Burnt Tree Primary School

Head Teacher: Mrs. J Evans Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs. J Bayliss

May 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can’t believe that it is the end of half term already; the weeks have passed by very quickly! Our children have been working very hard and I am very proud of how wonderful their books look. In particular I would like to say thank you to all of the pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 who put in extra special effort in the SATs tests.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending their child to school in with a capand a water bottle. We hope that the warm weather will continue after the holiday and would encourage parents to apply sun cream to their child before they come to school. We are also happy for pupils to bring in sun cream which they can then apply themselves.

School uniform

Thank you to everyone who sends their child to school in their uniform. Can I politely remind everyone that children should be wearing black or grey trousers or skirts; white or blue polo shirts and a blue or grey cardigan or jumper. During the warmer weather children may wear grey or black shorts or blue school dresses. Children should not wear open toed sandals or flip flops.

Family Picnic

This will be held on Friday 30th June and we hope that you will be able to attend. As usual we expect to have bouncy castles, donkeys and an entertainer. Year 6 pupils will be selling cakes and running an ice cream parlour!


Thank you to everyone who has supported our attendance focus week. Currently our attendance is 95.6% our target is 97%the government labels any pupils with less than 90% attendance aspersistently absent. We will be holding our first attendance panel meetings for parents of pupilswith an attendance of below 90% after Whit week. If you receive an appointment but can’t make the time given please contact me directly tomake an alternativeappointment. We will then be able to tell the Attendance and Prosecution servicethat you are engaging with the school to improve your child’s attendance.

Reception Parents and Carers

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers of pupils in Reception at our ‘Get ready for Year 1’ sessions. Thank you to those of you who have already signed up. Please see Miss Wakeman if you would like more information.

If you have any ideas for additional support we could provide to help you to support your child at home please come and let us know. We would be very happy to run classes on any area of the curriculum at any key stage.

E-Safety for Parents and Carers

On Friday 14th July at 9am we will be running an information session for parents and carers about

E-Safety and what you can do to help your child stay safe online. This will be held in the school hall. If you are unable to make this session but would like further information please see Miss Hine as she may be able to organise an additional session.

Nursery places

If your child is due to start Nursery in September and you haven’t registered for a place yet please come and see us ASAP. We do have a small number of sessions available.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable break and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 5th June.

Kind regards

Mrs Evans