PTO Updates
April 2015
It’s BINGO time! Bingo will be held April 15, 2016. Games will begin at 7:00 pm, but doors will open earlier. Delicious food will be available for purchase from the BBQ Equipment Store and Carry Out in Hampstead. Doors Open at 5:45, Games begin at 7:00. THIS EVENT SELLS OUT!
Some of the great BINGO prizes include:–
- Tickled Pink- Nora Flemming Bread Tray with Butterfly decoration
- Sidetracked - Scarf $38 value
- Green Turtle - Turtle bucks, T-shirt, Bottle opener and magnet
- Stella and Dot (Monica Mutschler) - Leather Tote bag $138 value filled
- Filled 31 bags and totes
- Learn to ski package for two at Liberty Mountain Resort
- Tickets to the Maryland Science Center
- Tickets to Geppi’s entertainment museum
- Signed Ravens photo
- Computer printer (Chris Miller)
- Fourth of July theme basket, including American Flag
- Book-themed basket (Mary Carrier)
- Handmade Shiloh block decorations (Becky Wohlschlegel)
Thank you to all the teachers and families that donated to make this an awesome event!
Consider volunteering with us! We like to divide tasks so no one person is overwhelmed. It is a great, fun way to meet people, get to know students and staff and benefit Shiloh. Contact our volunteer coordinator or our Fundraising chair, Bonnie Kapinos
PTO Elections – May 9
Treasurer and 2ndVP are available for the 2016-18 school
year. Multiple volunteer positions are also available. We’d love to have you!! Here is an EASY sign-up form for you with more information, no sign-in needed: PTO Volunteer Positions Fall 2016
Your donations - We contributed to the cost of the “I Am Malala” readingprogram, as part of the One Book, One School reading initiative.By April 22nd, you and your family should be through chapter 33 of thebook and finished by the end of the first week of May.
We purchased 15 e-readers as a trial program for 6th grade students. We purchased 20 “docking stations” for teachers, which enables them to easily transition laptop accessories or AV equipment with multiple inputs and plugs, saving valuable time (and frustration!) in the classroom.
- Bingo April 15
- Skating at Sportsman’s Hall, Tuesday, April 26, 11-3 (It’s Primary Elecation day – no school!). Tickets at the door, $7 admission, $3 skate rental.
Thank youto some of our great volunteers: Mary Francis Vacca, Charlene Zito, Kirsten Prell, Helen Jones, Char D’Agati, Rose Kendig,Marriah and Rob Barnett, Heather Segar and NedraSirbaugh.
Thank youto the businesses that support our community:
Greenmount Stationdonated a portion of sales from the fundraiser night, totaling $75.
Shiloh Middle School
Spring Bingo Fling
Friday, April 15, 2016
Doors open at 5:45 p.m.
Bingo starts at 7:00 p.m.
Mark your calendars! Reserve your seat! This is always a sell-out!
A Fun Evening with Family and Friends!
Prizes from Vera Bradley, Thirty One, Jamberry Nails,
Greenmount Station, Genovas, other local businesses, and more,
Door Prizes and Raffles!
Great Food, Beverages and Treats for Sale!
Tickets - $12 in advance/ $15 at the door
Includes 20 regular bingo games
Contact Kirstin Prell for ticket information/questions:
Contact Bonnie for more info about donations: 410-374-2842
Tear off and return to the office attn: PTO BINGO
Ticket Request
Student name: ______
Grade/Teacher: ______
# tickets ______x $12 = ______amount enclosed
Be a Sponsor – Levels: Blue $25, White $50+ , Silver $100+
Name: ______
Your contact info: ______
Donate a door prize, or volunteer during the event
Your contact info: ______
While the Shiloh PTO is completely non-partisan, we urge you to be involved in your community’s government, as it impacts our children and their future. There is an election this year for Boar of Education positions. Only ¼ of Carroll County households have children of school age, soyour voice matters!!
MD State Board of Elections – Board of education information
The Shiloh area Carroll County Commissioner is Richard Weaver
Something on your mind? Email the Board of Education
Stream the Board of Ed Meetings
Have a concern about the schools? Bring it to the attention of your The Community Advisory Council (CAC) representative, who will bring it to the Board of Education at a monthly forum for public concerns, advice, and communication to and from the Board.
Coke Rewards
Please send us in your Coke rewards! Codes are printed on bottle caps and packaging of all Coca Cola products. We have volunteers who enter them into the Coke Rewards website, where they are translated into $$ and other prizes.
Thank you to Andrea Burch, Kimberly Letnauchyn, Tracy Bowman, and Helen Jonesfor entering our Coke Codes!
Boy Scout Troop 1750 makes new BoxTops drop box for Shiloh!
Maybe you’ve heard it before – “Cut out and send in your BoxTops.” What good could it do, right? Well, would you believe that we bring in HUNDREDS of dollars from collecting BoxTops? It really does make a difference.
Other Ways to Help
- igive coupon codes are available on the site.
- Register your Giant card with Shiloh
- The Target REDcardprogram will be ending May 14, 2016
If you missed the PTO Open HouseApril 11, 6:30 pm, next year’s board will be seeking a treasurer, and a second VP. so please let us know if this is something that interests you! All are welcome to attend business meeting.PTO Volunteer Positions Fall 2016
Thank you!
Christina McGann
Shiloh PTO President
Check out our Shiloh PTO website
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