the cause fighting the Brickworks plans to use the quarries as landfill. This took place via a letter drop to all households.
So a long winded introduction to what I believe the PC need to discuss:
1. Put on hold the proposed plan to refurbish the playground,
2. Hold a formal referendum to consult allof the electorateon the proposed loan to fund the refurbishment,
3. Look at alternative levels of refurbishment (and costs): from a lick of paint; to partial refurbishment; or to the whistles and bells approach currently being put forward.
4. And to fully consult with all local residents on any future proposals for the playground.
I would like to iterate thatI am not against refurbishment of the playground in some way, but I am concerned with the amount of money needed and the present funding model proposed by the Parish Council. Through conversations I am aware I am not alone in my concern.
8.1 To receive an update on all matters from TGR& H Committee Members
(The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2017 have been previously circulated)
9.1 To receive verbal report on Planning Applications received and any
MSDC decisions.
10.1 To consider a request from Horsted Keynes PCC for increased support and funding for the maintenance of the churchyard.
11.1 To consider whether to provide a tree for the St Giles Tree Festival
11.2 To receive feedback regarding the visioning exercise at the Freighter day on 22 October 2017
11.3 To consider a position for the planting of a tree on the Green outside the Horsted Club to replace the diseased Lime Tree which was felled.
11.4 To consider requesting via the P& P for parishioner’s emails in order for a database to be compiled for a monthly newsletter.
12.1. To note that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12 December 2017
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