Instructor: Sachin Singh
Office: NSM C-305
Phone:(310) 243-3419
Office Hours: Will be announced in class; open-door policy
Required Texts:
Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques Pavia, Kriz, Lampman & Engel.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (highly recommended)
Lab notebook
Safety goggles
1. Grading:Traditional letter grades will be assigned based on the following.
Lab Reports (135 pts.) 33%
Daily Quizzes (45 pts.) 12%
Qualitative Analysis (100 pts.) 25%
Written Quiz (100 pts.) 25%
Evaluation (20 pts.) 5%
Total: 400 pts.
2. Daily Quizzes. Part of your grade will be an evaluation of your preparedness, punctuality, etc. by the instructor. Daily quizzes will total 45 pts or approximately 12% of your total course grade.
3. Lab reports and prelabs. A pre-lab is to be turned in 24 hours before the scheduled lab (see form below for format). A typedlab report will be required for each experiment. The report is due one week after the scheduled completion of the lab. These reports are due at the scheduled start time for the lab. Late reports will be penalized one letter grade for the first 24 hours. Lab reports that are submitted more than 24 hours late will not be accepted!
Please note that lab reports are not written in the lab notebook, but are separate requirements. You will be given explicit instructions about what each lab report is to contain. Lab reports are to be your own work and not plagiarized from some other student or lab report. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated!
4. Notebook. A written record of what you are doing in the lab will be kept in your notebook. You are expected to have your notebook with you in the lab. Failure to do so can affect your grade. The notebook entries will be written in ink. The carbon copies that you make will be submitted with your lab reports.
5. Evaluation. Part of your grade will be an evaluation of your lab technique, preparedness, punctuality, etc. by the instructor. Laboratory evaluation will total 20 pts or approximately 5% of your total course grade.
6. Safety. You must wear approved eye protection at all times in the lab. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the lab.
7. Prerequisite. You must have completed CHE-310 and CHE-311. Co-requisite is enrolment in CHE-312.
8. Attendance. You are expected to attend all laboratory sessions. Make-ups will only be allowed if arrangements are made prior to the missed lab and for good reason.
9. Written Quiz. Will cover material from all of the laboratories (100 pts). We will discuss this as we proceed. This is not something to worry about, instead concentrate on your laboratory work and subsequent lab reports.