Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday, 8 Feb 2012 in the Conference Room, Summerfield House, 2 Eday Road, Aberdeen at 10.00 am.


Mr Raymond Bisset, Non-Executive Board Member, Chair

Ms Jane Adam, Lay Member

Ms Elaine Brown, Moray Service Planning Lead

Mr Richard Carey, Chief Executive

Ms Pamela Cornwallis, Clinical Manager, Speech and Language Therapy, representing Aberdeen City CHP

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director

Mrs Maggie Emslie, Patient Experience Service Improvement Lead (Cancer Services)

Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager

Mrs Wilma Forrest, Lay Member

Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary

Mrs Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Board Member

Ms Eleanor Murray, Nursing Lead for HAI, representing Acute Services

Ms Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant Patient Safety & Patient Experience

Mr Mike Ogg, Deputy General Manager Strategy and Integration, Aberdeenshire CHP

Mrs Liz Tait , Clinical Governance Manager, by videolink

Mr Scott Dyker, Service Improvement Officer, Mental Health Service (on behalf of Pauline Somerville)


Mr Christopher Third, Scottish Health Council

Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk

Item No

/ Issue /


1 / Welcome, Introductions and apologies
Raymond Bisset welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Leah Dawson, Laura Dodds, Sharon Duncan, Cllr Bill Howatson, Linda Juroszek, Christine Lester, Anne Lindsay, Jacqui MacKintosh, and Gordon Stephen
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 9 November 2011
The Minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 / Matters arising from previous minute
Jane Adam expressed her concern that there had been no follow up to her enquiry regarding emergency fire drills within Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, which she had mentioned at the meeting on 9 November.
Laura Gray agreed to take forward the matter for Jane. / LG
3.1 / Patient Rights consultation
Laura Gray noted that the consultation which was due to be launched in January has not been yet been launched. She also noted that the Scottish Government had recently reviewed the “Can I help you” campaign and the revised version of the draft regulations, which come into force on 1 April 2012, will be circulated to the Committee members. / LG
3.2 / Transfer of health care services for the Prison Service
Laura Gray confirmed that discussions regarding the transfer will be discussed at a forthcoming NHS Grampian Board Seminar.
3.3 / Shared folder for PFPI Committee papers
Marilyn Elmslie confirmed that a folder has been made available on a shared drive which PFPI Committee members within the NHS Grampian network can access. Paper and email copies will be still be available for members not on the shared drive.
4 / Public Involvement
4.1 / Maternity formal consultation plan and update
Laura outlined the plan and provided an update on the consultation to date. The consultation period will run until 22 Mar with the aim of taking the finalised proposals and report to the June NHS Grampian Board meeting. As the proposals are deemed to be major service change, Ministerial approval will be required.
The public events have been well received, with varying numbers in attendance. Helpful feedback has been received. Laura confirmed that meetings and presentations will be held with many of the Area Committees and other groups within the three Local Authorities, patient focus groups and targeted groups of women. The aim is to encourage as many people as possible to provide feedback.
Raymond Bisset noted that he had attended some of the public meetings and was encouraged by the positive response of the attendees.
The Committee noted the update and commended the work undertaken to date.
4.2 / Health and Care Framework – communication and engagement update
Communicating the NHS Grampian 2020 vision to public and staff was ongoing.
Richard Carey noted that the recently appointed Executive of Modernisation, Graeme Smith, will lead the work on identifying the focused priorities within the framework and ensure that they are followed through to implementation phase. The NHS Grampian Board is fully engaged in the process.
Further updates will be provided to Committee at future meetings.
The Committee noted the update.
4.3 / Involvement and Consultation update
The quarterly report was provided. Laura enquired if the Committee still felt the report was a useful update. Each sector now provides a written report to the Committee and it was felt that there may be duplication. Wilma Forrest suggested that the quarterly update was useful and recommended that it only highlighted the priorities to avoid duplication of updates provided by the sectors.
The Committee agreed to the recommendation and noted the update.
4.4 / CHP, Acute & Mental Health Service updates
A written report was provided for each sector.
a / Aberdeenshire CHP
Mike Ogg commented that he had received a positive acknowledgement of the consultation process on the Maternity Review from the public at a number of the meetings held across Aberdeenshire. They were encouraged to hear that Inverurie has been selected as one of the possible locations for a Community Maternity Unit. He also highlighted the continuing work in relation to the Health and Care Framework. A copy of the NHS Grampian Health and Care Framework Inverurie Pathfinder Newsletter – Dec 2011 was tabled.
Richard Carey confirmed that both the Inverurie and Forres pathfinder pilots were a priority of the Health & Care Framework.
b / Acute Sector
