St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

E-Crossings – August/September

Vacations with Jesus

Summer vacations come and go. People work hard eleven months out of the year to enjoy a few weeks of vacation from work, schedules, bills,and traffic jams. And, let’s not forget about our timesaving devices that actually complicate our lives with more things to monitor and service.

Finding balance in our lives is tied to being at peace with yourself and your Creator. One of the best ways to achieve this is to make sure that your inner reservoir is filled with nourishment that comes directly from God. A great way to refuel is to worship!

All humans participate in acts of worship. The gods of this age (appearances, possessions and ideologies) require constant attention. There is no letting up! To experience a renewal of soul and spirit you must worship the God who dispels weariness and provides relief from unceasing labor.

The God of creation supersedes all others with His insistence on rest, reflection and balance. Every seventh day God calls you to remember your origin, your fragility and your ultimate destiny.

Jesus invites you to take a vacation once a week (52 times a year)! Christ has already reserved the time and promises to be good company.

Dear All;

So it begins!

I first want to thank so many people who arrived at the Rectory on our move-in day to welcome me and Jack. Many hands unpacked my books, the kitchenware and sundries. Thank you Sandy for bringing awesome refreshments for the crew. Thank you to the cookie bringers, the blueberry sharers, and the flower bearers! As you can tell, I am still working on everybody’s names. Brownie points for those who keep wearing their name tags!

I am slowly making my way through the files of information on the people and history of St. Andrews and meeting with various heads of and ministry committees here. This is a wonderful parish with such skilled and faithful people! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing some of my history with you.

This first Sunday in August is the Feast of the Transfiguration. It happens every seven years that the Feast Day falls on a Sunday, which means that we read the scripture twice this year - once on the Sunday before Lent and again this week. What strikes me this time is sheer amazement at the manifestation of the presence of God on that high and holy mountain. This amazement and delight echoes in my discoveries here at St. Andrews and in Lewisburg as I feel the presence of God encouraging our work together.

Special dates to get on your calendar:

Sunday September 10th Breakfast Gathering at 9am between services.

Sunday October 15 – a blessed day with Bishop Audrey Scanlan’s Visitation to St. Andrews in

the morning at 10am, and my installation as your Rector at an Evensong service at 4pm.

Please keep your nametags on and reminding me of your names when we meet. Keep your prayers coming. Keep your eyes and hearts on the alert for the glimpses of God’s Kingdom around you.

And please, please enjoy the rest of the summer even as September approaches!

Blessings and Peace,



Highway Clean Up

Saturday, August 12, 9 AM

Note that this is a Saturday (to be more convenient for more folks?) and at 9:00 (to beat the heat). We'll meet at the parking lot near Big Lots along Hospital Drive. Even though it may be hot, it would be best to wear long pants and closed-toe shoes (there may be some poison ivy or sticky things along the way). Gloves, garbage bags, and orange vests will be provided. If you have any questions or if you plan on coming, please let me know so that I can contact you if it rains and plans change. Thanks! Janie. (570-898-3195 or ) (I think I've used up my yearly quota for parentheses in this message.)?

Youth Activities? Let's Plan on It!

It's time to gear up for another year of youth activity at St. Andrew's.

There will be a

Youth Group Planning Meeting

Sunday, August 13,

Following the 10:00 Liturgy

(Food included!)

This is open to all youth who will be in grades 6-12 this school year; all parents who want to help plan the year; and any other St. Andreans who wish to assist our youth in living out their faith. Mother Sarah will join us and wants to hear your ideas.

Meet in the church school rooms. (Follow your nose to the food.) We will divide into three activity areas (group building, church participation, service) and set up a calendar of events. We will finish by 1:00. ~~Sue Ellen Spotts

Family Game Night

August 20, 2017

Family Games Night will be Sunday, August 20th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Canterbury Room. We'll have a variety of games for all ages (or bring a favorite game of your own), so you don't even have to have kids to join in the fun. We'll also be making ice cream-in-a-bag, so mark your calendars for games and dessert on August 20th. See you there! If you have any questions, please contact Janie Coyne at 570-898-3195 or .

Vestry Retreat – Eagles Mere

Saturday, September 9

The vestry will hold its annual retreat in Eagles Mere. Please remember to pray for them as they seek to follow God’s guidance in all manners of the church.


“Welcome Back Breakfast”

Sunday, September 10 @ 9 AM

A breakfast is planned between the two services on September 10th to welcome everyone back from their summer activities and to celebrate the resumption of Sunday School and Choir activities. This will be an excellent opportunity to interact with Mother Sarah and Jack. We will be serving breakfast casseroles, fruit and some sweets – all you need to do is attend! Questions? Contact Judy Hontz at 570-568-0855 or at .

