FD (DoF) Annual Report and Accounts / Circular Reference: HSC(F) 15-2018
DoH Ref:HE1/18/71377

Date Issued: 6April 2018

For Information to:
Chief Executive and Director of Finance of each HSC Body and NIFRS
Summary of Contents:
This circular provides Department of Finance-issued guidance relating to production of annual report and accounts for2017-18. Whilst it is primarily departmental guidance, certain sections are applicable to Arms Length Bodies, as detailed below.
Any enquiries about the contents of this Circular should be addressed to:
Hannah Francis
DoHFinancial Accounting Unit
Castle Buildings
BT4 3SQ /

Superseded documents:

HSC(F) 15-2017
Related Documents:
FD (DoF) 03/18
Expiry Date:
1September 2018
Status of Contents:
For Information and action as appropriate


  1. This is to inform you that DoF have issued the following letter:

FD(DoF)03/18:Departmental Annual Report and Accounts


  1. As the document title suggests, this Finance Director communication primarily relates to departmental accounts however there are key areas within it applicable to departmental ALBs – please refer to the applicability section, paragraph 2 of Page 2.
  1. Paragraph 5 gives reminder of applicable guidance to follow in preparation of the annual report and accounts, being the current version of the Government FReM (as per departmental guidance issued on 28February through circular HSC (F) 08-2018).
  1. Section 4 of Annex A on pages 9 to 15 is also applicable to all ALBs as it provides an overview of the required content of the annual report as a result of feedback received on the recently implemented simplification and streamlining project. The revised approach requires allocation of senior level ownership of the annual report and accounts. This should be read and applied in conjunction with the FReM Chapter 5 – Form and content of the annual report and accounts.


  1. Please ensure that this circular is brought to the attention of all appropriate staff within your business area and thatthe relevant sections are thoroughly read and applied, in conjunction with previously issued HSC Manual of Accounts and FReM guidance within circularHSC(F) 08 -2018 and the 2017-18 timetable within circular HSC(F) 05-2018.

Additional Information

  1. Further detailed guidance on laying and publication of the annual report and accounts is to be provided by DoF under a separate FD letter and is to include specific direction for ALBs. This will be issued by the Department in due course.

If you or your staff should have any queries regarding application of the information contained for year end 2017-18please contact Hannah Francis on 02890 765641 or .

Hannah Francis

DoH Financial Accounting Unit