Minutes of the Royal British Legion Solihull Branch Committee meeting held at Broomfields Hall on Tuesday 9th Feb 2016 at 8:00pm
Branch OfficersPresident / D Mouzer
Chairman / K. Russell
Vice Chairman / P Woodward
Treasurer / D Green
Secretary / M Howe
Mr. R Waring / Hon Subs Secretary
Mr H S Davies
Mrs S Mouzer / Poppy Appeal Organiser
Mr. P C Read
Mr. S T Waters
Mr. J Howden
Mrs. T Walker
Mr. G Rouse
All were present except Haydn Davies and Don Green.
1.0 The Silence
The silence was observed for those comrades who had fallen since the last meeting and in particular Terry Haddy.
2.0 Apologies – Haydn Davies and Don Green.
3.0 Minutes of the last meeting
The Chairman asked the committee if the minutes of the 12th Jan 2016 meeting reflected an accurate record of the matters discussed.
Proposed Peter Woodward
SecondedTracey WalkerCarried
4.0 Matters Arising – there were none.
5.0 Correspondence and Secretary’s report
- The MS1 committee information has been confirmed as received at County.
- Request to attend funerals of Kenneth Spriggs and Stan Darby.
- Donation from William Bell.
- Email from County advising of Chris Simkins (DG) retirement.
6.0 Reports
6.1 Chairman and Vice Chairman
- Ken and John attended a meeting with SMBC on 2nd Feb to discuss Remembrance Sunday 2016. A parade with a marching band will take place. More details to follow after next meeting.
- County Chairman wishes to attend the Branch meeting on 10th May to talk to the membership. She will advise changes occurring within the RBL and the possible effects on the branch and members. A poster will be made inviting members to the meeting and try to get questions in advance.
- A further meeting has been held to discuss the 90th Anniversary weekend 18/19th June 2016. The format is now to be a Formal Dinner on the Saturday night (18th) with a Church Service on the Sunday followed by a display by Shirley Pipe Band. The Mayor may be invited to both events.
- County AGM 30th January - Poppy Collection £771k, reminder letters are to be sent out to members who had not renewed, there will be no parade this year at the County Service of Thanksgiving, Galanos won the National Care Home of the Year award, a training questionnaire will be sent to branches in March, branches are to have annual visit from County staff.
- As noted in the Midlands Newsletter there is an offer for used stamps - £11.00 for British and £20.00 for foreign stamps will be paid for each kilo collected.
- Ken intends to attend the SSAFA AGM on 16th March.
- It is proposed that June Howden be co-opted to the committee. This was proposed by Ken, seconded by Tracey and accepted by the committee.
6.2 Treasurer – Ken for Don Green
- The Subs and Branch Accounts for the month were circulated.
- During January Don had a meeting with Bob Marston, County Treasurer, to discuss the failings of LOMAS. The bottom line is that Bob will arrange with the LOMAS Administrator to reset the year end 2015 balances so that they agree with reality.
- On 20th January £384.00 was received into the Subs bank account. This is the admin fees and fees from new members collected by Head Office and will be transferred to the Admin account, shortly.
- The Committee agreed with the proposal that the Subs account be closed as the Club Subs and Branch Fees are now collected separately and it is not needed.
- We now have 329 Members who have paid a total of £384.00. These statistics are shown on the revised Disbursements Schedule dated 08 February 2016. There is no explanation as to where the extra £4 came from!
- On 6th January £160.00 was paid to the Poppy Appeal in respect of the cost of the wreaths.
- On 18th January the cost of expenses incurred, amounting to £55.35, was paid to the Standard Bearer, George Rouse.
- The Accounts were accepted by the meeting.
6.3 Poppy Organizer – Sonia and David Mouzer
- Sonia advised that the awards records are up to date and will be passed to Peter. There are no awards this year.
- There was a donation of £95 from the funeral of William Bell. A thanks letter has been sent.
- We have £1007.30 at the bank.
- The next Poppy meeting will be 15th Feb at 10am.
6.4 Standard Bearer – George Rouse
- George attended the funeral of Stan Darby – ex Military Police and had seen wartime service.
- He will attend the funeral of Terry Haddy on 22nd Feb.
6.5 Welfare - Stan Waters.
- Stan had had a call from a lady seeking welfare advice which he responded to. It transpired she was from Shirley RBL. He gave her the Shirley and Welfare contact details.
- Ref last meeting and an email to Peter, Ken made contact with Ronald Price. Initially he was advised no meeting was needed but this was subsequently reversed and an initial visit arranged for Thursday 11th February. Ken and John will alternate visits weekly.
6.6 Subscriptions Secretary and New Members – Roger Waring
- Contact made to Suk at County and membership information finally received through Microsoft 365. We have 384 members. There are 114 non-renewals of which 75 have renewed Club membership. Following a discussion it was agreed a letter will be sent advising that members of Club must be members of Branch. This will be signed by both Chairmen.
7.0 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting is 8th Mar 2016. The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Signed K. Russell
Branch Chairman Solihull RBL