ITPS Daily Schedule Descriptions
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
9:00 – 10:00 am
Leading through Transformation
We are living and working in a time of intense change. Technology at once promises to create new business opportunities, and to solve many of society's problems. But technology has simultaneously unleashed forces that are disrupting most businesses and undermining our institutions.
- Examples of Technology Creating NewBusinesses (e.g. Uber, Amazon, Dominos)
- Examples of Disruption Happening (General Mills, Philanthropy, Dictatorships, Democracy, Wiki-leaks, WeightManagement, Music)
- Cyber Activism: White Hat vs. Black Hat (Anonymous, Lizard Squad); Sony
- Technology and AsymmetricalWarfare (Reflections onthe End of the Cold War and the Emergence of the Digital Age)
We are wise to embrace change as the nature of life. But as leaders, we are called to rise to the challenge and to shape the change that is taking place around us.Sourcing professionals are strategic, curious and objective, and the function is well positioned to partner with technology to see the future and to impact how it arrives.
- General Mills’Technology 2020 Vision
- Blue Ocean– Indirect SourcingTransformation at General Mills
- Smart Machines replacing humans–and smarter humans
Dave will share his thoughts from an industry in change, and encourage each of us to rise as Champions of Change. He will describe how strategic vision, clarity of purpose, and agility are the hallmarks of successful transformation, and he will challenge us to define these for ourselves and our organizations.
- The role of Vision & Purpose
- The rise of Purpose Drive companies
- Redefining Value - (DoritosSuper Bowl; Social Enterprises)
- Starting with Why (Why is Why so important?)
10:20 – 11:20 am
Transition to Microsoft in the Cloud
The Microsoft Cloud Transition presentation provides a multi-faceted approach for organizations to utilize when evaluating the complex and expanding Microsoft license landscape. As work styles are changing, the cloud enables the workforce to collaborate with ease, from anywhere at anytime. There is a big push from Microsoft to move as many of their clients to the cloud as possible. Despite the obvious benefits, there are lots of reasons why the cloud might not be a good choice for your organization right now.
- There are lots of different ways to license, purchase, and deploy the cloud products, making it challenging to know how to maximize your organization’s benefits.
- Make sure you understand what your organization needs and why, before you commit to moving to the cloud
- Do your cost calculations carefully; the cloud might end up costing significantly more. But it could also end up costing around the same amount.
- If there are significant barriers to cloud adoption, make sure they have been discussed and documented. You’ll need them in three years when it’s time to renew your agreement again.
Exceeding Client Expectations During Negotiations
Negotiation outcomes are important, but they are not the only way to measure the quality of your efforts. Business executives care not only about outcomes but also about how you manage contract negotiations. This session will apply principles taught in business schools to contract negotiations. Practical advice will be provided on how to manage perceptions about the quality of your services and how to lead negotiations to completion effectively. Attendees should leave with new insights on:
- How others judge the quality of negotiations as they are occurring
- How to redesign negotiations to cause them to be seen as high quality
- How to address problems as they arise
- How to communicate effectively to lead negotiations to completion
- How to manage workloads to get everything accomplished
IT Contracting Boot Camp
Get Informed. Leave Empowered.
If you’re new to IT contracting or just want to get back to basics, then our IT Contracting Boot Camp is for you! With a curriculum purposefully designed to provide those new to the profession with practical tips and tactics for negotiating a better deal with suppliers, this 7-hour interactive workshop will leave participants feeling informed, empowered, and excited about their future in technology procurement. Sessions are hands-on, collaborative, and facilitated by some of the industry’s most engaging professionals.Those completing all 7 sessions of the boot camp will receive formal recognition from CAUCUS as well as a commemorative gift memorializing their achievement. Specifically, boot camp participants will:
- Understand what it takes to become a dealmaker and how to become one.
- Learn how one simple tool can radically transform the way you negotiate with suppliers.
- Gain insight into the fundamentals of drafting, reviewing, and negotiating technology agreements.
- Recognize hidden gotchas in contracts and learn strategies for avoiding them.
- Explore the pitfalls of cloud contracting and identify strategies for getting to “yes” with suppliers.
- Consider the habits of successful procurement professionals and how they can launch your career.
Intro to Boot Camp/The Art of Becoming A Dealmaker
Think our IT Contracting Boot Camp might be for you? Head on over to session to find out!
While here, you’ll learn all the reason we started this Boot Camp, the results we expect to
achieveover the course of the 7session track, and the background of the instructors leading
you through those sessions. Once you’re clear on the Boot Camp concept, we’ll launch right into our first topic: the art of becoming a deal maker. During this interactive discussion, we’ll explore the qualities that separate average IT procurement professionals from those who who are truly great the dealmakers.
By the end of the 60 minute block, you’ll leave feeling empowered and able to:
- Understand what Boot Camp is all about.
- Recognize the qualities of a dealmaker and understand how to develop them.
