Minute of the eHealth Committee

held on Friday 10 May 2013 at 10am

in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House


Cllr Bill Howatson, Chairman, NHS Grampian (Chair)

Councillor Mr Raymond Bisset, NHS Board Member

Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Medical Director, NHS Grampian

Mr Andrew Fowlie, Lead for Digital Health

Mr Alan Gray, Director of Finance

Dr Olive Robb, Consultant Radiologist

Dr Bill Simpson, Consultant, Chemical Biochemistry

Dr Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer

Mr Graeme Smith, Director for Modernisation

In Attendance:

Paul Allen, Head of ICT Services, eHealth (deputising for Alison Hawkins)

Prof Arvind, EdinburghUniversity

Lorna Bernard, Telehealthcare Strategy & Development Manager, SpynieHospital

Dr A Green, FY1

Heather Haylett-Andrews, Personal Assistant

Linda Juroszek, Pharmacist (on behalf of Lynn Morrison)

Dave Taylor, PMS Programme Director


Guy Giles, Looking Local

David McGirr, Illumina Digital

Item / Subject / Action
Apologies were received from Alison Hawkins, Christine Lester, Steve Baguley, Richard Carey and Lynn Morrison.
Minute of meeting held on 8 February 2013
The minute of the meeting held on 8 February 2013 was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
Matters arising from meeting held on 8 February 2013
3.1 / Mobile Devices Update
Paul Allen verbally updated the group on the work ongoing with the short life working group. He reported that:
  • NHSG currently have approximately 60 mobile devices
  • Compatibility testing of iPod, iPad and iPhone devices forclinical use is ongoing.
  • The next stage in wireless working has seen a proposal put forward to Alison Hawkins to increase coverage in community hospitals and also “Hot Spots” in General Practice to assist community staff who are mobile.

NHSG eHealth Workplan
Paul Allen spoke to Alison Hawkins’ paper accompanied by the revised NHSG eHealth Plan and sought its approval from the Committee.
It was noted that Scottish Government had asked all boards to refresh the eHealth Plans for 2013-14 and to include work associated with the management information “sixth aim” introduced in the Summer of 2012, inclusion of plans resulting from the “mobile devices in the community” initiative at the end of 2012, inclusion of the common progress measures, and any local updates and additional detail for the coming year.
It was noted that eHealth Leads and Clinical Change Leadership Group had agreed a set of ‘common progress measures’ (came into effect from April 2013 and can be seen in the workplan) which are to be used by all Boards. These will be combined to provide a national picture of progress against the six eHealth strategic aims for the remaining duration of the eHealth Strategy 2011-17. First baseline results will be provided at the end of the first quarter of 2013-14.
A general discussion followed on the range of activities being undertaken within the plan and the recommendations of the eHealth Plan were formally agreed by the Committee.
Alison Hawkins can now advise the Scottish Government eHealth Directorate of its approval. / AH
Patient Management System Update
Mr Dave Taylor updated the group on Mr Alan Gray’s paper which detailed the journey from previous systems to PMS and its progress to date.
A PMS Strategic Group has recently been established; membership includes all of the TrakCare boards with Scottish Government and National Services Scotland representation. The role of the group is to provide strategic direction around the development of PMS in the short, medium and long term.
A table showing NHS Grampian’s Business as Usual status was highlighted. Most areas are stable/almost back to business as usual with just a few almost stable/progressing towards business as usual. This shows progress in recent months; most significant challenge continues to be national reporting.
Other points noted on the report included:
  • The Order Comms roll-out to Elgin has been stalled due to issues with Carestream RIS. As roll-out was due to be 21 May, if issues not resolved by then, Lab results will be the only results processed electronically with Radiology still being produced on paper.
  • NHS Orkney had their business case approved and are currently considering the Service Level Agreement NHSG have drafted.
The key risks of the paper were noted and a general discussion took place.
The Committee agreed the recommendations set down to note:
  • The PMS work ongoing
  • The business as usual assessment and update
  • The programme for 2013/14
  • The status of the risk register