Eleanor Murray provided an update and gave thanks to David Cooper, PFPI Officer, who produced the second issue of their newsletter in Nov 2011 (provided in Items for Information). She highlighted to the Committee the list of 39 groups that have patient/public representatives as members and thanked Jane Adam for her involvement in the HAI PFPI Group.
c / Aberdeen City
Pamela Cornwallis provided the detailed update on all aspects of public involvement within the Aberdeen City CHP. She felt it was important to evidence all the work that was being done.
Wilma Forrest commended Pamela for providing a contact name and telephone number for further information for each subject.
d / Mental Health & Learing Disabilities
Scott Dyker provided the update and spoke of the continued work by the Service User Reference Panel following the evaluation report from the Scottish Health Council. Members continue to influence planning at Royal Cornhill Hospital.
e / Moray CHSCP
Elaine Brown provided the update highlighting the varied public involvement work, particularly the Forres Health and Care Pathfinder.
The Committee noted the updates.
5 / PFPI Assurance
5.1 / PFPI Framework 2009/12 – process for Framework 2012 and beyond
Laura Gray noted that the Framework was now due for review and development to take it through to 2015. The majority of work will rollover and be continued.
Raymond suggested that there may be an opportunity to arrange a workshop style event for the Committee members to discuss the Framework and other aspects of the Committee work. Laura Gray to arrange. / LG
6 / Patient Experience
6.1 / Patient Experience Service Improvement Pilot Project: Final Project Cover Paper and Final Report January 2012
Prior to Maggie discussing the final report, Laura Gray announced that this would be Maggie’s final PFPI Committee meeting as she was leaving NHS Grampian. Laura stated that Maggie’s contribution to both the PFPI Committee and to Public Involvement Patient Experience Service Improvement work was immense and thanked her all her hard work and dedication. Jane Adam also noted her thanks to Maggie for the help and support that she provided for the public representatives.
Maggie discussed the pilot project and stated that the final report was an opportunity to reflect on what had been achieved. The report describes the governance arrangements, the different projects undertaken within the pilot and reflects on the success factors, constraints and lessons learned in applying the Experience Based Design (EBD) approaches. She highlighted that there was clear evidence of positive feedback from patients and carers about cancer and haematology services. Different approaches to gathering feedback elicit different types of data. Patient stories and discussion groups contributed the most valuable information with which to identify areas for improvement.
Maggie noted that she had received an email from a GI consultant complimenting the Upper Gastrointestinal patient experience programme stating that it had impacted in getting the clinicians to re-examine the way they organise their services. The pilot has clearly demonstrated the benefits to be gained from carrying out patient, carer and staff experience gathering work and how the information gathered can act as a catalyst for change and improvement. The learning from the pilot has helped to form a future sustainability plan.
Raymond Bisset noted that the findings from the pilot should be used as a new approach for service improvement which should be carried across the organisation. Richard Carey agreed that it was a priority to embed and to link with the work of the Quality Strategy.
Scott Dyker highlighted the bullit point in the report that stated staff feel they lack the skills and capacity to plan and carry out EBD projects. Staff will require guidance and support to be able to effect change. Linda Oldroyd noted that funding from the Scottish Government had been secured to appoint a person centred post for 11 months to focus on staff experience and supporting staff. She also noted that plans are under development to introduce Patient Experience Walkrounds.
The Committee endorsed the project report and recommendations for future sustainability.
6.2 / Better Together Update
Linda Oldroyd noted that sectors continue to work on delivering actions to address issues identified from the 2011 results.
The 2012 in-patient survey is about to be launched. Quality Health will be sending out surveys shortly.
The 2011 GP survey is live but results are not yet available.
The Better Together Public Involvement Group will meet on 1 Mar to oversee actions plans based on Better Together results.
Better Together Innovation Fund Monies – £4,000 funding has been received. This money is being used to develop improvements around signage for patients with sensory impairments. A full report will be available for the next Committee meeting.
The Committee noted the update
6.3 / Feedback Service Update
The new format of the Feedback report was discussed. The Committee members noted that the case studies were helpful.
The Committee endorsed the approach taken to providing data and information on feedback about NHS Grampian services and noted the update.
7 / Equality and Diversity
7.1 / NHS Grampian Language Line Usage Report Jan – Dec 2011
Nigel Firth gave a resume of the main points of the report. Wilma Forrest commended Nigel on the Executive Summary provided.
7.2 / Bi-lingual Health Link Worker (North Aberdeenshire and Moray) Quarterly Report Sept – Nov 2011
The report was very detailed and highlighted the variety and volume of work that the postholder had completed during the Sept – Nov 2011 period. Due to the success of the project the post has been extended for a further 12 months from Sept 2011 to August 2012.