- Appreciate the importance that passion plays in the daytodayof your job.
- Approach the rest of Boot Camp with the proper mindset to achieve greatness.
Statements of Work
Statements of Work (Work Orders, Task Orders, etc.) are the undervalued and unappreciated workhorses of the contracting world. Attached to many types of agreements, they are supposed to document the specifics of the deal. However, statements of work frequently are treated as formalities, are done poorly, and fail to protect the customer. Why? Because drafting a good statement of work can be a challenging and daunting task.
- Improve supplier accountability
- Avoid common drafting mistakes
- Enhance your negotiation position
- Learn key words suppliers use to shift risk to customers
- Identify how to obtain better, more comprehensive requirements
- Understand how to use rolling estoppel to avoid supplier surprises
11:40 – 12:40 pm on Day 1 and 11:30 – 12:00 on Day 3
Industry Breakout Sessions
Our industry break-outs will give you an opportunity to network with your peers so that you can see how others just like you are dealing with the same issues and challenges you’re confronting in your own organization.
2:40 – 3:40 pm
A Litigator's View of Software License Agreements
While the hope in any license agreement negotiation is that the relationship will be productive for all parties, it is important to prepare for the possibility that an agreement under negotiation will become the centerpiece of subsequent litigation.
This presentation examines what software license litigation can teach us about negotiating good agreements that protect our companies' interests. The session will discuss how certain kinds of common provisions -- including indemnity, choice of law and choice of venue provisions, shifting of attorneys’ fees, and restrictions on competition -- can play out in litigation. Particular attention will be paid to the complexities that can arise when licensed software is intended to be integrated with other tools or re-distributed to customers.
- Are the provisions that my company negotiates hard to include in its agreements ones it is prepared to litigate over, if necessary?
- What advantages can I gain from considering in detail how my company intends to use the software it is licensing?
- What particular issues with respect to intellectual property ownership and licensing are created when the licensed software is going to be integrated with proprietary software or other licensed software?
- Are there documents and communications created as part of the negotiation process that will be particularly helpful or harm if there is eventual litigation?
- Are there choice of law or venue issues that are created if my counterparty is in a different jurisdiction?
Network Sourcing & Cost Considerations for WAN Designs
How can corporate WAN managers decide which services meet their evolving network requirements while also controlling costs? This session presents data to help telecom sourcing managers navigate the global WAN market, exploring how geography, provider, and technology impact cost and how moving to a hybrid network can lower network TCO.
- Learn about trends in enterprise service availability and pricing across geographies and the impact of these changes on network cost.
- Identify the most important factors to consider when effectively matching your WAN requirements to potential providers.
- Explore the impact of sourcing WAN services from a single global provider or several regional providers on total network cost.
- Learn about key factors to consider before switching to a hybrid network.
- Explore situations in which it can prove cost-effective to replace MPLS with alternative enterprise services and assess how a hybrid network can lower total WAN costs.
Contracting Philosophy Tool – Boot Camp
Does your company need the Contracting Philosophy Tool? Probably not if you have absolutely no internal ALIGNMENT issues, not if internal Stakeholders are ALWAYS in alignment with YOU and each other. Or, if increasing speed in your preparation and negotiation process is not an important issue for you or your internal Stakeholders, there may be no need to worry about this Tool. Or, if prospective Vendors ALWAYS immediately agree with your version of the Terms and Conditions, then maybe the negotiation leverage of the Contracting Philosophy Tool is less important. In this class, you will learn how to create and use a Contracting Philosophy Tool to:
- Forge ALIGNMENT between you and your internal Stakeholders
- Speed up the preparation and negotiation of IT procurement
- Screen and qualify potential bidders
- Increase negotiation leverage with potential bidders
- More effectively review and draft Customer contract documents
- Wield maximum leverage in negotiations with potential vendors
The basic Business Process Reengineering principles can be applied to other Procurement Processes
- Learn Business Process Reengineering principles to apply to your Procurement processes
- Build SLAs for your supported business units by completing time tracking and task duration information
- Use reporting to support employee reviews and requests for additional staffing
- Use views, filters, and canned reports from an IT Service Management system to focus your efforts in the right places to provide the best service
- Review tips and tricks for engaging in 3rd party development services for ServiceNow customizations and view free tools available: learn more about researching ServiceNow at each release and stay up to date with features and functionality if you have JavaScript developers in house
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Redefining Software License Management
Software contracts often contain seemingly arcane descriptions of "license metrics" which create an environment of uncertainty about what exactly you've bought and how exactly to count usage and license consumption. This in turn leads to unexpected expenditure as a result of vendor audits and complicated contract negotiation and renewals. Complex negotiation and license audits are great for the software vendors but are a time consuming and costly distraction for your IT and Procurement teams. There is a new, better way.
