1. Personal Jurisdiction
  2. Federal Ct must have PJ
  3. See state PJ outline
  4. Subject Matter Jurisdiction
  5. Basic Idea
  6. Must have EITHER
  7. diversity of citizenship, or
  8. federal question
  9. Diversity of Citizenship
  10. Two req’s
  11. Btw citizens of different states (or btw citizen of state and alien), AND
  12. Amount in controversy > $75K (not equal to)
  13. Who are citizens of different states
  14. complete diversity rule – there is no diversity of citizenship jurisdiction if ANY plaintiff is a citizen of the same state as ANY defendant
  15. citizenship determined by
  16. human = state of domicile (can only have one) at time case is filed (subs change is irrelevant)
  17. actual physical presence in state, AND
  18. intent to make it his permanent home
  19. corp’s = citizenship (not domicile) (can have more than one)
  20. all states where incorporated, AND
  21. the one state where it has its princ place of business
  22. HQ, or
  23. Where it does more production/services than anywhere else
  24. Unincorp associations (partnerships, LLC)
  25. the citizenship of ALL members (partners)
  26. c/b all 50 states
  27. Decedents, Minors, Incompetents
  28. look to THEIR citizenship, not their rep’s
  29. Amount in controversy (> $75K)
  30. plaintiff’s good faith claim is sufficient proof UNLESS “clear to legal certainty” that she is full of shit
  31. if P ultimately recvs less than $75K is irrelevant
  32. aggregation – adding together two or more claims to meet the amount in controv
  33. yes – if one P and one D only (any more of either and it’s NO)
  34. yes – P sues joint tortfeasors (b/c any one of them c/b liable for the entire claim)
  35. equitable relief (how to put a price on an injunction?)
  36. P’s viewpoint – decrease in value to P >$75K?
  37. D’s viewpoint – would it cost D more than $75K to comply w/ injunction
  38. collusion – attempt to pull a fast one on the fed ct by assigning a claim to another P in order to get into fed ct (feds say “GFY”)
  39. exclusion – no family law issues or estate probates in fed cts (leave that bullshit to the state)
  40. Federal Question jurisdiction
  41. Complaint must show a right or interest founded substantially on federal law – “arises under”
  42. CAUTION: look out for reference to a fed law (red herring) BUT claim does not arise under that law
  43. Bullshit trick to get you to think there is FQ when the claim arises under a state law
  44. For EVERY claim joined in fed ct, ALWAYS ask whether it invokes diversity or FQ
  45. Supplemental jurisdiction
  46. Allows fed ct to hear additional claims over which there is no diversity or FQ juris
  47. “The Test”
  48. claim must share a “common nucleus of operative facts” w/ the claim that invoked subj matter juris = same T/O as underlying claim
  49. does NOT work for claims by P only in diversity cases
  53. can use supp jur to overcome either a lack of complete div or amount in controv in ANY case for claims by ANYBODY BUT THE P
  54. MEMORY – a non-fed, non-div claim can be heard in fed ct if it meets “the test” UNLESS it is
  55. asserted by P
  56. in a div case, and
  57. would violate complete div
  58. Removal
  59. Allows DEF (only) to have case filed in state court removed (transferred) to fed ct
  60. one-way street – goes only from state to fed ct
  61. if removal was improper, remanded back to state ct
  62. What cases?
  63. if the case c/b heard in fed ct (FQ or Div)
  64. Where?
  65. only be moved to fed dist embracing st ct in which case was originally filed
  66. When?
  67. 30 days after service of the first removable document – usually 30 days after initial service of process