Church School Resumes

September 10. 2017

Church School will resume on Sunday, September 10. This year we will be learning about the heroes of the bible and how God calls us to be heroes, too. Looking forward to seeing everyone again! ~~Torri Stark

Episcopal Church Women

Claggett Center Retreat

3035 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, MD 21710

22nd Year Celebration

September 15th – 17th, 2017

“Sacred Ceremonies of Everyday Life: Exploring the Divine through Food, Song, Poetry, Nature and Meditation”

Presented by Reverend Rowena Gibbons

St. James Episcopal Church, Mansfield, PA

This retreat will explore the importance of ceremony in our everyday lives to root us in living out a gospel of love that seeks to do no less than transform the world. We will connect ceremony to a recovery of the sacred wonder of the cosmos and how this is expressed in Episcopal liturgy, hymns, Christian mystics and biblical texts. Participants will be encouraged to develop spiritual practices around food, body, song, word, mysticism, nature, and meditation.

The Rev. Rowena Gibbons has been the rector of St. James Episcopal Church since 2005. She is bi-vocational and has been practicing holistic health coaching since 2014. Rowena has particular interest in the healing and transformation of Christian communities through the recovery of the sacred, which is intrinsically holistic, and expressed through individual and communal practices.

Recommended reading: Participants are encouraged to chose a Christian mystic to study over the summer, and bring a sampling of the author's works to the retreat.

Lodging:All lodging will be in the Christiane Inn, which is a two story hotel featuring 60 guest rooms with queen size beds and private bathrooms in both single and double rooms. This facility is fully accessible, with centrally located microwaves and full size fridges on each floor as well as gathering space with fireplaces for socializing. All lodging will be on a first come, first served basis.

Register Online at:

If you have any additional questions, feel free to email retreat chairperson, Amy Swiernik, at

Open Table

Wednesday, September 27, 4:30-5:30 PM

Our Open Table dinners are held the last Wednesday of each month from 4:30-5:30 PM. We continue to have great turnouts of people who need a meal, or just want to have fellowship with others. Thank you to those who have provided food and blessing so many others with your gift.


Bishop Audrey Scanlon’sOfficial Visitation

Sunday, October 15. 10 AM

There will be just one morning service this day. We will combine the 8 AM & 10 AM service for Bishop Audrey’s visit. The vestry will meet with the Bishop at a time to be decided.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Audrey Scanlan is the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. She was elected to this position on March 14, 2015 and ordained and consecrated as the eleventh bishop of the diocese of Central Pennsylvania on Sept. 12, 2015 in Harrisburg.

Audrey comes to Pennsylvania from Connecticut where she served on diocesan staff as the Canon for Mission Collaboration and Congregational Life. Before that, Audrey was the Rector of two yoked congregations in central Connecticut and has also served two other local congregations in her ministerial life. She has a particular interest in congregational vitality, creative and adaptive use of church buildings, local mission and community engagement. Audrey is the co-founder of Rhythms of Grace, a worship and formation program for children with special needs, has co-authored three volumes of lesson plans and holds a doctorate in the Theology of Disability.

Audrey and her husband, Glenn, have been married for 31 years and are the parents of 3 adult children – Emma, William, and Harriet. Hiking cooking, running and playing the cello are among Audrey’s hobbies.

Evensong & Installation of Rector

Sunday, October 15, 4:00 PM

Reception follows

We are so blessed to have Mother Sarah Weedon as our new rector. We will have a celebration of her new ministry and installation by Bishop Audrey during the Evensong service. We wanted those in the convocation, diocese, and community to have the opportunity to attend.

St. Andrew’s is a welcoming, enthusiastic congregation with a great heart for hospitality -and Mother Sarah fits right in!

Save the date and join us in thanksgiving and celebration.


It is with the utmost joy I share with you the success of the 2017 Sock and Underwear Campaign -- We may have broken a record raising $1,195! Thank you for being "ALL IN" by supporting children in need in our community. The Clothes Sharing Program at the Eastern Union County Supplemental Food Bank knows they can continue to count on the generosity of the parishioners at St. Andrews. As you recall, Kim Boop and I are "retiring" from this outreach and are looking for someone to spearhead the effort in 2018. I can assure you it is a most rewarding project - please let us know if you are interested.

~~Very Gratefully,Amy Gronlund

Lunch Bunch

St. Andrew’s was the lead church in charge of packing and distributing lunch bags for the Summer Lunch Program. The program operates out of the Baptist Church and in concert with the Supplemental Food Bank to supply an extra bag of food for families to prepare lunches for children who would normally get meals at school during term time. St. Andreans has volunteered for this for a number of years now. Six volunteers packed 30 bags of food, funded through a grant via the Supplemental Food Bank, and distributed to 26 families who had signed up.

Many thanks to Susanne Murdza, Ann Reeves, LeAnn and Troy Williamson and Judy Wilson who all gave their time and energy to get this done.

