CLERK. Sue Thomas. 1 Argal View, Treverva, Penryn, Cornwall. TR10 9BL. Tel 01326 340576 email
Notes taken at the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group meeting held 27th February 2017 at the New Community Hall, Ponsanooth.
The meeting started with an introduction from each person present, and a brief description of their time in the Parish.
There were ten members of the community, Cllr. Chris Daly from the Parish Council and a member of Cornwall Council Planning Dept., and Sarah Furley from Cornwall Councils Neighbourhood Planning Team.
The time for future meetings was discussed, it was felt that mornings were fine for the retired section of the community but not for the working section, other times slots were suggested and it was decided to see how things pan out as meetings get more regular.
It was agreed that a monthly meeting would be acceptable.
A register of names and email addresses was completed and given to Cllr. Daly.
Members were informed that a website would be set up which would carry all information and the notes taken at each meeting, information also to be added to social media, notice boards, and perhaps some paper copies at the Post Office.
It was agreed by all the Cllr. Daly should act as Chairman for these meetings.
It was suggested that the steering group should be flexible, usually to include a couple of Parish Council members to feed back both parties, but that the group itself should be run by residents of about 4/5 core members, with extended assistance from other residents/members. A more formal Terms of Reference including a reporting procedure will be agreed at the next meeting.( link to a suggested ToR previously circulated by Cllr. Daly by email.
There are numerous issues which will be raised but it will be clarified which come under the NDP umbrella.
The November, initial meeting, was revisited, explaining that the Parish Council had resolved to prepare a NDP and this was done in the relevant formal procedure. The first step was to define the area to cover within the NDP, which was the whole of the Parish using the Parish Boundary, within the Falmouth and Community Network area.
Each area has its own share of housing however the majority is within towns, the rural areas will have to do their bit and will be allocated an amount. This is where the NDP will guide where ‘our share’ can/cannot be put, and to some extent a yes or no scenario.
The NDP will shape future development it is a useful and powerful document, examples were given as to just how much influence a NDP can have.
The duration of a NDP is until approx 2030.
The question was raised, would student housing be included in the NDP and would that also be included in allocated share of housing provision.
The NDP will allow Parishes to say where student housing can or cannot go however it is not part of Cornwall Councils 5 year land supply,
i.e. you can say where you would wish student housing to go rather than have it imposed upon you.
The NDP will also cover business, commercial and retail.
There are grants available but the actual process is done by the community. Cllr. Daly offered to take on this task and seek further information.
An example of a development plan similar to St Gluvias is Lanreath.
It is noted that St Gluvias is also influenced by neighbouring Parishes and it is therefore advisable to work with these Parishes.
First stage is to find themes and issues to include in the initial questionnaire. The Community Plan produced by the Parish Council could assist with this, public views to be sought but Policies have to be realistic.
The steering group Mission Statement should be ‘ growth but on our terms’
The group was informed that future Planning Applications would have a levy on them and 25% of this levy comes back to the Parish Council for the community for those areas that have an NDP.
Cllr. Daly informed the meeting that future meetings would include experts and asked who would the group like to talk to;
South West Water and the Environment Agency together.
Gas Suppliers.
Landscape Protection.
Historic England
The pedestrian crossing in the village, was raised as a serious need.
Cllr Daly informed the meeting there is to be a meeting on Thursday 9th, all being well, in the morning and evening to discuss such a project, the Parish Council has kept this issue on the agenda for some time, things actually moving in the right direction now.
A railway halt was suggested, this was to be discussed further with Highways.
It was requested that members come back in a month with questions to be included in the initial questionnaire to hand round the Parish.
Cllr. Daly to do a timescale chart of key issues/milestones to assist everyone.
An explanation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan to be included in the Ponsanooth Post.
Cllr Daly thanked everyone for attending and the clerk for taking the notes.
Date of next meeting. To be confirmed.
The meeting closed at 12 noon.