There was a full discussion on the refusal by some fish processing factories in Fraserburgh to give the bi-lingual health link worker access to their migrant worker staff for the purposes of provide health care information. Only one business had agreed to this request. Raymond advised that Cllr Bill Howatson chaired the North East Scotland Fisheries Development Partnership. Raymond suggested Nigel should contact Cllr Howatson so that this issue could be raised at their next meeting. Nigel thanked Raymond for this most helpful advice, which would be followed.
In response to a question, Nigel advised that any concerns raised with the health link worker which were not health related, were referred to the appropriate agency. For example, there had been recent referrals to the GREC Case Worker, Local Authority Housing Department and the Ethnic Minority Law Centre. / NF
7.3 / Appointment of 2 fixed term Bi/Tri-lingual Health Link Workers for Aberdeen City
The success of the project in North Aberdeenshire and Moray has led to the appointment of two fixed term 20 hours per week Bi-Lingual Health link Workers for the Aberdeen area. Two appointments had already been made.
These appointments had been made possible by funding from the Carer Information Strategy monies and the Aberdeen CHP Health Improvement Fund.
7.4 / Equality and Diversity Training
Nigel provided an update on the wide range of training currently available.
7.5 / EHRC Inquiry into Human Trafficking
The conclusions from the inquiry in Scotland were that organised crime was not an integral part of human trafficking. Human trafficking tended to be small scale and carried out by small groups or individuals acting independently. Most of the recent cases discovered had been in the central belt.
A major issue in the North East was the exploitation of recent migrant workers, by unscrupulous employers. The EHRC and the Health and Safety Executive were aware of the issues and there had been a number of recent initiatives.
The Committee noted the updates
8 / Advocacy and Volunteering
8.1 / Grampian Independent Advocacy Plan – update on consultation
Laura noted that the consultation had been concise and useful feedback on the plan had been received. The plan was now being finalised and will link with the NHS Grampian Communication Strategy.
8.2 / Refreshed Strategy for Volunteering in NHS Scotland – next phase
As the work undertaken across the NHS over the past 3 years has provided a strong foundation for volunteering, the Scottish Government are keen to ensure that work continues and develops. Laura confirmed that the Scottish Government Health Dept has agreed funding will be provided over the next 3 years for Volunteer Development Scotland to cover the costs for Boards going through the Investing in Volunteers reassessment process. They have also covered the cost of membership of VDS for all Boards until Aug 2014.
The Committee noted the updates.
9 / Patient, Public and Carer Information
9.1 / Virtual Visiting
Roelf Dijkhuizen spoke about recent discussions held regarding the possible use of electronic technology such as Skype and mobile phone networks to allow patients to contact friends and relatives without them having to visit the patient in hospital. This would be particularly helpful for patients who live in remote and rural areas and also patients who have family residing in other parts of the world. He asked for the Committee’s views on the matter.
Members discussed the suggestion and it was deemed that it was a very good idea and would make a huge improvement for many patients, particularly the elderly. Many concerns would have to be addressed such as confidentiality and whether it would interfere with the work on the wards but there were obvious benefits.
It was agreed that it would be beneficial to put together a small working group to take this forward. Roelf and Laura Gray to arrange.
The Committee agreed with the suggestion and will receive updates from the working group. / RD/LG
10 / Learning, Development and Assessment
10.1 / E-learning training outcomes
Jacqui MacKintosh was unable to attend. An update will be provided at the next Committee meeting.
10.2 / E-learning outcomes
Laura Gray spoke of the many E-learning tools available for staff and highlighted the outcomes of the proposed PFPI e-learning programme. The outcomes will ensure that participants have increased awareness of PFPI.
10.3 / Scottish Health Council Update
Christopher Third gave a brief verbal update on the work of the SHC highlighting the work being done in engaging with primary care, involving working with patient participation groups which includes developing a start up guide for the groups.
The Committee noted the update.
11 / Items for information
11.1 / Acute Sector PFPI Newsletter
11.2 / Minutes of Acute Sector PFPI Group 6 October 2011
11.3 / Minutes of Patient Experience Service Improvement Project - Cancer & Haematology Project Steering Group 10 August 2011
11.4 / Minutes of NHSG Disability Discrimination Act Review Group 14 November 2011
11.5 / NHSG Carer Information Strategy Group Update
11.6 / Carers Information Strategy – handouts for National Carer Event 31 January 2011
11.7 / Complaints Review Group – January Update
12 / Any other Competent Business
Richard Carey noted that he had received a communication from Derek Feeley, Director General Health & Chief Executive of NHS in Scotland, stating that he was conducting a review of the Major Service Change process to ensure that it continues to be fit for purpose. Laura Gray has agreed to participate in the review on behalf of NHS Grampian. Further information will be provided for the Committee at future meetings.
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
13 / Date of next meeting:
10am on Wednesday 2 May 2012