Go Green Park Ridge March 2018 Members’ Meeting Minutes

Date / Time / Location
06 March 2018 / 7:00 pm / St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Facilitator: Amy Bartucci / Note Taker: Tracey Edsey
Amy Bartucci
Andrea Bochat
Erica Corcoran
Erin De Groot
Tracey Edsey
Cindy Grau
Margaret Holler
Rebecca Little
Elizabeth Ryles / Guests:
Discussion: Available Balance
Agenda: $522.03 GGPR agreed to donate $150 for the film fest. GGPR should receive another $157 for the film Wasted in April.
Agenda: One Earth Film Festival at Pickwick & St. Mary’s
Discussion: There was a good turn out for “Jane”. March 10, from 6-9pm, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church will host the One Earth Film Festival. Straws & Food for Thought Food for Life will be shown. Go Green volunteers will work in two hour shifts.
Agenda: Shibley Oaks
Discussion: Petitions will be submitted to the PRPD. GGPR encourages members to come and support this effort at Wohler’s Hall at Prospect Park @ 7pm March 15th.
Agenda: League of Women Voters hosting “So You Want to be a Candidate” 4/4/18 @ 7pm
Discussion: There will be a panel discussion on how to run a campaign for elected office April 4th @7pm at the Park Ridge Community Church. RSVP required. Please sign up on Eventbrite.
Discussion: Rain Barrel Mapping
Agenda: There may be software GG can use to map how many rain barrels and their locations in Park Ridge. Cindy will look into it.
Agenda: Changemakers
Discussion: Looking for changemakers. Please send in suggestions.
Agenda: PR Public Library is hosting the Film Wasted with GGPR April 24th @ 7pm
Discussion: Please get the word out.
Agenda: Earth Day April 21st @ the Park District
Discussion: There is a $10 table fee. Volunteers needed for the event. Looking for donations (ex. Reusable straws, water bottles).
Agenda: Farmers Market
Discussion: Volunteers needed. June 16th & July 21st 8:30-11:20 am.
Agenda: Maine East HS
Discussion: AP Environmental Science student group are doing a project on green infrastructure in PR. They want to develop an interactive map.
Agenda: Rain Barrels
Discussion: Chris Parsons has volunteered again to help consult and install rain barrels this season.
Agenda: Permits to Cut Down Trees in Park Ridge
Discussion: There was a discussion over adding ordinance language to fine contractors that cut down trees without a permit.
Agenda: Friends of the Chicago River Overflow Action Days
Discussion: “Overflow Action Days alert people that before, during, and after rain storms we need to reduce the amount of water that goes down our drains and the chance of combined sewer overflows.” People can sign up for alerts. You can also sign up for alerts from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Please delay using water during and 24 hours after a rain.
Agenda: NLC/DIst. 64
Discussion: Dist. 64 will aerate their own property.