Leaf Collection

1.  Collect at least 24 leaves of different species of trees using your field guide.

2.  Present in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation, and Animoto video (www.animoto.com), or on a poster board or in a photo album (hard copy).

3.  Photos of leaves must contain an ID tag (just a simple piece of paper with your name or initials on it) to prove you are the one taking the picture and not something you found on google images.

4.  Leaves must be described!! Venation, Shape, Margin, Date, Time, and Location.

5.  Jumpdrive! If you do a PowerPoint or an Animoto video you must Jumpdrive the file for me to copy

6.  Collections are due Monday, May 4th, 2015

7.  Helpful websites to help identify leaves:

  1. http://www.cas.vanderbilt.edu/bioimages/tree-key/tree-key.htm
  2. http://www.arborday.org/trees/whattree/WhatTree.cfm?ItemID=E6A

Leaf Collection Grading Rubric / Final Grade______
25 / 20 / 15 / 5 / Points Received
Leaf samples (number and quality) / 24 or more species of tree leaves / 18-24 species of tree leaves / 10-18 species of tree leaves / 10 or fewer species of tree leaves
Can be a Keynote, Animoto Video, Poster Board or Photo Album. / Well organized. All leaves are complete and excellent examples of the species. There is an ID tag in the photo. / Well organized. 18-24 leaves are complete and excellent examples of the species. There is an ID tag in the photo / Organized. 10-18 leaves are complete – others are torn or have holes. There is an ID tag in the photo. / Not well organized. 10 or fewer leaves are complete – lots of leaves with holes or tears. ID tag not clearly visible or not present.
Discription Tags
shape, margins, venation, date, time and location collected / All samples have shape, margins, venation, date, time and location collected / Most samples (18-24) have shape, margins, venation, date, time and location collected / 10-18 leaves identified have shape, margins, venation, date, time and location collected / Several identification errors; inaccurate information provided