~~Richard Wall for Outreach

Church School

The children wanted to lend a hand and support a local program this year. All school year long, the children donate their gifts for a worthy cause. They have chosen to send $250 to Haven Ministries in Sunbury. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. ~~Torri Stark


Lewisburg’s Rejoicing Spirits Ministry Update

Through the support and involvement of the Lewisburg Council of Churches and Ministerium, Lewisburg’s Rejoicing Spirits Ministry was launched in October, 2011. This worship service was created specifically for those with developmental delaysor on the autism spectrum, and welcomed all from the community.Worshipers have frequently spoken of their gratitude for the opportunity to worship in this setting. Since consistency is very helpful for this audience, one site was necessary. With the close proximity of the municipal parking lot and ramp entrance, St. Paul’s UM Churchwas chosen as the host church.

For more than 5 years, many congregations, pastors andcommunity groupshave become involvedby offering hospitality, music, the message and refreshments.Through the generosity of our community, every worship celebration has included a personal welcome for each one in attendance, an invitation to joyfully worship God and opportunities for relationships to develop. In addition, these years have included changes in both lay and clergy leadership, which led to several shifts of responsibilities. With the announcement of Pastor Judi Herrold's move this summer to a different community and ministry setting, once again others were asked to prayerfully consider joining the leadership team for this community ministry. To date, we are lacking the leadership to move into a new phase of Lewisburg's Rejoicing Spirits ministry in the coming fall. You too are invited to prayerfully consider your roll in the future of Lewisburg’s Rejoicing Spirits.

While Lewisburg’s Rejoicing Spirits has traditionally experienced a summer hiatus, the Selinsgrove Rejoicing Spirits ministry continues to meet monthly throughout the year. This service is hosted at the Church of the Nazarene and is held the 4th Sunday of each month at 6:30PM. All are welcome!


Sunday, October 8, 1:30 PM

The Lewisburg Area Council of Churches is in the process of working with Church World Services to plan our 40th Annual Crop Walk. In the past 40 years, the people of Lewisburg have raised more than $300,000 to fight world hunger. One quarter of the money raised each year is returned to our community to be shared among various food programs in Lewisburg. Last year we were able to share $3500.00 with the Supplemental Food Bank, Donald Heiter Center, Dinner By the River, and St. Andrew’s Open Table Dinner Program.

SAVE THE DATE! The Crop Walk this year will be held on the afternoon of Sunday, October 8. Registration will begin at 1:30, with the walk leaving St. Paul’s Methodist Church on 4th St. at 2:00. There will be a one mile route and a five mile route, both mapped out in the Downtown Lewisburg to Bucknell University area.

Organizational Meeting — On Tuesday, August 29th, 8:00 A.M. we will be meeting for breakfast at Mason’s restaurant in Lewisburg. Patrick Walker, Director of Church World Services, will be with us to distribute registration materials, publicity posters, collection envelopes, etc.. Anyone interested is invited to attend.


We are desperately in need of a director for the Clothes Sharing Program. In conjunction with the Supplemental Food Program, The Clothes Sharing Program offers free clothing to the clients of the program on the first and third Friday of every month. We have also provided new underwear to school age children every fall, and a gift of new pajamas and hooded sweatshirts to all children at Christmas.

Keeping the program running requires about 4 hours of time weekly. Clothing donations are dropped off at First Baptist Church, and are sorted by volunteers. We are so grateful for the good quality of our donations. Having visited several thrift shops in the area, we know that the items we offer are of excellent quality — all at no cost to our clients.

Our current director is experiencing some life style changes and is in need of assistance to continue the program. If you have questions please contactLisa Bernard at 570-522-5043, or Gayle Pepper ,



Friday, December 1st, 2017

On Friday, December 1, the Lewisburg Downtown Partnership will be hosting their annual Miracle on Market Street, with stores remaining open until midnight and snacks and entertainment being provided along the way.

Recognizing that the churches are an integral part of Lewisburg, the Partnership is working on a plan to include some activity — probably,but not necessarily, musical — at the downtown churches on that Friday evening.

Any representative from your church that will be willing and able to arrange an event for December 1, should attend the meeting at Pronto on August 10.

In Memoryof

Marianne Edgerton

Marianne's Story

Marianne Simonson Edgerton, of Branford, Conn., formerly of Lewisburg, Pa., passed away peacefully on July 27, 2017.

She was born on Feb. 11, 1924, in Sweden. She was educated in Sweden and attended the University of Stockholm.

When she came to the United States, Marianne initially worked for Robert Oppenheimer at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, NJ. In Lewisburg, she worked as a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Penn One Real Estate. After her retirement, she volunteered at the Packwood House Museum and the Susquehanna Valley Visitor's Bureau.

She was an active member of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Lewisburg, serving as a member of the vestry, Sunday school teacher, and altar guild member.

Marianne was an avid traveler and enjoyed reading, tennis, and bridge as well as socializing often with her many friends. She was incredibly proud of her family and always enjoyed sharing their accomplishments with friends and acquaintances.