Comparison Study – Order Comms
It was reported that Dr Alan Green has been working with Dr Baguley since February 2013. Dr Green shared his findings to the comparison study and reported that there was 123 valid responses (split 31 old system responses and 92 new system responses) received; a strong response from Consultants but poor from junior medical staff.
The survey was based on an American study and asked the same questions (rank the 7 statements, from 1-7 with free text at the end for extra comments) despite the 2 different systems.
Overall, the two different systems show no significant difference in operation. When the survey was done in February 2013, people were new to the new system and it was suggested it would be worthwhile repeating the survey in the longer term.
Dr Green to be asked to provide the presentation for the Committee.
Committee noted Dr Green’s presentation and anticipate a future report for comparison. / Dr Green
Decision Support Unit
Mr Smith outlined the purpose of his paper – Development of a New Model for Unscheduled Care in Grampian and gave an overall overview as was discussed at the NHS Grampian Board seminar on 7 May 2013.
Mr Smith explained we need to build on work already done through the Emergency Care Centre and highlighted some aspects of the ambitious plan as well as using what we have already including the implementation of The Decision Support Unit, a 1st floor hub. It was also noted that Mr Allen would be joining the Modernisation Directorate on a secondment basis initially for 2-3 months to assist with eHealth elements of the modernisation agenda, with a priority around Unscheduled Care and Decision Support Unit.
Further work needs to be done on the plan in 2013/14 before it can be approved and implemented but the purpose of today’s discussion with the eHealth Committee was to ensure the streamlining of the eHealth agenda and the improvement of unscheduled care. / GS
A further report to come to the next Committee in August.
Committee stated they were happy with the report.
Modernisation Team/Digital Health Presentation
Andrew Fowlie discussed his paper and updated the Committee on activities relating to Innovation Partnership work with a focus on the theme of Digital Health.
NHS Grampian continues to participate in 2 dallasprojects – Year Zero (YZ) and Living it Up (LiU). Both projects continue to develop against project plans and both have come across technical and capacity challenges that have slowed progress.
He asked that the Committee:
  • note the progress with innovation nationally and in Grampian; those contained within his paper
  • take part in an interactive showcaseemerging in the region.
Showcase 1 – demonstrated by Prof Arvind
Speck devices – a body worn device that measures respiratory rate, heart function and daily activity. These devices have been test-bedded in Grampian.
Showcase 2 – demonstrated by a short video clip from Richard Carey
No Delays – a platform that enables digital post carding – pre-recorded info to understand conditions of patients in their homes.
A short video clip shown of Roelf Dijkhuizen introduction to the function and importance of the Decision Support Unit.
Then followed short video examples of patient stories including an unscheduled care episode, a planned care episode and a CoPD episode.
Andrew Fowlie gave a short presentation on Speck devices and the device was passed around the Committee.
8.1 / Looking Local
A presentation by Guy Giles, Looking Local and Lorna Bernard, MCHSCP on Living it Up (LiU)
  • Exchange - Living it Up - tool for practitioners; currently being rebranded to ‘Discover’.
  • LiU
  • allows sharing and finding of information
  • looking at products available – kite marking ‘trusted’ info – only picks up endorsed items
  • social network effect
  • Hopeful of intended launch of portal by beginning of June

8.2 / A Better Place
A presentation by David McGirr, Illumina Digital
  • Early prototype care planning application
  • Workshops have been carried out with health professionals for ideas for prototype
  • Gives power to patients to control their own health and wellbeing
  • Enables medicine dairying; reminders etc
  • Creates and shares action plans
  • Next stage July/August 2013
Screen clips shown to the Committee of prototype and it was agreed to send the URL to Andrew Fowlie to distribute to the Committee. / DMcG/
8.3 / No Delays
A short presentation by Dr Jamie Hogg, Clinical Lead Modernisation
Dr Hogg provided an insight to the work being undertaken around No Delays, which enables digital post carding – pre-recorded info/videos to support clincians and patients better understand certain conditions as video is an effective medium to communicate.
The Committee noted the progress being made across a number of initiatives including: Looking Local, A Better Placeand No Delays, which were presented to the Committee. However it agreed that a reduced agenda for the August 2013 Committee to cover Modernisation Decision Support and Digital Health was required to focus on the work being undertaken around Modernisation Directorate.
  • It was agreed that items to be put to the Board from the Committee for discussion/decisions:
-Workplan Progress
-Digital Update
  • The Committee to get regular updates on the position of Your Plan – Year Zero.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Centre to be invited to the next Committee.
  • Due to time constraints, the Minute of the Information Governance Steering Group Meeting from 3 December 2012 was not discussed, purely noted by the Committee.

Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on 9 August 2013 at 1000 hours in the Conference Room, Summerfield House.