  68. ALL D’s must agree to remove
  69. A counterclaiming P in st ct cannot remove (“real” D’s only)
  70. EXCEPTION: NO removal if D is a citizen of the of the forum in div cases (does not apply in FQ)
  71. So, if P (PA) sued D(MA) in Mass st ct, D cannot remove b/c he is a res of the forum (Ma) – that sucks!
  72. In div case, no removal more than one year after the case was filed in st ct
  73. Procedure for removal
  74. file in fed ct
  75. then file copy in st ct
  76. P must move to remand as improper w/in 30 days (unless no F SMJ, then P can move anytime)
  77. Erie Doctrine
  78. In div cases, fed ct must apply state substantive law
  79. clearly substantive
  80. elements of claim or defense, SOL, rules tolling SOL, choice of law
  81. if not clear
  82. is there a fed law (FRCP, FRE, fed const or statute) = Supr Cl
  83. if no (a) on point,
  84. if state law outcome determ, use state law
  85. if fed ignores state law, will encourage forum shop – if so, use state law
  86. Venue
  87. Once SMJ gets parties into fed ct, venue determines which fed ct
  88. RECALL – removal cases go to fed ct embracing state ct where orig filed
  89. Local actions – ownership, possession or injury to LAND in dist where land situs
  90. If not local, two choices
  91. P may lay venue in “any dist where”
  92. all D’s reside, or
  93. if all D’s reside in different dist’s of the same state, P may lay venue in the dist where any of them reside
  94. subst part of the claim arose
  95. “Reside” for venue purp’s
  96. humans – residence = domicile
  97. corp’s – reside in all dist where it is subject to PERS juris (could be every state if it does business in every state)
  98. Transfer of venue – sending a case from one fed dist to another
  99. Can only be xfrd to a dist where case could have been filed (proper venue and PJ)
  100. When proper dist’s, ct may transfer “based upon convenience for the parties and w’s and the interests of justice”
  101. The transferee ct applies the CHOICE OF LAW RULES OF THE ORIG CT
  102. Forum Non Conveniens
  103. When transfer is impossible (b/c diff judicial system), ct may dismiss to let P sue D is appropriate ct system
  104. Service of Process
  105. Notice = Process = deliver to D w/in 120 days of filing case
  106. Summons
  107. Complaint
  108. Who may serve – any nonparty at least 18 years old
  109. Personal service – anywhere in forum state
  110. Substituted service
  111. D’s usual place of abode (summer home in the summer is okay), and
  112. serve someone of suitable age and discretion who RESIDES in the D’s usual abode (butler is okay, babysitter is not)
  113. on D’s agent – as long as w/in scope of agency
  114. State law – fed ct may use methods of service permitted by state law of the state where fed ct sits or where service is effected
  115. Waiver by Mail – okay if
  116. first class mail, and
  117. D returns waiver form w/in 30 days
  118. If D does not return waiver form
  119. Must personal or subst serve him AND req him to pay the added cost (since the asshole refused to waive by mail)
  120. Geographic limitation
  121. Process in another state okay if forum state law allows (long-arm statute)
  122. Exception
  123. bulge rule – absentee joined as nec party or for impleader may be served outside forum state but only w/in 100 miles of fed ct (not avail to serve process on orig D)
  124. statutory interpleader
  125. Immunity from Service
  126. D cannot be served while instate to be a W or party in another civil case
  127. Other case papers
  128. Above rules are for service of process (get your ass into ct paper)
  129. All other cases docs can be delivered to party’s atty (by mail + 3 days for delivery)
  130. Pleadings
  131. Fed rules req’ NOTICE pleading – need only convey enough of one’s contentions to put others on notice and to allow a meaningful response
  132. Rule 11 req’s attys to sign and acknowledge that all the shit in the pleadings is legit
  133. sanctions are to DETER not PUNISH
  134. motion for Rule 11 viol is served on other atty but NOT filed
  135. opp atty has 21 days to get her act together
  136. if not, then you file w/ ct
  137. Complaint
  138. Filing commences action
  139. Req’s
  140. statement of SMJ
  141. short and plain statement of claim showing entitlement to relief
  142. demand for judgment
  143. * special matters that must be pleaded w/ particularity
  144. fraud, mistake, and special damages
  145. D’s Response
  146. Rule 12 req’s response w/in 20 days by
  147. motion (not pleadings), or
  148. answer (is a pleading)
  149. Motion (Rule 12) – request for ct order
  150. Issues of form
  151. 12(e) motion for more definite statement
  152. 12(f) motion to strike – immaterial (bullshit)