Join the Editor of this new ISO Standard (19770-3) and frequent international speaker Jason Keogh as he outlines:
- This innovative new approach to managing software license contracts
- The benefits it brings to Procurement, IT Asset Management/SAM and IT Operations
- What’s required to achieve those benefits
- The vendors that support the standard, and the vendors that don't
- What you can do to help move the industry forward and change software vendor behavior
SIP Trunking – How Procurement can drive large savings through the CIO’s budget
SIP trunking is now a staple of the enterprise service mix, but each vendor has its own pricing, provisioning and contracting twists, and they all strive to limit the customer’s ability to take advantage of SIP trunking’s flexibility. Beyond that, the vendors push risk to customers, often requiring customers to take actions (particularly in regard to 911) so difficult to comply with that most companies are in breach from the start. Overcome the confusing and complex pricing, identify the key impacts and considerations for best in class SIP trunking deals, and learn how to beat back LECs’ efforts to make moving to SIP trunking, or a new SIP trunking vendor, difficult.
- SIP Trunk” Basics
- Saving Money with SIP Trunking – the Business Case
- Preparing for the Move to SIP
- A Disciplined Approach to Sourcing SIP
- SIP Transition Planning Considerations
- SIP Trunking Pricing Models
Popular Vendor Ploys and How to Counter Them – Boot Camp
Did you know that the typical vendor sales rep receives at least a year's worth of training learning how to divide and conquer an enterprise so that they can sell, sell, sell. It's true! So the bad news is your life in IT procurement is going to be spent constantly going up against highly-trained sales professionals. Want to know what the good news is, though? Vendor sales reps - regardless of industry or the solution their peddling - all use the same set of tricks!
During this interactive session, you'll be walked through some of the most frequently used ploys used by venders during the sales cycle and provided with a host of time-tested, proven strategies for countering them.
Specifically, by the end of the hour session, you'll be able to:
- Understand the true motivations of vendor sales reps and how to turn those motivations into leverage for your organization.
- Protect yourself against popular sales strategies such as the "Take It or Leave It" ploy, the "I've Got Your Solution" tactic, and the often-used "Oh By the Way" form contract.
- Level the playing field by recognizing when a vendor ploy is about to be used against your enterprise and providing a response which negates its effectiveness.
- Shorten negotiations by reducing and/or eliminating the use of vendor ploys all together so that the same level of effort can be focused on negotiating terms that matter.
- Recognize the fundamental importance of the ICN/CAUCUS maxim - if it's not in the contract, it's not part of the deal.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
9:00 – 10:00 am
Cloud, Cyber Security, Going Agile
As an IT professional we are playing in complex dynamic market place. The fun filled presentation will focus on the top priorities for our profession including IT Sourcing Megatrends, Must have Relationships and How to make your Job Irreplaceable. You will not want to miss this presentation
10:20 – 11:20 am
Key Clauses in Professional Services Agreements
This seminar is taught by a seasoned business professional and will guide the IT Purchasing professional through the process of supplier selection, negotiation, contract clause selection, supplier management in the category of Professional Services Agreements. Many organizations spend significant amounts on Professional Services without implementing adequate controls and safeguards in the associated Agreement. This Seminar will contribute to the attendee becoming a true value-add business partner to their organization's stakeholders in the drafting and negotiation of Professional Services Agreements.
What will be covered:
- Understand Professional Services Contracts procurement strategies, contract types, and techniques
- Learn how to structure pricing and rate schedules for Professional Services Agreements
- Develop an awareness of key business issues in Professional Services Agreements including Ownership and Use Rights of Work Product, Proprietary Rights Indemnification, the Supplier’s obligation to report progress and status
- Understand legal requirements and issues
- Supplier Management in Professional Services Agreements
Gotchas That Can Getcha
"We don't do that. We haven't priced the deal that way. We've never heard someone ask for that -- none of our other customers ask for that. You're asking for a custom solution." These phrases and others are commonly employed by vendors when customers seek to change terms and conditions presented by vendors.
This presentation will highlight issues that arise in technology transactions and focus on themes and tactics that vendors try to use in connection with those issues and identify strategies to address them. Seminar participants will leave the session recognizing that they are not alone and being armed to address common vendor tactics.
- Learn how to turn vendor tactics to your advantage
- Learn ways to address the “we never” and “we don’t” negotiation tactic
- Find out how to limit a vendor’s attempt to increase charges during the term of the deal
- Learn how to make a vendor accept responsibility for the regulatory framework in which you operate
Fundamentals of Drafting, Reviewing, and Negotiating – Boot Camp
Concepts and theories are great. But drafting, reviewing, and negotiating is where the rubber
meets the road for IT procurement professionals. During this interactive session, participants will be work through (in real time) some of the key clauses found in any technology agreement. And don’t worry this session isn’t about aspirational asks in an agreement. To provide you with the most practical value, the instructors will be showing what you actually can get in various clauses based upon the current state of the industry.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to: