
It is expressly agreed that use of the Dan Ramras Community Tennis Court facilities shall be undertaken by a participant or guest at his or her sole risk, and that FTA shall not be liable for any injuries or any damage to any participant or guest, or the property of any participant or guest; or be subject to any claim, demand, injury or damage whatsoever, including, without any limitation, those damages resulting in acts of passive or active negligence on the part of the FTA, its officers or agents. The participant for him or herself and on behalf of his or her executor, administrators, heirs, assignees and successors does hereby expressly forever release and discharge FTA, its officers, employees, agents, assignees, and successors from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of actions. FTA shall not be responsible or liable to the participant or their guest for articles damaged, lost or stolen in or about the courts, or for loss or damage to any property including, but not limited to, automobiles and the contents thereof.

Player Signature: ______Date: ______

Name of Parent/Guardian: ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______

Entry Fee: $15 each daily tournament.

Circle DaysMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Total Paid: ______Check #: ______/ Cash

Checks payable to FTA

Credit Card Type: ______Number:.______

Name on card: ______Exp: ______

CVC Code: ______Billing Zip Code: ______

Entries can be completed online at fairbankstennis.com, turned into coaches at the courts or mailed to FTA, PO BOX 73993, Fairbanks, AK 99707

Fairbanks Tennis Association

2018Compass Tournament

June 4- June 8


Singles/Doubles, Ages 12-18

Dan Ramras Community Tennis Courts

(Behind Mary Siah Rec. Center, 1025 14th Ave., Fairbanks, AK)

Monday thru Friday

(Every day a new tournament)

Exciting NEW tournament format

Fun, low-stress competition

Great for players of all skill levels

No one gets eliminated

Everyone plays 4 matches

Matches last 20 minutes each

Each tournament completed in 3-hours

June 4 Monday 1pm-4pm$15

June 5 Tuesday 1pm-4pm $15

June 6 Wednesday1pm-4pm $15

June 7 Thursday 1pm-4pm $15

June 8 Friday 1pm-4pm $15

Daily Check-In is 12:30pm.

Matches start at exactly 1:00pm.

Tournament is based on 8 or 16 players/teams.

Registration is first come first serve.

Tournament Information: (907) 455-4301

Please sign the waiver!

Entries forms can be turned into Operations manager or the coaches at the court or mailed to FTA, PO BOX 73993, Fairbanks, AK 99707