  153. Rule 12(b) defenses (either by motion or answer)
  154. 12(b)(1) lack of SMJ
  155. 12(b)(2) lack of PJ – raise or waive
  156. 12(b)(3) improper venue – raise or waive
  157. 12(b)(4) insuf of process (prob w/ papers) – raise or waive
  158. 12(b)(5) insuf serv of process – raise or waiver
  159. 12(b)(6) failure to state a claim – raise any time
  160. 12(b)(7) failure to join indispensable party – raise any time
  161. The Answer
  162. Timing
  163. If D makes no motions, serve w/in 20 days after service of process
  164. If D makes motion and denied, w/in 10 days after ct ruling on her motion
  165. What does D do in the answer?
  166. Respond to allegations of complaint
  167. Admit
  168. Deny
  169. failure to deny = admission
  170. Lack suff info to admit or deny (= denial)
  171. Raise affirm def’s
  172. Even if I did all the shit you allege I did, P still cannot win
  173. SOL, SOF, res judicata, self-defense
  174. Plead you AD’s or waive them = bye, bye
  175. Counterclaim (offensive claim against OPPOSING party)
  176. Filed w/ D’s answer
  177. Types
  178. compulsory – arise from same T/O as P’s case
  179. raise or waive
  180. permissive – does not arise from same T/O as P’s case
  181. may be brought later if not raised
  182. IF counterclaim is procedurally okay, it still MUST have SMJ (diversity,FQ)
  183. If not, it will probably invoke suppl juris UNLESS claim by P or trying to use suppl juris to overcome diversity
  184. will overcome lack of amount in controv b/c that is not the same as overcoming diversity
  185. Cross-claim (offensive claim against CO-PARTY)
  186. MUST arise from same T/O
  187. NOT compulsory
  188. Amending Pleadings
  189. Right to amend
  190. P – once before D serves answer
  191. D – once w/in 20 days of serving his answer
  192. If no right to amend, seek leave of ct and it will be granted if “justice so req’s”
  193. Variance – when evid at trial does not match the pleadings (oops!)
  194. w/ no objection, may amend
  195. w/ objection, new evid that was not contained in pleadings is INADMIS (malpractice)
  196. Relation Back (after SOL has run)
  197. amended pleadings “relate back” if they concern the same conduct, T/O as the orig pleadings
  198. in other words, you treat the amendment as though it was filed w/ original pleadings and AVOID the SOL problem
  199. Joinder of Parties
  200. Proper Ps and Ds may be joined
  201. Arise from same T/O, and
  202. Raise at least one common problem (negligence of D common to all P’s claims)
  203. MUST assess SMJ
  204. Necessary and Indispensable parties
  205. Absentee is forced to join the case b/c he is necessary
  206. IS necessary
  207. W/o A, ct cannot accord complete relief
  208. A’s interest might be harmed if he is not joined
  209. A claims an interest which subjects a party (usually D) to multiple oblig’s
  210. NOT necessary
  211. Joint tortfeasors
  212. Can A be joined – “feasible?”
  213. there is PJ over A
  214. joing A will NOT make it impossible to maintain divers
  215. If A cannot be joined, ct must choose
  216. proceed w/o him
  217. dismiss the whole case
  218. Impleader
  219. Defending party (ONLY) wants to bring in a new third-party def (TPD) for one reason – TPD may owe indemnity or contribution to D on underlying claim
  220. right to implead w/in 10 days of serving answer
  221. afterwards, need ct’s perm
  222. SMJ
  223. be careful to analyze SMJ relationship btw P and TPD
  224. TPD could probably sue P even if no diversity b/c supp juris does not bar D
  225. However, P might not be able to sue TPD if no diversity b/c suppl juris will not help P overcome divers problem
  226. Intervention
  227. Absentee WANTS to join suit
  228. Chooses to come in either as P or D
  229. Ct may realign
  230. Types
  231. intervention of right – A’s interest may be harmed if she is not joined and her interest is not adequately represented w/o her
  232. permissive intervention – A’s claim or defense and the pending case have at least one common question
  233. if a diversity case and the P intervenor is not diverse, NO suppl juris to save her ass – she is not coming in
  234. Interpleader
  235. Prop holder forces all potential claimants into a single lawsuit to avoid multiple litigation and inconsistency
  236. ex. Bank holding estate funds calls all potential takers into action so Bank can dispose of prop once and for all and w/o being responsible for screwing it up
  237. Class Action
  238. Req’s
  239. numerosity – too many members for joinder
  240. commonality
  241. typicality – rep’s claims/def’s typical of the class
  242. adequate representation – rep will fairly and adequately rep class
  243. must file as one of three types
  244. “prejudice” – necessary to avoid harm either to class members or party opposing
  245. ex. Indiv suits would deplete the fund leaving nothing for other members
  246. “injunction or decl judg”
  247. employment discrim
  248. “damages” (typical)
  249. common questions predominate over individ questions, and
  250. class action is superior method to handle dispute
  251. bus load of passengers
  252. Ct must make individ notice to all reasonably identifiable members telling them
  253. They may opt out
  254. They will bound if they do not opt out
  255. They can separate and appear w/ their own atty
  256. The class rep pays for notice
  257. Ct must notice AGAIN when settlement proposed
  258. ct decides whether to “certify” the case
  259. if so, ct must define the class and appoint counsel
  260. diversity
  261. for determining class’ citizenship and amount in controversy, look ONLY to reps and NOT other members
