Minute of Meeting of the Grampian Clinical Ethics Committee

held on Tuesday 17 March 2009 in the

Committee Room, Foresterhill House at 5.00pm



Dr Ruth Stephenson, Clinical Lead/Chair

Mrs Annette Cameron, Speech & Language Therapist

Rev Fred Coutts, Hospital Chaplain

Dr Partha Gangopadhyay, Specialist Registrar in Forensic Psychiatry

Mrs Sue Kinsey, Lay Member

Dr Gordon Linklater, Consultant in Palliative Care

Dr Stephen Lynch, General Practitioner

Mrs Helen Morgan, Theatre Sister

Mr Nick Renny, Consultant in Maxillo-Facial Surgery (Left at 5.30 pm)


Mrs Rosie Gauld, Clerk to Professional Advisory Committees

No / Subject / Action
1 / Apologies and Welcome to New Members
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Prof Neva Haites, Dr Sarah Christie, Mr Stuart Hannabuss and Mrs Joan Stuart.
2 / Appointment of Vice Chair
Mr Nick Renny was nominated and accepted the role of Vice-Chair to the Committee and members present unanimously agreed with the appointment.
3 / Minutes of Meeting held on 10 February 2009
Copies of the Minute had been circulated with the agenda. There was one amendment to the list of those Present. The spelling of Dr Gangopadhyay’s name should be changed to read “Gangopadhyay”. The Minute was then approved as a correct record.
4 / Matters Arising
4.1 Highlighting the CEC – Update (website info)
A paper was circulated showing what was proposed for inclusion on the Clinical Ethics website which had various sections – The Role and Remit; Membership; Committee Work; Referral Form; Meeting Dates.
Dr Stephenson advised that she had met with the Medical Director who had been interested to hear how the Committee was developing its role. It was intended to put courses on the website to generate interest, see the response and then organise teaching in response. Several members of the Committee had expressed an interest in undertaking teaching.
The tabled Referral Form was discussed. It was agreed not to include it on the website for the moment and that data protection issues be checked.
It was agreed that under Clinical Ethics Consultation, the second and third sentences of the second paragraph should be deleted. The last sentence should begin “Please contact …………” / RS/FC
It was agreed that approved Minutes of the CEC would be included on the site.
The information would only be available on the Intranet not the Internet.
4.2 Core Competencies
Copies of a paper entitled “Core Competencies for Clinical Ethics Committees” were circulated previously with the agenda. The paper set out a set of competencies proposed for the provision of clinical ethics support, in relation to Ethical Analysis Skills; Knowledge and Personal Characteristics.
To assist in collating the skills and experience of members of the Committee, the Chair suggested that members let her have a list or narrative of their experience and requirements in relation to the document so we could focus the Training Day on the committee’s requirements. It was suggested and agreed that the training day with facilitators from the Ethox Centre would be useful. A date in September was proposed.
It was hoped that most of the CEC would participate and it would perhaps be open to a wider audience. / All
4.3 Scottish CEC Network
The Chair had had discussions with the CEC Chair in Glasgow which had resulted in videoconferencing being arranged in Aberdeen for their GMC workshop on “Ethical Issues in Caring for Children” on 23 March 2009. Members of the Research Ethics Committee had been invited also.
The intention is also to set up a simple website.
5 / CEC Training Day
Discussed under Item 4.2.
6 / Service Issue
The Committee agreed that the referred issue was not a matter for this Committee.
7 / Advance Directives (Living Will) Policy Update:(NHS Grampian policy and RCP guidelines)
Copies of the two documents were circulated with the agenda.
It was noted that the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) guidance on Advice Care Planning did not take into account the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and related only to England and Wales.
Discussion then took place on whether the NHS Grampian document should be updated. It was felt that the policy was clear and concise and very few patients had completed an Advanced Directive as applying for power of attorney was the more popular route. It was agreed that it should be reviewed adding reference to the RCP guidance.
Informed Consent Policy – Dr Stephenson reported that the “Informed Consent Policy for Clinical Procedures and Healthcare Interventions and Consent Form” had been sent out for consultation. Comments were required by 7 April 2009.
It was agreed that the document would be circulated to all CEC members for comment to direct. / All
8 / Items for Information:
8.1BBC Radio 4 Series – Inside the Ethics Committee
Members were asked to let the Chair know whether they considered any case worthy of discussion in the BBC Radio 4 series. / All
8.2Workshop: Ethical Issues in Caring for Children, Glasgow, 23 March 2009
Noted. Videoconferencing had been set up in Foresterhill House for members of the CEC who wanted to attend.
8.3Clinical Ethics Update
An article from the Journal of Medical Ethics entitled “The ‘four quadrants’ approach to clinical ethics case analysis: an application and review” was noted, copies having been circulated previously with the agenda.
9 / Other Competent Business
9.1Raising the Profile of the Committee
Dr Lynch agreed to draw up an article for inclusion in the GP Newsletter and RCGP Newsletter. / SL
9.2CEC Website
Members were reminded to let Rev Coutts have a photograph and autobiography for inclusion on the website.
9.3UK Clinical Ethics Network Conference
This had been arranged for 29 and 30 June 2009 in Oxford. Copies of the information would be sent to all members.
There was an opportunity to submit a poster for display at the Conference and members were asked to consider this. / RG
10 / Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 28 April 2009
11 / List of Dates of CEC Meetings in 2009
Noted as follows:-
28 April
26 May
23 June
1 September
13 October
10 November
8 December
All meetings arranged for 5.00 pm in the Committee Room, Foresterhill House.