It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.Albert Einstein
Course Syllabus
Algebra 2/Trig
MurphyHigh School
Fall Semester, 2010
Mrs. Leslie Whiston, Rm. 166
Text: Algebra 2 , Prentice Hall, 2004
Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for honors-level study in advanced mathematics, including circular and trigonometric functions. The use of a graphing calculator and real world applications will be integrated into this course. Topics covered will include the following:
1st Quarter -Algebra Review and Linear Systems
Quadratic Equations and Functions
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
(Chapters 1 – 6)
2nd Quarter -Radical Functions and Rational Exponents
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Rational Functions
Periodic Functions and Trigonometry
Trigonometric Identities and Equations
Probability and Statistics
(Chapters 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 12)
Course Requirements:
Daily work - Bring the following supplies with you each day:
1)Your textbook, 2) Notebook, 3) Calculator, 4) Pencil, 5) An inquiring mind
Homework -
Doing your homework consistently is essential in order to achieve success in math. We will be discussing homework on a daily basis and it is crucial in your understanding of the topics we will cover. Please attempt all problems, show your work, make corrections and ask questions. This is where learning takes place!! Homework will be graded in two ways: 1) at random, I will check homework assignments for effort and completeness during the quarter; 2) you will be given a notebook grade on your notes and homework each quarter. To receive homework credit, your problems must show your work.
Grading policies
Your grade average will be calculated on the following basis:
Test Category - 60%
Tests @ 100 points each
Projects @ 40 – 50 points each
WrittenCategory -40%
Quizzes @ 30-40 points each
Notebook @ 50 points each
Written Assignments @ 5-10 points each (Bell ringers, Homework, Exit Slips)
These two categories comprise 80% of your Quarter Average
Quarter Exams are worth 20% of your Quarter Average
Final Grade is the average of Qtr. 1 and Qtr. 2 grades.
Make-up Work
All make-up work must be completed within 3 days of absence. The only exception to this will be an extended illness documented by a doctor’s excuse.
List of Supplies
6” metric ruler
Colored pencils
LargeSpiral Notebook (3 – 5 Subjects) with pockets
Graph paper
TI-83 or TI-84 Calculator AND a scientific calculator with trig functions,
Let’s Have a Great and Successful Semester!!