  262. Discovery
  263. Req’d disclosure
  264. Initial disclosures (w/in 14 days of 26(f) conference)
  265. id persons and docs “likely to have discoverable info that the discl party may use to support its claims or def’s”
  266. computation of damages
  267. insurance for any judgment
  268. Experts
  269. id any that might be used at trial
  270. produce written report containing opinions, data used, qualifications, compensation for study
  271. Pretrial (NLT 30 days before trial)
  272. detailed info about trial evidence
  273. incl docs and id of w’s to testify live or by deposition
  274. Discovery Tools (may not be used until after 26(f) conf
  275. Deposition
  276. party or non-party
  277. non-party w/ subpoena
  278. duces tecum if you want non-party to bring doc’s with her
  279. no more than 10 depos w/ ct approval
  280. Interrogatories
  281. party only
  282. answer w/in 30 days
  283. Request to produce
  284. party or non-party (w/ subpoena)
  285. respond w/in 30 days
  286. Physical or mental examination
  287. party only
  288. ONLY w/ ct order
  289. Request for admission
  290. party only
  291. to admit truth of any discoverable matter
  292. respond w/in 30 days
  293. Rule 11 applies
  294. Duty to supplement
  295. Scope of Disc
  296. Standard – anything relevant to a claim or defense IN pleadings
  297. narrower to anything relevant to claim or defense
  298. does NOT have to be admissible at trial to be discoverable
  299. privileged matter NOT discoverable
  300. work product (made in prep of litigation) – generally protected from discovery
  301. exception
  302. subst need, and
  303. not otherwise avail
  304. Pretrial Adjudication
  305. Voluntary Dismissal
  306. P may vol dismiss ONCE w/o prej before D serves answer
  307. P cannot dismiss once in one ct and again in another – ONCE overall w/o prej
  308. Default and Default Judgment
  309. Default is ministerial only – cannot collect w/o default judgment
  310. Default judgment (issued by ct not clerk)
  311. D has made no reponse at all
  312. P’s claim is for a sum certain (cannot recover more than asked for in complaint)
  313. P gives affidavit that the sum is owed
  314. D is not a minor or incomp
  315. D can move to set aside def judg w/ good cause and valid defense
  316. Failure to state a claim (12(b)(6))
  317. D moves
  318. Tests ONLY the suff of P’s allegations on the face of complaint only (no evidence)
  319. Standard – ct assumes all allegations are true and asks “if P proved all she alleged, would she win”
  320. Called “motion for judgment on the pleadings” if made after D answered
  321. Summary Judgment
  322. Moving party must show
  323. there is no genuine dispute as to material issue of fact
  324. that she is entitled to judgment as a matter of law
  325. ct views evidence in light most favorable to nonmoving party
  326. weed out cases that do not need a trial (no factual dispute)
  327. commonly refer to affidavits
  328. Conferences and Meetings
  329. Rule 26(f) Conf
  330. 21 days before scheduling conference
  331. parties discuss claims, def’s, and settlement
  332. w/in 14 days, deliver discovery plan to ct
  333. Pretrial Conferences
  334. Final pretrial conf determines issues to be tried and evid to be presented
  335. Final pretrial order is it – no surprises at trial!
  336. Trial, Judgment and Post-Trial Motions
  337. Jury Trial
  338. Right to jury trial in fed ct – 7th Amend
  339. Jury on law issues – not equity
  340. M/b demanded in writing w/in 10 days after service of the last pleading raising jury triable issues
  341. Each side gets unlimited strikes for cause and 3 perempts
  342. Motion for judgment as a matter of law (old “directed verdict”)
  343. takes case away from jury
  344. brought after other side has been heard
  345. def can move twice
  346. at close of P’s case
  347. at close of all evidence
  348. standard – reasonable people could not disagree on the result
  349. Renewed MJML (old “judgment not withstanding the verdict”)
  350. move w/in 10 days of entry of judgment
  351. after verdict, losing party says jury verdict is unreasonably bullshit
  352. if moving party did NOT make MJML at the close of all evidence, he cannot make a renewed motion (hence why it is called “renewed”)
  353. Motion for a new trial
  354. Judgment entered but there were errors w/ trial that require a new trial
  355. prejudicial error makes judgment unfair (wrong jury instructions, evidentiary ruling)
  356. new evid that could not have been obtained w/ due diligence
  357. prej misconduct by party or atty or juror
  358. judgment is against the weight of evid
  359. Move w/in 10 days after judgment
  360. Motion to set aside the judgment
  361. Appeal
  362. Final Judgment Rule
  363. Can only appeal from a final judgment
  364. ultimate decision from trial ct on the merits
  365. grant motion for new trial NOT final judgment
  366. denial of motion for sum judg NOT final judg
  367. denial of motion for new trial = final
  368. denial or grant motion to remand to st ct NOT final judg
  369. grant or deny motion for judg as a matter of law = final
  370. notice filed w/ TRIAL Ct
  371. w/in 30 days after entry of final judgment
  372. Interlocutory (non-final review
  373. Appealable even though not final judgment
  374. Reviewable as of right
  375. injunctions
  376. receivers
  377. affecting property possession
  378. 11 Amendment
  379. bars fed cts from hearing damage claims against a state unless state waives immunity
  380. okay to sue indiv state actors for equit relief (governor for injunction)