ASQ Section 1120 LynchburgVA
Board Meeting
Tue 02-16-10, 5:45 PM - 7:00 PM
Ruby Tuesday’s (Wards Road) - LynchburgVA
Roy Fisher (BGF) - Section Chair
Randy Robinson (Delta Star) - Vice Chair, Audit Chair
Mike Suwala (BWXT) - Treasurer
Vicky Walker (BGF) - Membership Chair
Jason Moser (Graham Packaging) - Secretary/Historian
Meeting Beginning:5:45 PM
Meeting End:7:35 PM
Next Meeting:TBD
- 02-16-10 ASQ Board Meeting Agenda
- 01-12-10 ASQ Section 1120 Board Meeting Minutes
- ASQ Section 1120 Business Plan FY 2009-2010
- Focus of meeting agenda: Delta Star tour feedback, upcoming E-Week, web site changes/feedback, new programs, 2008-2009 FY report submissions
Approve Agenda/Minutes
- 01-12-10 Board Meeting Minutes approved by all leadership present
2008-2009 FY Report Submittals (Budget & Business Plan)
- ASQ reports that they have no record of submission of business plan/budget
- Jason provided evidence that business plan was submitted 10-01-08 by Randy, however no evidence could be found for submission of budget
- Randy/Mike to coordinate on future report submissions
- ACTION - Randy R./Mike S. to coordinate/send section 2008-2009 FY budget and obtain acknowledgement of receipt from ASQ
Membership Update
- Vickie informed that section membership is down (approx. 55 current members from 70 last year); three new members recently joined, including a former speaker from last year (Steve Easterbrook, presenter on Configuration Management)
- Roy will follow up with a welcome email or phone call to the new members in addition to Vickie
- Randy has located & suggested use of the “stress ball” ink pens as a promotional item for the section ( section agrees this is a great advertisement, Randy/Mike to coordinate on ordering a large quantity in different colors to distribute at events, etc.
- Section has cancelled/discontinued UREACH service and toll-free number that we were previously paying $9.99/month to use
- New section web site ( is functioning well, section is very pleased with it
- Randy has been posting meeting minutes as newsletters on site, later will add business plan, etc.
- ACTION - Randy R. to upload section business plan on new website
Delta Star Tour Review/Feedback
- Tour was a big success! High turnout (approximately 18 persons)
- Time; ran a bit longer than expected
- Visitors noted marked improvement in facility since last tour in 2008
- Big thanks to Kendall Jackson for a great program
Upcoming Engineer’s Week Dinner/Presentation
- Planned and promoted by section
- Topic: “Inspired by Nature and Beyond: A Glimpse at the Future of Robotics”
- Speaker: Dr. Dennis Hong, Director of Robotics &Mechanisms Laboratory at Virginia Tech
- Held Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 5:30-9:00 PM at The Holiday Inn Select, 601 Main St., Lynchburg, VA
Updated Business Plan
- Reviewed and updated business plan
- Section has met 50% of goal for programs; two remaining for the fiscal year
- Randy to upload business plan to Section web site
Upcoming Events
- Select next tour/talk event - narrow down to two possible choices
- Red Cross? Blood bank, lab, testing quality control
- MaierMuseum? Tour, art restoration
- Graham Packaging Company?
- “Show and Tell”, favorite quality tools
Review Actions, Set Next Meeting
- Next meeting TBD
Chapter 1120 Board Actions
Responsible / Action / New Item / On-Going Item / Closed/Cancelled Item
1 / BOARD / Continue to brainstorm & develop strategy on improving attendance / X
2 / Roy Fisher / Roy to check with ASQ to determine why he is not receiving notifications of ASQ Senior/Fellow promotions or certifications / X
3 / Randy Robinson/
Mike Suwala / Contact WLNI Talk Radio Lynchburg about an advert to help promote section or next event (Contact Info: 105.9 FM WLNI News/Talk – Lynchburg, PH: 845-3698 or 845-5463) / X
4 / Randy Robinson/
Mike Suwala / Order customized ink pens for ASQ Section 1120 as promotional items / X
5 / Roy Fisher / E-mail section membership to gauge current level of interest in serving as a section leader (elected or appointed) or as a committee participant / X
6 / Randy Robinson / Verify required budget submission date and correct as necessary on business plan / Closed
7 / Roy Fisher / Contact Chris Williams to cancel existing ASQ Section 1120 website / Closed
8 / Roy Fisher / Roy to call MaierMuseum to see about an evening tour / Closed
9 / Roy Fisher / Roy to contact Kim to see about a hospital tour or talk / X
10 / Roy Fisher / Roy to contact Red Cross or other local lab to see about a tour or talk about the processing of blood or other tests / X
11 / Roy Fisher / Roy to check with some restaurants to see about door prizes / X
12 / Roy Fisher / Roy to ask Melissa (911 call center) about a contact for a firehouse tour for the April/May timeframe / X
13 / Roy Fisher / Roy to update online ASQ Section 1120 officer list / Closed
14 / Mike Suwala / Mike S. to get 3 pairs of movie tickets / Closed
15 / Mike Suwala / Contact Chris W. to determine why Section 1120 is still being billed 9.99 a month from UREACH, call bank to halt monthly withdrawals/cancel if possible / Closed
16 / Vicky Walker / Vickie W. to bring raffle tickets / Closed
17 / Randy Robinson / Randy R. copy local safety community to invite / Closed
18 / Randy Robinson / Upload section business plan on new website / New
19 / Randy Robinson/
Mike Suwala / Coordinate/send section 2008-2009 FY budget and obtain acknowledgement of receipt from ASQ / New
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